Monday, 26 March 2018

Babies with bronchiolitis benefit from new oxygen therapy

Associate Professor Simon Craig
New research has shown that a new ‘high-flow’ oxygen therapy can be safely delivered to babies with bronchiolitis in emergency departments and general paediatrics wards in both large tertiary children’s hospitals and smaller regional centres.

The study, which compared traditional ‘low-flow’ oxygen to high-flow therapy in 1472 infants, found that the need to escalate care was less in those receiving high-flow.

Published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, the study involved 17 hospitals across Australia and New Zealand, including researchers from Monash University, Monash Children’s Hospital, the Paediatric Critical Care Research Group (PCCRG) located at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital and the Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative (PREDICT). This collaboration makes it the largest paediatric study in this field worldwide.
Bronchiolitis—caused by a viral infection in the lungs—is the most common reason for infants under 12 months to be admitted to hospital, with 10 per cent of them requiring intensive care.
Study co-author Associate Professor Simon Craig from Monash University said the team found that high-flow oxygen therapy – a treatment which originated from intensive care units - was safe in the ward environment and led to less escalation of care. However, the study showed no difference in hospital length of stay, need for intensive care admission, or duration of oxygen therapy between the two treatment groups.
“We have demonstrated that stepping up to high-flow is safe in the ward environment,” said Associate Professor Craig, who is also a Monash Health paediatric emergency physician.
“Some children with bronchiolitis get sicker while in hospital. We’ve found that a therapy which was previously reserved for intensive care units can be delivered safely in emergency departments and on general paediatric wards,” Associate Professor Craig said.
“This means that we can reduce the number of infants and their families from regional areas who need to be relocated to one of the major cities for the duration of their illness.
“Relocating a family means they are unfamiliar with their surrounds and don’t have access to their usual support network.
“Most children with bronchiolitis don’t need high-flow therapy. However, it’s nice to know that – if they need it – we can do it safely outside of intensive care. This lets us keep children in their own community hospitals, reducing the impact on the child and the family,” Associate Professor Craig said.
High-flow nasal oxygen therapy works by delivering a higher volume of air and oxygen into the nasal passages to improve breathing.
The research was led by The University of Queensland Mater Research Institute (UQ-MRI) and Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital and funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Emergency Medicine Foundation, the Mater Foundation and several Australian hospital foundations.

Monash medical student reveals best treatment approach for common paediatric disease—varicocele

Sarthak Tandon
Final year Monash medical student Sarthak Tandon was invited to present his research findings into varicocele management at the prestigious European Association of Urology in Copenhagen last week.

The event is Europe’s largest scientific meeting in urology, with over 14,000 participants from more than 100 countries.

Sarthak undertook his research as a BMedSc(Hons) student in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) in 2017. His research focuses on the management of varicocele in children and adolescents.

“Varicocele is a relatively common disease but also one of the most controversial areas in paediatric medicine—it’s associated with male infertility and debilitating chronic pain in adults,” Sarthak said.

Sarthak Tandon and  Mr Maurizio Pacilli
“There are various different surgical techniques used, with mixed results and with some techniques associated with a higher percentage of disease recurrence than others.”

“At present there are 1,750 publications in the literature, evaluating more than 20 different techniques with unclear overall outcomes.”

While most of the techniques are minimally invasive, either laparoscopic (keyhole surgery), radiological or optical magnification, Sarthak’s research aimed at clarifying which techniques have the best outcomes.

Sarthak and Dr Daniel Bennett (who graduated in medicine from Monash University last year) performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific literature of the last 20 years.

“We found that laparoscopic surgery and optical magnification offer the best results, with minimal complications compared to the radiological technique,” Sarthak said.

“We will use this information for patient counselling: following our review we can now clearly discuss with the patients which procedure is best for them but most importantly offer clear expectations regarding the outcome of surgery.”

Sarthak said it’s very exciting to have the opportunity to present at an international conference and Copenhagen will be his first experience delivering a presentation at an academic meeting.

