Thursday, 2 April 2020

Calling ALL Monash SCS students! Hudson Institute Student Society, HISS 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) slide presentation

Please note, the 2020 HISS AGM, which was scheduled on Friday 27th March, was cancelled until further notice and we are hoping to hold this later in the year. The HISS AGM is an opportunity for current Monash SCS and Hudson students to come together, welcome new students and introduce them to the life of a research student.

Despite the fact that we are unable to entice your interest through free food, and enlighten you on all the wonderful things HISS has achieved in the last year, we want to try and keep the committee running as 'normal' as possible.

Who is HISS? What do we do? Why is this important? And How can you get involved? Take a moment to learn about the exciting, fun and inclusive student environment and culture we are so fortunate to have by viewing these slides, brought to you by the 2019 HISS committee.

If you have any questions or queries please email

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