Monday, 5 February 2018

Monash researchers making their mark in stroke

Professor Dominique Cadilhac
Monash University researchers are paving the way in stroke innovation after being awarded
$100,000 in Stroke Foundation seed grants.

Dr Monique Kilkenny and Professor Dominique Cadilhac, from the Stroke and Ageing group within the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, will benefit from the 2018 grants round as they strive to improve diagnosis, treatment and long-term prevention care for survivors of stroke.

Dr Kilkenny’s research will look at the long term use of medications prescribed to stroke survivors to reduce their chance of subsequent stroke.

Dr Monique Kilkenny
In a first for Australia, she will use data from the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry linked to national pharmacy data to describe patterns of medication use that is subsidised by the Australian Government.

“During the first 10 years after a stroke there is a 43 percent risk of a person experiencing another stroke, and generally these are more severe. Several types of medications have been shown to
prevent strokes within this high risk population,” Dr Kilkenny said.

“It is essential these medications are taken as prescribed on an ongoing basis. This grant will allow us to understand whether patients continue to take prescribed medications, such as those for
lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, after they leave hospital and in the long-term and what impact these actions have on health.”

While Professor Cadilhac’s project will look at how our ambulances and hospitals respond to suspected stroke events and how diagnosis and access to time-critical treatment can be improved. The
research will utilise data that will for the first time be linked from the Australian Stroke Clinical
Registry and Ambulance Victoria.

“Diagnosis of acute stroke is complex” Professor Cadilhac said.

“In Australia, not all patients with stroke are admitted to hospitals within the required time frames
for time-critical treatments.”

“Through this work we will learn more about the pre-hospital factors which influence the
identification of a stroke and the impact of this on the patient’s timely arrival at hospital. The
outcome may have important implications for practice or policy,” she said.

Stroke Foundation Chief Executive Officer Sharon McGowan said these projects had the potential
to make a real difference for patients with stroke, from detection to long term care.

“Tragically, it’s estimated there will be more than 56,000 strokes across the country in 2018 – that’s
one every nine minutes,” Ms McGowan said.

“Too many Australians are dying or being left with an ongoing disability as a result of stroke, but it
does not need to be this way.

“High quality evidence-based research like this is so important in our mission to prevent, treat and
beat this terrible disease and reduce the spiraling costs to the community and health system
associated with stroke.

Researchers like Dr Monique Kilkenny and Professor Dominique Cadilhac give us hope for the
future,” she said.

Monash surgeon, researcher and lecturer receives academic promotion

Associate Professor Paul Cashin
Monash Health surgeon Mr Paul Cashin has been recognised for his research and clinical activities, receiving a Monash University academic promotion last month.

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Cashin, a senior Upper Gastrointestinal surgeon, is Service Director, General Surgery at Monash Health and Director Medical Services, Jessie McPherson Private Hospital.

An author of numerous clinical papers and book chapters in Upper GI surgery, Associate Professor Cashin’s research focuses on the surgical management of benign and malignant Upper GI disease.

“I oversee the Monash Upper GI and HPB Research Department and have ongoing clinical and laboratory-based research activities into pancreatic cancer, oesophago-gastric cancer and its genomics,” Associate Professor Cashin said.

As well as his clinical and research activities, Associate Professor Cashin lectures Years 3 and 5 Monash medical students, and led the redesign of surgical bedside teaching at Monash Health and its incorporation into the curriculum.

In 2012 Associate Professor Cashin received the Southern Clinical School Final Year Supervisor Award.

Associate Professor Cashin said he is both honoured and humbled on receiving his academic promotion.

“The appointment as an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor gives recognition to the research and teaching activities of the General Surgery (and its subspecialties) Service at Monash Health,” he said.
“The Department’s involvement in these activities has vastly increased over the last ten years and brought the academic activities and teaching in surgery to a position of prominence.”

Associate Professor Cashin acknowledges the various teams in General Surgery, in particular the Upper GI/HPB team.