“Working on this study has provided me with an excellent insight into the research methodology required to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis, and to provide some insight into an evolving surgical sphere,” Sarthak said.

Sarthak acknowledges and thanks his co-researcher Daniel Bennett and project supervisors Mr Maurizio Pacilli for their assistance and advice in conducting the study. He also wishes to thank his BMedSc(Hons.) supervisors, Mr Ram Nataraja and Mr Peter Ferguson, for their support and guidance over the past year.

The research team will earn more frequent flyer points when they present another paper about optical magnification at a urology scientific meeting in Japan next month.

Phd student Aidan Kashyap - FameLab semi-finalist

Aidan Kashyap
PhD student, Aidan Kashyap has been selected as a FameLab semi-finalist for his research that is offering hope for babies who struggle to breathe at birth due to underdeveloped lungs.

Aidan will compete against 11 other STEM early career researchers in the FameLab Victorian semi-finals at the Melbourne Museum on Wednesday (28 March).
FameLab, presented by the British Council of Australia, is a science communication competition that invites the country’s brightest minds to the stage to explain in three minutes or less why their work matters to the world.
Aidan is currently undertaking his PhD in Professor Stuart Hooper’s laboratory where he is investigating new ways to treat the 1 in 3000 babies born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), a devastating condition affecting lung development in the womb.
“CDH occurs when, early in a baby’s development, a hole in the diaphragm allows the stomach to move into the chest, which prevents the lungs from growing properly,” Aidan explains.
While two-thirds of babies with CDH are diagnosed during a routine ultrasound scan at 20 weeks of pregnancy, they currently can’t be treated until they are born.
“We are investigating promising new therapies that could be used to treat these babies before they are even born, to better prepare their small lungs for life outside the womb,” Aidan says.
These therapies involve keyhole surgery while the baby is still in the womb, and a medication that promotes the normal growth of blood vessels in the lungs to improve survival.
Presentations will be judged according to FameLab’s 3Cs – content, clarity and charisma – by an esteemed panel of media professionals, and public figures.
The winner will be announced on the night and will then go on to compete in the national final, hosted by renowned astrophysicist, Dr Alan Duffy, at the University of Western Australia in Perth in May.

Diversity and Inclusion update

Dr Ayse Zengin
Last week, the FMNHS Diversity and Inclusion Committee welcomed Dr Ayse Zengin and Ms Cat Shore-Lorenti as SCS representatives at the first meeting of the year. The 2018 Committee comprises 33 members from 21 different areas within the Faculty.

Exciting paperwork aside (Terms of Reference, Strategic Plan etc), there are some things worth sharing with SCS staff and students:

Respect. Now. Always.
The Safer Community Unit on campus provides confidential advice, support and referrals. If you’ve experienced sexual assault, inappropriate, concerning or threatening behaviour from Monash University students (on- or off-campus, even online), you can download this app to help navigate support services.
Cat Shore-Lorent

You may be aware that the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) sexual assault and harassment survey results were made available in August last year. These results showed that 1 in 4 students experienced sexual harassment at university in 2016. Part of the response to this issue is training. You can see the official 10 point plan here. Students at residential colleges and halls, students running clubs, and students attending offsite events must now complete online training, in the form of watching videos on consent and appropriate behaviour.

Gender Affirmation/Transition Procedure
Monash University is committed to creating a safe, inclusive and respectful environment and celebrates the rich diversity of our employees and students. This procedure provides essential information on how the university affirms gender and supports staff and students through gender transition. It may help you navigate the university system and/or better support transgender and gender diverse employees and students. There’s a list of support services and definitions in the last sections that may also be helpful.

If staff wish to enquire about frontline training or other respectful community workshop training opportunities please contact

Any questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints, contact or

Three Minute Thesis (3MT) 2018 - register NOW

One thesis. Three minutes. Registrations are now open for students to showcase their research in this year's Three Minute Thesis, for a chance to win $5000 and represent us at the Asia-Pacific 3MT® finals in Queensland.  

