Wednesday, 17 July 2019

School of Clinical Sciences Awards for Teaching Excellence

The School of Clinical Sciences value the contributions made by staff towards the teaching and learning of our students. This newly created award recognises teaching excellence and is open to professional, academic, adjunct and teaching associate staff who are involved in the teaching and learning of students within the School of Clinical Sciences.

The criteria align with the Dean’s and Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Teaching Excellence Programs. There is one award available each year with a prize of $1000, certificate and permanent citation on the awards board in the School of Clinical Sciences. Not only will this award recognise the outstanding contributions made to teaching and learning, but nominations may lead to Faculty and University level award nomination.

Applications for this award must address two of the five selection criteria below:

1. Design and planning of learning activities
Planning, development and preparation of learning activities, learning resources and materials, for unit, course or degree; including coordination, involvement or leadership in curriculum design and development, or innovative use of learning spaces.

2. Teaching and supporting student learning
Quality teaching approaches and strategies that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn; including face-to-face, pre-class, post-class, online, and peer to peer, and use of different learning spaces at the undergraduate and postgraduate level.

3. Assessment and giving feedback to students on their learning
Design and execution of formative and summative assessment tasks that are aligned with student learning outcomes, and the provision of appropriate and timely feedback that fosters independent learning.

4. Developing effective learning environments, student support and guidance
Activities related to the creation of an engaging learning environment for students, including supporting transition, development of learning communities and strategies that account for and encourage student equity and diversity, thus respecting students as individuals.

5. Integration of leadership, scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching and in support of student learning
Contributions to the scholarship of learning and teaching (including curriculum and student engagement) and leadership within their discipline or more generally that leads to change in or enhanced teaching practice and/or the support of colleagues.

Assessment of applications
All nominations will be assessed on the evidence provided in response to the assessment criteria. Assessment will also be based on the extent to which nominees show evidence that their contribution has:

• Influenced student learning, student engagement or the overall student experience
• Gained recognition from fellow staff, the institution, and/or the broader community
• Claims for excellence that are supported by formal and informal evaluation
• Shown creativity, imagination or innovation, irrespective of whether the approach involves traditional learning environments or technology-based developments
• Drawn on student data or institutional student surveys, references, and selected teaching materials submitted by the nominee.

The assessment panel will review all applications and make recommendations to the Head of School. The panel will be constituted of a previous successful Dean’s or VC’s award winner, a representative from MCSHE, one student representative and a School Director of Education within FMNHS. The process will be chaired by the SCS Director of Education.

Nominees must provide:
Nomination form: see template
Synopsis: 150 words, written in the 3rd person.
Written statement: Should address 2 of the 5 selection criteria, page limit of 8, A4 pages including synopsis, format should be 11 point arial or calibri, single line spacing, margins of 25mm all around, include page numbers and section headings. Written in first person. The main statement should address the chosen selection criteria and provide evidence in response to the assessment criteria.
Curriculum vitae: page limit of 3, A4 pages, 11 point arial or calibri.
References: page limit of 1, A4 page. Referee must be nominee’s supervisor, or head of their department or school.
Optional supporting materials: Nominees can include either a website, digitised video or audio tape or up to 4 pages of teaching materials.

Applications must be submitted to the SCS Director of Education by email by 14 October 2019.

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