“Most importantly I acknowledge Mr Dan Croagh FRACS, the Upper GI/HPB Head of Research whose commitment to research is exceptional and whose energy is amazing,” Associate Professor Cashin said.

I would also like to acknowledge, Professor Julian Smith and Mr Alan Saunder for their wise guidance, support and encouragement.”

“Finally I would like to acknowledge the support of Professor Eric Morand and for his commitment to both excellence in research and for his devotion to undergraduate and post graduate teaching.”

Associate Professor Cashin said the combination of clinical practice, administration, teaching and research is a difficult balance to achieve but immensely rewarding.

Beyond his teaching and research, Associate Professor Cashin holds a number of highly regarded leadership positions, including Chair, Monash Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee and the Comprehensive Care Committee.  He is also Clinical Lead, ICS OG Cancer Optimal Care Pathway Design Committee and an elected Board Member, Australian and New Zealand Gastro-Oesophageal Surgery Association (ANZGOSA) (RACS).

He has been an invited speaker at a number of national and international scientific meetings.

ARC Discovery Project Applicants

This is a friendly reminder for you to send your application draft via Pure for the MRO ARC Team to check (as soon as you can) if you have not done so already. The internal deadline for forwarding your proposal to the MRO was 22/01/2018.

ARC dates, internal deadlines and guidance documents for each scheme are available on the MRO intranet page here:

You must also provide the MRO with a copy of the Certification Form, once you have organized all required signatures.

If you wish to submit an RNTA, the completed form must be sent to the MRO by Feb 1.

2018 Project Grants Peer Review - Invitation for ECR Observer and Assistant Chair Nominations

Monash University has once again been invited by NHMRC to nominate researchers to observe or participate in the 2018 Project Grants Grant Review Panels (GRPs). There are two call-outs as per below. 

1) ECR to observe the 2018 Project Grants GRPs

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences is allowed to nominate one (1) Early Career Researcher (ECR) to serve as an observer for the 2018 Project Grants GRPs.

Engagement of ECRs will:
  • provide insights into the Project Grant scheme peer review process which could be advantageous in their future NHMRC grant applications
  • provide ECRs with an opportunity to observe the discussion of applications
  • assist NHMRC to expand the pool of potential future peer review members.
The Faculty requires Heads of School to nominate ECRs who meet the parameters outlined by NHMRC and are available in the nominated time frame.

When nominating an ECR, please consider the following parameters:
1.     Your nominees must be researchers who have NOT previously participated as an ECR observer or served on a NHMRC panel.
2.     Your nominees must be researchers with a higher degree (e.g. PhD) and should be at academic level A or B, typically within 5 years of completing their PhD, noting any career disruptions. Exceptions will be considered.
3.     If selected, nominees are required for one day, either on Tuesday or Wednesday of a GRP week, between 31 July and 5 September 2018, in Canberra.
4.     NHMRC will NOT appoint ECRs to GRPs within the ECR’s area of expertise.
5.     Travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the ECR or their institution.

Could you please provide nominations by completing the  ECR Nomination Form (attached HERE) and submit to the SCS Head of School ( by no later than Thursday 8 February 2018 to allow timely nominations to MRO by their specified date.

2) Assistant Chair to participate on the 2018 Project Grants GRPs

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences is allowed to nominate one (1) Assistant Chair to participate on the 2018 Project Grants GRPs.

Assistant Chairs play an important role in ensuring the peer review process for each project grant application is fair and equitable. In return, the experience provides Assistant Chairs valuable insight into the Project Grant funding scheme and functions of the peer review process. 

The Faculty requires Heads of School to nominate researchers who meet the parameters outlined by NHMRC and are available in the nominated time frame.