If you want  to have the opportunity to participate in the Faculty finals (if selected), you must register.

ROUND 1 is compulsory for all Masters and PhD research Students in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS). ​Please refer to the attached flow chart which explains the process in detail.​
SCS Department​/Centre​ Heats: (June -  exact dates TBA)
You will be contacted by either a HISS student representative or the Head of Department's Executive Assistant, depending on which department you are enrolled in, regarding your participation in the ROUND 1 heat. Winners of heats will go onto the School Final.

SCS Final: Wednesday 4 July 1-4.30 pm De Kretser Concourse Level 3 Bridge​

Mid-candidature review, Michelle Chonwerawong, "The role of NLRC5 in Helicobacter-induced inflammation and lymphoid tissue formation", 26 March

All staff and students are invited to Michelle Chonwerawong's Mid-candidature review presentation.

26 March, 1.30pm, Level 2 meeting room, Hudson Institute

Presentation title: The role of NLRC5 in Helicobacter-induced inflammation and lymphoid tissue formation

Synopsis: Helicobacter pylori is an extracellular mucosal pathogen that colonises up to half of the world’s population and establishes chronic infection, which can ultimately lead to gastric cancer. The newly discovered NOD-like receptor, NLRC5 has been shown to regulate host-defence mechanisms against viral and bacterial infection. My PhD aims to investigate the mechanisms of NLRC5-mediated regulation of pro-inflammatory responses induced by macrophages during Helicobacter gastritis and gastric MALT lymphoma. Identifying a new role for NLRC5 in the context of Helicobacter infection, may provide insight into the progression and development of H. pylori-related diseases which pose as disease burdens in the community.

Supervisors: A/Prof Richard Ferrero and Dr. Jonathan Ferrand

Panel Chair: Dr. Connie Wong

Independent assessors: Dr. Michelle Tate (Hudson)  and Prof. Stephen Turner (Monash University)

CID seminar: Extracellular DNA as a therapeutic target in MPO-AAV, 27 March

Tuesday 27 March, 12-1pm, Seminar Room 1, TRF

Presented by Dr Kim O'Sullivan, Research Fellow, Centre for Inflammatory Diseases

Myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody associated vasculitis (MPO-AAV) is a major cause of chronic kidney disease. Current treatment for ANCA-vasculitis consists of non-targeted immunosuppression which is toxic and contributes to morbidity and mortality rates. There is an unmet need for the development of therapeutics which will target pro inflammatory immune responses without causing adverse effects. This presentation will explore the role of extracellular DNA as a contributing factor to ANCA vasculitis and the use of DNase I as a therapeutic in models of experimental anti-myeloperoxidase ANCA glomerulonephritis.

Kim O’Sullivan has recently completed her PhD within the Autoimmune Kidney Disease and Vasculitis Research Group with Prof. Stephen Holdsworth and Prof. Richard Kitching at the Centre for Inflammatory Diseases. Kim’s research is focused on trying to find new novel targets and biological interventions in human and experimental ANCA associated vasculitis.

Grand Rounds, "“Xanthomas redux - an updated approach to an uncommon group of conditions”, 28 March

Dermatology presents Dr Flora Poon: “Xanthomas redux - an updated approach to an uncommon group of conditions”

Wednesday 28 March, 12.30-1.30pm, Lecture Theatre 1, MMC

Hudson seminar: Novel genes and mechanisms in monogenic autoinflammatory disorders, 28 March

Wednesday 28 March, 11am-12pm, Seminar Room 1, TRF

Presented by Dr Fiona Moghaddas, MBBS (Hons) PhD, Inflammation Division, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute

Dr Moghaddas is a clinician specialising in immunology with an interest in monogenic autoinflammatory disorders. She has established the Australian Autoinflammatory Diseases Registry (AADRY) as part of a PhD and is engaged in both the Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance (MGHA) and Australian Genomics Health Alliance (AGHA) projects. 

