Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Associate Professor Claire Palermo receives internationally recognised HEA fellowship

Associate Professor Claire Palermo
Congratulations to Associate Professor Claire Palermo who has been granted a Higher Education Academy (HEA) Principal Fellowship in recognition of her commitment and contribution to student learning, and for her effective strategic leadership in academic practice.

The Higher Education Academy is an independent non-profit organisation committed to world-class teaching in higher education. They work in partnership with institutions and individuals in higher education to support student success and bring the sector together to collaborate and share teaching strategies and practice.[1]

HEA Fellowships are granted across four categories; Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow, and are bestowed upon recipients who demonstrate a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education.

Claire's teaching and research career has been dedicated to preparing health professionals to improve the health of populations, and to developing evidence to change the health professions education practice. In her teaching role, Claire works with a team of nutrition and dietetics teachers to support students to understand and address the underlying issues to eating well, and to develop their research skills so they are equipped to contribute the evidence for improved practice. Claire also leads a number of research projects and programs that aim to improve the education of health professionals through scholarship.

As a Principal Fellow, Claire aims to use her individual expertise and that of other principal fellows  to make a difference in the ceaseless pursuit of teaching excellence.

Upon receiving her fellowship Claire said, "It is an honour to receive this award in recognition of my achievements in education. I will use it to continue to advance high quality teaching through quality education research."

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