Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Vital Monash medical research attracts $104 million in federal funding
SCS-led team receives VC Award for Research Enterprise
Prof Marcel Nold |
Monash research to benefit patients with aggressive lymphoma
Australia’s first industry standard biobanking facility will soon be up and running in Melbourne.
Professor Melissa Southey |
10,000 Step Challenge winners
SCS swinging 60's Christmas party
This year's SCS (1960s-themed) Christmas party was a fabulous hit at the Sandringham Yacht Club. Fantastic food, trivia (of course) and music, featuring our very own Head of School and School Manager).See photos here.
Timesheet submission deadlines for final pay of 2018
Latest publications
a comparison of cost-effectiveness from a large randomised phase III trial of
two durations of adjuvant Oxaliplatin combination chemotherapy for colorectal
cancer. Eva Segelov et al.
published in the British Journal of
retention in inflamed glomeruli occurs via selective prolongation of
interactions with immune cells. Michael Hickey et al. published in Kidney
One Year of
Romosozumab Followed by Two Years of Denosumab Maintains Fracture Risk
Reductions: Results of the FRAME Extension Study. Peter Ebeling et al. published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.