Vital Monash medical research attracts $104 million in federal funding

Associate Professor
Maxine Bonham
Monash University has been awarded almost $76 million in the latest round of National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) announcements.

SCS-led team receives VC Award for Research Enterprise

Prof Marcel Nold
A research team led by Professor Marcel Nold from the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) and Hudson Institute has received Monash University's Vice Chancellor's Award for Research Enterprise in recognition of their collaboration with pharmaceutical company Roche to develop better treatments for a range of inflammatory diseases.

Monash research to benefit patients with aggressive lymphoma

Dr Gareth Gregory

Monash researcher and haematologist Dr Gareth Gregory has been awarded a prestigious Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Foundation Clinical Investigator Award to further his research into aggressive lymphoma. 

Australia’s first industry standard biobanking facility will soon be up and running in Melbourne.

Professor Melissa Southey
Biobanking Victoria will open at Monash University in Clayton in 2020, thanks to a $1.5 million funding allocation from the Victorian Government.  Read more here.

10,000 Step Challenge winners

Congratulations to the MMC winning team of this year's Monash 10,000 Steps Challenge.  "The E- Block 5", comprising Poh-Yi Gan, Virginie Oudin, Daniel Koo Yuk Cheong, Kim O'Sullivan and Anne Le, clocked up the most steps and  Daniel Koo Yuk Cheong won the best MMC individual trophy.

SCS swinging 60's Christmas party

This year's SCS (1960s-themed) Christmas party was a fabulous hit at the Sandringham Yacht Club.  Fantastic food, trivia (of course) and music, featuring our very own Head of School and School Manager).See photos here.

NHMRC Investigator Grants have opened in RGMS

The NHMRC Investigator Grants scheme is now open for applications in RGMS. 

Investigator Grant Info Session Recordings

Thank you to all those who attended the Investigator Grant info sessions this week.  We had a great turn out with over 175 participants, in person and via Zoom.   The Info Session recordings are uploaded in the Google Drive (links below). 

MMC/MCH Safety Alert: Service Road Delays

 Monash University & Hudson Institute are implementing a new delivery protocol at their site storeroom in their Kanooka Grove buildings.

Timesheet submission deadlines for final pay of 2018

As we approach the end-of-year closedown period (from Friday 21 December 2018 to Tuesday 1 January 2019), we remind supervisors to make sure all staff timesheets are submitted and approved to ensure staff payment prior to closedown.