When nominating an Assistant Chair, please consider the following parameters:
1. Your nominees must be researchers with an active, up to date RGMS account, who have NOT previously served on a NHMRC GRP (other than Postgraduate Scholarships and Early Career Fellowships) either as a panel member or Assistant Chair.
2. Your nominees must be researchers with a higher degree (e.g. PhD) and should be at academic level B or C, typically within 15 years of completing their PhD, noting any career disruptions. Exceptions can be considered.
3. NHMRC seeks to appoint Assistant Chairs to GRPs outside their specific area of expertise.
4. Your nominees are expected to fill this role for one week between 30 July and 7 September 2018, in Canberra.
5. NHMRC will provide travel and accommodation expenses for the Assistant Chairs and pay a daily sitting fee.

Could you please provide nominations by completing the Assistant Chair Nomination Form (attached HERE) and submit to the submit to the SCS Head of School ( by no later than Thursday 8 February 2018 to allow timely nominations to MRO by their specified date.

Information to all nominees: 
  • Gender, state/territory and discipline balance will be considered when allocating nominees to GRPs. 
  • NHMRC reserves the right to make the final decision on attendees, and will aim to provide confirmation of appointment by May 2018. 
  • If the nominee does not wish to be a part of the identified GRP and NHMRC is unable to accommodate changes, the offer will be extended to another nominee.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please don't hesitate to contact the Faculty Research Office by email to or phone 990 29143.

MHTP biostatistics services update

StellaMay Gwini is no longer providing biostatistics services at MHTP.  A replacement is being sought, however, in the meantime, please contact John Reynolds should you require biostatistics services during this busy grants period.

John Reynolds                  
Scientific Director, Biostatistics Consulting Platform
The Alfred and Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Monash University
Level 4, 553 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
T: +61 3 9903 0641                     

2018 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Australia & New Zealand Fellowships

Applications for the 2018 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Australian & New Zealand Fellowships are now open - and close Monday 12 March.

Applications can be submitted through the website – under the “Apply” tab.
There are five $25,000 Fellowships (four Australian and one New Zealand). Applicants within five years of completing their PhD (not including career breaks) are welcome from a variety of fields including life sciences, clinical and health sciences, material sciences, physical sciences, mathematics or engineering.

The application form and more information about the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Australian & New Zealand program can be found at

Trained immunity: a memory for innate host defense, presented by Prof Mihai Netea, 8 February

Thursday 8 February, 11am-12pm, Seminar rooms 1 & 2, TRF

Professor Mihai Netea, Department of Internal Medicine, Radboud
University Medical Center

Mihai Netea was born and studied medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He completed his PhD at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on studies investigating the cytokine network in sepsis. After working as a post-doc at the University of Colorado, he returned to Nijmegen where he finished his clinical training as an infectious diseases specialist, and where he currently heads the division of Experimental Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Nijmegen University Nijmegen
Medical Center.

Prof Netea’s group studies the impact of inflammation in infections and autoinflammatory diseases. His approach is to combine expertise in immunology with systems biology, and translational
studies in disease models and patients, in order to describe new pathways modulating
inflammation and to identify novel therapeutic approaches. He is mainly interested in understanding the factors influencing variability of human immune responses, the biology of sepsis and
immunoparalysis, and the study of the memory traits of innate immunity.

Enquiries: or

Confirmation seminar, Steph Huang, "Characterisation of type I interferon signalling paradigms in innate immunity", 6 February

All staff and students are invited to Steph Huang's confirmation seminar.

6 February, 1pm, TRF seminar room 1.

Presentation Title
Characterisation of type I interferon signalling paradigms in innate immunity

Type I interferons are a family of innate signalling molecules integral to eliminating infections and cancer in the human immune response. With around twenty members sharing a common receptor complex, gaps in knowledge exist concerning mechanisms of action that lead to resolution or exacerbation of inflammatory events. This project aims to understand the molecular interactions at the receptor level which underlie these events in disease pathogenesis to shed light on how we can harness this interplay to regulate their outcomes.