Monash Haematology: “'Through Thick and Thin”, 28 March

28 March, 7.30am
Lecture Theatre 2, Monash Medical Centre

“'Through Thick and Thin”

Dr Briony Shaw – Clinical Registrar

Monash Ageing Research Centre (MONARC) Seminar, "Psychological Resilience in Older Age", April 27

12.30pm, Friday 27 April, Kingston Centre, Education Building Room A

Presenter:  Mr. Max von Sabler B.PsychSci(Hons), M.Psych(Clin), MAPS
Clinical Psychology Registrar, Monash Health

Contact for RSVPs and Queries:  Dr Rosa Gualano, Acting MONARC Manager,

A light lunch will be served from 12.15 pm

SCS Career Development Fellowship Scheme - applications due 29 March

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health strives to undertake high-quality, high-impact research. The successful candidate will be appointed up to 0.5 FTE at academic Level B. You will be expected to have a strong research background in a relevant field (e.g. within the research themes of the departments within the School: Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Nutrition, Food & Dietetics, and Imaging) and demonstrated capability to contribute to our broad research agenda.

The successful candidate will conduct research in the relevant areas as listed above. Such duties may include:
·         Conducting research
·         Producing research publications
·         Supervision of research support staff
This position is designed to be adaptable to fit with your career - it is part-time and flexible, supporting a work-life balance to ensure that you can build on your research career in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health.
If you are highly motivated and would enjoy being part of a supportive team of research staff, apply now.

The Position Description (HERE) and Application form (HERE) can also be found on the SCS intranet:
Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Thursday 29th March 2018

SCS Early Career Research Practitioner Fellowship scheme - applications due 29 March

Applications are now open for the SCS Early-Career Clinical Practitioner Fellowship scheme.   The successful candidate will be appointed up to 0.5 FTE, Academic Level B.  

Recognising the difficult transition from PhD student to independent clinician scientist, in 2015 the School established the Early-Career Clinical Practitioner Fellowship scheme to further the aims of the School in training tomorrow’s clinical academic workforce and of consolidating Monash Health as leading academic health service. 

The Fellowships are offered on a competitive basis, to clinician scientists who have recently been awarded a PhD or MD to provide protected research time to allow them to further develop their clinical or basic science research portfolio while also undertaking clinical duties at Monash Health. 

It is envisaged that successful applicants will apply for external funding, such as through NHMRC schemes (e.g. Project Grants, Early-Career Fellowships, Career Development Fellowships, or Translational Research Fellowships) during the period of the Fellowship, such that the Fellowship acts as a bridge to independent, sustainable research funding.

The Position Description (HERE) and Application form (HERE) can also be found on the SCS intranet:
Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Thursday 29th March 2018

2018 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI)

As trustee of the Ramaciotti Foundations, Perpetual would like to advise that applications are now open for the 2018 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants

A Health Investment Grant is intended to provide enabling research support for an autonomous early career investigator (no more than 10 years post-PhD) who is taking or has recently taken a substantive position.

Applications may be made for a contribution of up to 50% (to a maximum of $150,000) of the total cost towards the proposed project. A Health Investment Grant is subject to the host institution providing a matching grant of the amount requested and raising the balance (if any) of the full cost of the proposed project. The matching grant must be cash for cash (not in-kind) but can include the salaries of project personnel (excluding the salary of the Chief Investigator).

As per the guidelines for this scheme, Monash University may only submit a total of one application per department, up to a maximum of three applications across the University. As such, there will be an Expression of Interest (EOI) process for review and ranking of applications within faculties.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI using the attached template and submit to the Faculty Research Office ( by no later than 5:00PM (AEDT) on Thursday 29 March 2018.

