Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Dr Joshua Ooi awarded 2019 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grant

Dr Joshua Ooi from the Centre for Inflammatory Diseases has been awarded a 2019 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grant for his research into targeted regulatory cell based therapy to treat lupus.

Celine Latouche joins MNHS as BDM

Welcome to Celine Latouche who has joined the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences as Business Development Manager (BDM) and will be based at SCS approximately four days a week.

Monash hosts inaugural symposium on Cardiovascular Health

The inaugural Monash Symposium on Cardiovascular Health was a great success last week. The two-day Symposium was the first step in bringing together the cardiovascular research community across Monash University.

MRFF Update on Open and Forecast Calls

An update from the MRFF on open and forecast calls is now available. If you are interested please contact

Psychiatric Genetics workshop

This workshop is designed to showcase the value in using genetic tools to understand the biology of many psychiatric disorders.

Join our study in January: Bone Density, Muscle Quality and Body Composition

The Bone and Muscle Research Group is searching for research participants for a scanning precision study. The study involves a once-off visit to Monash Medical Centre in Clayton.

CLOSING SOON - MRO Support for NHMRC/MRFF Investigator Grant Applications (for funding commencing 2021)

The MRO Support for NHMRC/MRFF Investigator Grant Applications (for funding commencing 2021) is closing on Wednesday, 27 November 2019. For further information please refer to the eNews blog post here.

Cancelled: Biostatistics and bioinformatics session - 15 November

The biostatistics and bioinformatics guidance session scheduled for this Friday, 15 November has been cancelled.

Advancing Women's Research Success Grant 2020

We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2020 Advancing Women's Research Success Grant. This flagship gender equity program supports the career progression of early-mid career high potential academic women with care-giving responsibilities.

UPDATE on expected grant dates for MRFF Medicinal Cannabis for pain in cancer patients

Further to the SCS eNews post on Wednesday, 9 October, the latest information on dates for this grant are as follows:

BMTH round 3 applications now open

Round 3 of the BioMedTech Horizons program is now open for applications. The program is focused on medical devices and digital health in certain therapeutic areas. The deadline for EOIs is this Friday, 15 November. For further information, please visit the website or contact Celine Latouche at

Upcoming Grant-writing Program for Women - EOI APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

Staff Equity & Diversity at Monash HR are hosting an upcoming grant-writing series for early-mid career female researchers. This program is one way Monash is supporting women's careers and ultimately aims to address the gender disparity in senior academic roles. 

SCS Early Career Research Practitioner Fellowship Scheme - applications closing soon!

Applications are now open for the SCS Early-Career Clinical Practitioner Fellowship scheme. The successful candidate will be appointed up to 0.5 FTE, Academic Level B.

Introducing iLab for SCS laboratory management

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health is launching its new iLab site. The SCS iLab site is the one-stop-shop for requesting laboratory OHS inductions, training, and equipment or facilities maintenance.