Prof Paul Hertzog, Dr Nicole de Weerd

Panel Chair

Dr Peter Stanton

Independent assessors
A/Prof Claudia Nold, Dr Julian Vivian

Janica Jamieon's PhD confirmation, "An evaluation of programmatic assessment using contribution analysis", 8 February

All staff and students are invited to Janica Jamieson's PhD confirmation.

10am, February 8, Level 3 meeting room, 27 Rainforest Walk, Clayton campus

Project synopsis: Programmatic assessment provides a credible and defensible model for competency-based assessment however, there is little evaluative evidence. Contribution Analysis is a rigorous evaluation framework applied to complex practice-based interventions. This research will use Contribution Analysis to evaluate a model of programmatic assessment.

2   Supervisors:  Associate Professor Claire Palermo, Dr Simone Gibson, Professor Margaret Hay       

PhD confirmation milestone, Steph Cowan, "Investigating the effect of using a whole diet approach to lower levels of inflammation in metabolically compromised adults", 8 February

All staff and students are invited to Steph Cowan's PhD confirmation milestone.

8 February, 2pm, Level 1, BASE Facility, Building 230, Clayton Campus, Monash University

Synopsis: Different elements in the diet can influence the course of chronic inflammation. Foods that have pro-inflammatory properties may promote the influx of immune cells into tissues and increase the risk of further damage and disease. In contrast, foods with anti-inflammatory properties may aid in resolution of inflammation. My PhD research will include the development of a whole diet approach to reducing inflammation which will then be implemented in subjects at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Supervisor:  Dr Simone Gibson

Pattern Recognition Receptor signalling in response to bacterial infection, 12 February

12 February, 12-1pm, Seminar room 1, TRF

Presented by Professor Clare Bryant, University of Cambridge

Clare Bryant is Professor of Innate Immunity at the University of Cambridge. She graduated in Physiology and Biochemistry, then qualified as a veterinary surgeon, but decided to focus on research rather than clinical work.

After completing a PhD at the University of London she worked as a Wellcome Research Fellow with Professor Sir John Vane in London before moving to Cambridge. Her research is focused on understanding how bacterial pathogens are detected by host cell receptors. Her work involves collaborations with mathematicians, physicists and chemists to understand the fundamental molecular mechanisms involved in host-pathogen interactions.

PhD confirmation of candidature, Rochelle Davis, "Manipulating meal patterns to improve physiological outcomes in circadian disruption", 6 March

All staff and students are invited to Rochelle Davis' PhD confirmation of candidature.

6 March, 10am, Department of Nutrition, Dietetics & Food, Level 1, 264 Ferntree Gully Road, Notting Hill

Synopsis: This PHD aims to explore the effects of manipulating meal timing and composition in potentially ameliorating some of the deleterious physiological responses observed in conditions of circadian misalignment, or the desynchrony of the peripheral oscillators with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), such that occurs during ageing and shift work.

Supervisors: Dr. Kate Huggins (primary), Assoc. prof Maxine Bonham, Dr. Chiara Murgia

Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) for Psychosis, 19-20 March

Dr Charlie Heriot-Maitland
Southern Synergy, a Monash University Faculty Research Centre closely linked to and supported by the Monash Health Mental Health program, is hosting a two-day workshop on Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) for Psychosis. International presenters Dr Eleanor Longden & Dr Charlie Heriot-Maitland will facilitate the workshop on 19-20 March 2018 at the Abbotsford Convent.

Dr Eleanor Longden
Eleanor is a research psychologist with lived experience of psychosis who has lectured internationally on recovery-orientated approaches to complex mental health problems, including TED and WHO events.

Charlie is a clinical psychologist, researcher and trainer at King’s College London. He is researching the social context of anomalous experiences and the application of CFT for people experiencing distress in relation to psychosis.

Expected learning outcomes are to:
  • Understand the CFT model;
  • Take away skills to support yourself in your clinical work;
  • Learn some direct techniques for interventions with clients;
  • Learn about the current evidence base for this approach.
This workshop is a special opportunity for Australian mental health professionals to gain a strong foundation in CFT and its application to psychosis. Places are strictly limited to the first 60 registrations so we encourage you to register early if you wish to attend.