The three shortlisted Monash applicants will be advised to proceed with their full application submission and entry of their application into Pure on or soon after 18 April 2018.  Final applications are due to the Ramaciotti Foundation via SmartyGrants by 5pm Thursday 31 May 2018

2018 Faculty Bridging Postdoctoral Fellowships (Round 2) - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Applications are now open for Bridging Postdoctoral Fellowships 2018 (Round 2) [BPF 2018 (R2)]. These Fellowships provide competitive funding to support the career development of promising newly-qualified postdoctoral researchers at Monash University. They are intended to provide initial support while applications are prepared for externally funded fellowships such as NHMRC Early Career Fellowships, ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards, etc.  
Applications should be made by the intended Fellow's mentor at Monash University. Mentors would normally be the Fellow's line manager and therefore the mentor must be a member of staff. Adjuncts are not eligible to supervise Monash staff.
Competition is at a high level for this scheme and mentors should carefully consider candidates before nominating them.
Closing Date:  Tuesday 8 May 2018 at 5:00PM (AEST)
Submission Process:  Applicants are required to complete and submit the BPF 2018 (R2) Application Form online at the Faculty Grants, Fellowships and Prizes website: 

Queries about this Fellowship scheme should be directed to the Faculty Research Office by email to or phone (03) 990 58409.

Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (Round 2) - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI)

Round 2 of the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund will provide up to $100,000, matched dollar for dollar, for the translation of early stage health and medical research into health and economic outcomes.

Research applications must:
  • Be for early stage innovations, including discovery research, clinical research and/or health practice/ health service
  • Support an idea or innovation to attract peer review funding or investment by industry, philanthropy or other sources
  • Require matching funding to demonstrate capacity to collaborate. To undertake research that has a clear pathway to translation
  • Articulate how the fund will ‘fast track’ the research into health and economic outcomes
  • Describe how the fund will increase the ability to leverage third party funding e.g. from industry or philanthropic sources.
As per the guidelines for this scheme, universities may only submit five (5) applications per research Faculty.  As such, there will be an internal Expression of Interest (EOI) process for review and ranking of applications within faculties.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI using the attached template and submit to the Faculty Research Office ( by no later than 5:00PM (AEST) on Friday 6 April 2018.

The five (5) shortlisted Monash applicants will be advised to proceed with their full application submission and entry of their application into Pure on or soon after 13 April 2018.  The MRO compliance check deadline is 20 April 2018.  Final applications are due to the funder by 5pm Friday 4 May 2018

Further information about this call including the application form can be found at the following link.

Monash Animal Research Ethics Update – March 2018

1.    Animal Ethics Information Sessions
2.    Updated Guidelines - Reporting Incidents, Adverse Events & Emergencies Affecting Animal Wellbeing
3.    Notice of auditing of approved Animal Ethics applications - MARP, MIPs & SBS AECs
4.    Updated Form - Minor Amendment for Breeding Colonies
5.     On-Line Applications - Ethical Research Management, Infonetica
6.     Animal Use for Training in Procedures
7     Annual Reporting
8.    MARP AEC information & MMC AEC Information
9.    NMHRC Survey on the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes in Australia 
10.  Animal Ethics Regulations, Guidelines, Codes, Training & Information

Available from the web at:

Expressions of Interest: SCS Education Director

The aim of this one-year appointment is to establish the role of the SCS Education Director within the School. Funding will be provided to the department from which the position holder is seconded for backfill of that position for a maximum of 0.2 FTE. Applicants should have extensive knowledge of education and learning theories and practice, alongside currency of knowledge and understanding of educational policies and procedures of FMNHS. The SCS Education Director will report to the HoS via the School Executive Committee.

KPIs for 2018 are:
1.       Review and realign the SCS Education Committee to align with Faculty objectives and Chair that committee which reports into the School Executive.
2.       Construct a business case in collaboration with the School Manager and School Finance Manager to expand the role of the Education Director and support the role in the longer term. This will include development plans for short course(s) and or new degree variants.
3.       Assist department and department heads in developing business cases, and connecting to University and Faculty supports,  for new educational offerings from SCS.

Please express your interest in this role to  Dr Eugene Fredericks, School Manager (

More information HERE.

Post-Doctoral Fellow : Human T lymphocyte/ CAR-T cells: Cartherics Pty Ltd

Position Description: Cartherics is seeking a talented Post-Doctoral Fellow to help implement its very active research program in Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) -T based immunotherapies.

