Thursday, 3 October 2019

Online mindfulness course

A free online mindfulness course is commencing Monday, 7 October.

Investigator Grants - MRFF Priority Round - Definition of a Clinician Researcher

Yesterday the NHMRC released the Guidelines for Investigator Grants and
the associated MRFF Priority Round. An important change is a definition of clinician researcher has now been provided.

Closing soon: School of Clinical Sciences Award for Teaching Excellence

The School of Clinical Sciences value the contributions made by staff towards the teaching and learning of our students. This newly created award recognises teaching excellence and is open to professional, academic, adjunct and teaching associate staff who are involved in the teaching and learning of students within the School of Clinical Sciences.

2019 CCS Public Lecture presented by Professor Christopher Fairley

Professor Christopher Fairley AO
The Central Clinical School's annual public lecture is being held on Thursday, 17 October. This year's presentation is called 'Whose fault is it that Bob caught syphilis?' and will be delivered by the Director of the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Professor Christopher Fairley AO.

Register for MNHS Academic Supervisor: Supporting Your Staff workshop

In accordance with the email performance supervisors received on Monday, 16 September from the Deputy Dean, Academic and Graduate Affairs, the Faculty requires that each appointed academic performance supervisor has appropriate training in order to undertake supervisory responsibilities.

MRFF Funding Opportunity Announcement

To mark Childhood Brain Cancer Awareness Day which was held on 26 September, the Government has announced $5 million in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) for childhood brain cancer clinical trials. 

Investigator Grants information session - recording and presentation slides

For those of you that missed the recent NHMRC Investigator Grants information session, here are the links to the presentation slides and recordings.

Using Bibliometrics in Grant Applications: A FMNHS Library Zoom Session

Are you interested in learning about how to use different types of bibliometrics, like h-index, FWCI, or altmetrics? Would you like more information and advice about how to incorporate bibliometrics into your grant applications? If so, please join us!

ARC Future Fellowships 2020: Strategic Statements

A reminder that Future Fellowship strategic statements are due to the Faculty Research Office at on 7 October. 

Dr Jorja Collins awarded Churchill Fellowship

Dr Jorja Collins
Congratulations to Dr Jorja Collins from the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food who has been awarded a 2019 Churchill Fellowship. The Fellowships are awarded and funded by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, and provide an opportunity for Australians to travel overseas to conduct research in their chosen field that is not readily available in Australia.

NHMRC/MRFF Investigator - Impact section reviews

The Investigator Grants: MRFF Priority Round funds are for EL1 and EL2 researchers that contribute to MRFF Priority Research Areas. Descriptions of each Priority Research Area are available in the funding guidelines available on Grant Connect and should be read prior to commencing applications.

FMNHS Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships 2020 - Applications Now Open

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS) will provide competitive funding for researchers who have applied for an external fellowship but have been unsuccessful in obtaining salary support for 2020.

NHMRC Investigator Grant Eligibility & Compliance Seminar

Following the opening on the scheme and release of the rules and instructions, the MRO will hold an online seminar detailing NHMRC Investigator Grant Eligibility and Compliance information on October 4, 2019 at 11am.

Professor Melissa Southey receives prostate cancer funding

Professor Melissa Southey

Professor Melissa Southey from the Department of Medicine is one of two Monash researchers to receive funding for research into prostate cancer. Last month, the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia announced more than $1 million in new funding to coincide with Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.