Standard fee: $695 (by 1/3/2018)
Early bird fee: $650 (by 31/1/2018)
HCC: $550.00 (by 31/1/2018).

New MPA advocacy service at MMC, 6 February

To support the needs of postgraduate students based at the MMC, an MPA advocate will be on site once a month to provide confidential, one-on-one support to postgrads.  The MPA advocacy service is free, independent from the university, and all details and concerns raised are treated confidentially and will be addressed in a timely and respectful manner. 

The advocate can help with course progression, authorship, supervision, milestones and other concerns related to your candidature at Monash.

2018 UROP Welcome Forum - registrations close tomorrow!

Join us at the 2018 UROP Welcome Forum!  15 February, 4-6pm, Portico Room, Melbourne Town Hall
This casual networking event is a great opportunity to meet the new cohort of Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) scholars, supervisors and students interested in research.
Hear from scientists at the cutting edge of life science research, take part in our SPEED NETWORKING and continue the conversation with fellow research enthusiasts over refreshments!
UROP is a scheme designed to give undergraduate students a real-life opportunity to experience working in a research team and gain insight into career paths in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical research.
This event is for past and present UROP students and supervisors, and for anyone who may be interested in participating in future.
Come along to find out more about the program!
Register HERE for this free event by 6th of February - registration is essential for catering purposes.

Casual Administrator position available: Liver Clinic

A casual administrator is required for relieving our Liver Clinic Admin Clerk for annual leave, sick leave and ADO's. Initially this would be 1 day per fortnight, but would require availability to cover annual leave over 2-3 week full-time blocks.

Applicant must have a car, to attend our Liver Clinics at Springvale and Cranbourne, as well as Monash Medical Centre.

The position would entail: 
- printing patient labels
- telephone inquiries regarding appointments
- making appointment bookings, including updating referral systems (via the Monash Health booking systems)
- preparation for clinic 

Training will be provided.

Please email for more information. 

Fire extinguisher and warden training dates

All staff should attend fire extinguisher training. It only takes 15 min, and you get to use the hospital's fire extinguisher simulator, which makes it more fun!

Sessions are available on:      
Tuesday 13th February, 11:00am-12:30pm in TRF seminar room 2
Monday 30th April, 10:15am-12:00pm in TRF seminar room 1

Please RSVP to Training is booked in 20 min sessions, so please indicate if you have a preferred time.

All OHS training dates are available here. Thank you!

MMC Safety Alert: Emergency Egress Path & Corridor Safety

What is happening?
·         Beds, trolleys and other items have been found in stairwells and corridors, blocking emergency and day to day paths of travel.

Why is this a problem?
·         Any item left in an emergency egress path has the potential to delay the safe evacuation of staff, patients and visitors in the event that an emergency incident requires a physical evacuation.
·         During day to day operations, items left in corridors have the potential to cause injury to our staff.
What can I do about this?
·         Beds, trolleys and other items must not be left in stairwells and corridors blocking emergency and day to day paths of travel.
·         Concerns related to storage of beds and equipment or disposal of faulty items must be escalated or reported to your direct supervisor.
How do I get more information or report a concern?

·         In the event that you observe a bed, trolley or other item blocking a path of travel anywhere onsite you should report this to the General Services team or directly to your supervisor.

What if I need more information?

For general enquiries regarding Monash Medical Centre or Monash Children’s Hospital please contact Site Management
·         Telephone:         959 44727      

·         Email:       

Systemic lupus erythematosus: Stress and the onset of SLE

Eric Morand published in Nature Reviews. Rheumatology.

Read article here.

Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging with MRI: Current Techniques and Applications

Ronil Chandra et al. published in World Neurosurgery.

Read article here.

The physiology of neonatal resuscitation

Stuart Hooper et al. published in Current Opinion in Pediatrics.

Read article here.