CAR-T cells have rapidly evolved as a revolution in anti-cancer treatments. Cartherics primary platform is to use induced pluripotential stem cells (iPSC) to embed a TCR specificity. These T-iPSC will then be gene edited with specific CAR’s, and induced to differentiate into cytotoxic T cells. Central to the success of these platforms will be to maximise T cell expansion and differentiation in sufficient effective numbers for clinical trials. This project will explore the forward reprograming of iPSCs using transcription factors to induce T cell differentiation and to optimise their function. The successful applicant will thus have a strong background in immunology related tissue culture and a preference for experience preferably with human iPSCs and/or T cells. They will have a desire to succeed in a competitive environment and relish the challenge of helping to implement new technologies and equipment as necessary; the rewards will be substantial. Accordingly, the successful applicant will have extensive experience in immunology-based research techniques.

Education/Qualifications: The appointee will either have a PhD or experience as a research assistant, in a relevant field preferably including iPSCs from a recognised university or research institute. They will be working within a dynamic team but as a Post-Doctoral appointment, they will be expected to contribute in a leadership capacity. Company Description Cartherics Pty Ltd is an exciting new Melbourne-based start-up biotechnology company, developing the next generation immune therapeutic approach to treat cancer. The Company’s objective is to identify and expand T cells with their own cancer recognizing T Cell Receptors (TCRs), then use sophisticated gene editing to empower these cells with additional cancer-specific recognition and activation molecules (CAR-T). Cartherics will use stem cell technology to exponentially expand these “cancer smart” killer cells.

The laboratories are located within the new facilities of the Monash Health Translation Precinct at Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Vic 3168. Send application with CV including potential referees to: Karen Loudon

Closing date 15 April 2018.

Cartherics Research Vacancy

Research Assistant : Position description
Cartherics is a new, privately owned biotechnology company, focussed on developing cutting edge technologies to empower the immune system to specifically target and eradicate cancer. The focus technology is the ground-breaking technology: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells (CAR-T), which have a profound ability to seek and destroy cancer cells. The company has 10 full-time research staff, an Executive Assistant and several expert advisors and is closely linked to the Hudson Institute of Medical Research. It is supported by strong private investment and two recently awarded, highly prestigious government grants: Victorian Government Medical Research Acceleration Award to promote the implementation of a CAR-T clinical trial and a Commonwealth Government CRC-P grant to develop a next generation immune- cell therapy “as an off the shelf “ product for treating gastric and ovarian cancers. The company’s labs and offices are located in the MHTP Building, next to the Hudson Institute of Medical Research, 27-31 Wright Street, Clayton 3168.

The company is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant to work closely with the company post-docs on the major research themes. The successful applicant will have the appropriate “hands on” skills in one or more of the following technologies:

(i)production, enrichment and cell transduction of lentivirus and generalmolecular biology methods;
(ii)isolation, activation, expansion and functional analysis of humanblood T cells, including use of multi-parameter flow cytometry;
(iii)Experience in production, maintenance and directed differentiation ofiPSC, ideally with an understanding of T cell requirements.

The successful applicant will have at least a Bachelor degree with Honours in Science or Biomedical Science or equivalent and ideally 3 or more years of appropriate laboratory experience. They will relish working in a challenging, dynamic, interactive and very exciting environment.

Applicants should submit their CV with nominated referees together with a letter outlining their suitability, to Karen Loudon at

Position closes: April 15th 2018.

Recurrence in Resected Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Eva Segelov et al. published in JAMA Oncology.

Read article here.

Urinary hypoxia: an intraoperative marker of risk of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury

Michael Zhu et al. published in Nephrology, Dialysis, Translplantation.

Read article here.

Use of 8-cm 22G-long peripheral cannulas in pediatric patients

Maurizio Pacilli et al. published in the Journal of Vascular Access.

Read article here.

International perspective on management of a patent ductus arteriosus: Lessons learned

Arvind Sehgal et al. published in Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine.

Read article here.