Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Nominate to participate in NHMRC Peer Review Panels for 2020

Researchers are invited to nominate themselves to be considered for appointment to NHMRC expert review panels. Nominations are now open for:

MHTP PhD Student Showcase Research Symposium

This year's Symposium will be a stand-alone event, focusing on the students’ accomplishments and discipline range across our School and Precinct, incorporating SCS, Hudson Institute and MCHRI

Expressions of interest - WiSDoM dinner mixer

The Women in Science, Discovery & Medicine (WiSDoM) group wishes to host a Dinner Mixer at the Monash Club on Thursday, 31 October for SCS and Hudson female researchers.

Professor Rosemary Horne awarded Massey University Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award

Mr Michael Ahie (Chancellor),
Professor Rosemary Horne & Professor
Jan Thomas (Vice-Chancellor)
Senior Principal Research Fellow Professor Rosemary Horne, from the Department of Paediatrics and The Ritchie Centre, has been awarded the 2019 Massey University Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award.

Sustainable Food Systems: Is our nutrition workforce equipped to lead us into a sustainable future?

Photo by Bob Blob on Unsplash
Our daily food consumption impacts the natural environment in which we live, and is responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. But are our dietitians and nutritionists armed with the right knowledge to empower us all to make change? Our researchers from the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food are finding out. Read the full story here

Doctor's Bag Companion: a guide to acute care in community settings

Emergency Physician and Adjunct Clinical Professor, Dr Simon Craig, has teamed up with GP Dr Kirrily Ellerton to publish a book about acute care in community settings.

Monash Generator Workshop PhD to Innovator: Discover the Startup Pathway

PhD to Innovator is a one-day workshop designed specifically for PhD, Early Career Researchers and Masters by Research students to gain an insight into the startup pathway and discover what it takes to translate a research discovery into an invention ready for the market.

Future Work, Future Leaders Week

Future Work, Future Leaders Week is taking place from the 26-31 August. Globalisation and emerging technologies are reshaping business models and career paths. To succeed and make a difference, you'll require adaptability and openness to new professions and ways of working.

Academic promotion information session

Information sessions for academic staff (excluding adjuncts) who are interested in applying for academic promotion have been scheduled for September.

Vithya Premkumar receives SCS Quiet Achiever Award

Congratulations to Vithya Premkumar from the SCS communications team on being awarded the 'Quiet Achiever Award' at the recent SCS staff meeting.

OHS training - Semester 2 2019

Here are the upcoming OHS training dates at MMC. Please refer to the OHS training guide for Monash University requirements, and your myDevelopment training record to determine which modules you need to complete. For more information, please see the SCS intranet.

School of Clinical Sciences Awards for Teaching Excellence

The School of Clinical Sciences value the contributions made by staff towards the teaching and learning of our students. This newly created award recognises teaching excellence and is open to professional, academic, adjunct and teaching associate staff who are involved in the teaching and learning of students within the School of Clinical Sciences.

Morning tea to farewell A/Professors Kylie Gray & Glenn Melvin

You are invited to attend a Morning Tea to Farewell A/Professors Kylie Gray and Glenn Melvin on Monday, 19th August from 10.30 am to 12 noon in Level 7 Boardroom, TRF Building, MMC, Clayton.

FMNHS ARC Fellowships Workshop - Friday 13 September

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences invites researchers interested in applying for an ARC Future Fellowship or Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) to join us for a practical workshop. The workshop will offer advice and insights into the schemes and application processes.

Professor Suresh Sundram to lead education and research in mental health at Monash University and Monash Health

Monash University and Monash Health are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Suresh Sundram to the position of Head, Department of Psychiatry, Monash University School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, and Director of Research, Monash Health Mental Health Program.