Monday, 5 February 2018

2018 Project Grants Peer Review - Invitation for ECR Observer and Assistant Chair Nominations

Monash University has once again been invited by NHMRC to nominate researchers to observe or participate in the 2018 Project Grants Grant Review Panels (GRPs). There are two call-outs as per below. 

1) ECR to observe the 2018 Project Grants GRPs

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences is allowed to nominate one (1) Early Career Researcher (ECR) to serve as an observer for the 2018 Project Grants GRPs.

Engagement of ECRs will:
  • provide insights into the Project Grant scheme peer review process which could be advantageous in their future NHMRC grant applications
  • provide ECRs with an opportunity to observe the discussion of applications
  • assist NHMRC to expand the pool of potential future peer review members.
The Faculty requires Heads of School to nominate ECRs who meet the parameters outlined by NHMRC and are available in the nominated time frame.

When nominating an ECR, please consider the following parameters:
1.     Your nominees must be researchers who have NOT previously participated as an ECR observer or served on a NHMRC panel.
2.     Your nominees must be researchers with a higher degree (e.g. PhD) and should be at academic level A or B, typically within 5 years of completing their PhD, noting any career disruptions. Exceptions will be considered.
3.     If selected, nominees are required for one day, either on Tuesday or Wednesday of a GRP week, between 31 July and 5 September 2018, in Canberra.
4.     NHMRC will NOT appoint ECRs to GRPs within the ECR’s area of expertise.
5.     Travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the ECR or their institution.

Could you please provide nominations by completing the  ECR Nomination Form (attached HERE) and submit to the SCS Head of School ( by no later than Thursday 8 February 2018 to allow timely nominations to MRO by their specified date.

2) Assistant Chair to participate on the 2018 Project Grants GRPs

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences is allowed to nominate one (1) Assistant Chair to participate on the 2018 Project Grants GRPs.

Assistant Chairs play an important role in ensuring the peer review process for each project grant application is fair and equitable. In return, the experience provides Assistant Chairs valuable insight into the Project Grant funding scheme and functions of the peer review process. 

The Faculty requires Heads of School to nominate researchers who meet the parameters outlined by NHMRC and are available in the nominated time frame.

When nominating an Assistant Chair, please consider the following parameters:
1. Your nominees must be researchers with an active, up to date RGMS account, who have NOT previously served on a NHMRC GRP (other than Postgraduate Scholarships and Early Career Fellowships) either as a panel member or Assistant Chair.
2. Your nominees must be researchers with a higher degree (e.g. PhD) and should be at academic level B or C, typically within 15 years of completing their PhD, noting any career disruptions. Exceptions can be considered.
3. NHMRC seeks to appoint Assistant Chairs to GRPs outside their specific area of expertise.
4. Your nominees are expected to fill this role for one week between 30 July and 7 September 2018, in Canberra.
5. NHMRC will provide travel and accommodation expenses for the Assistant Chairs and pay a daily sitting fee.

Could you please provide nominations by completing the Assistant Chair Nomination Form (attached HERE) and submit to the submit to the SCS Head of School ( by no later than Thursday 8 February 2018 to allow timely nominations to MRO by their specified date.

Information to all nominees: 
  • Gender, state/territory and discipline balance will be considered when allocating nominees to GRPs. 
  • NHMRC reserves the right to make the final decision on attendees, and will aim to provide confirmation of appointment by May 2018. 
  • If the nominee does not wish to be a part of the identified GRP and NHMRC is unable to accommodate changes, the offer will be extended to another nominee.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please don't hesitate to contact the Faculty Research Office by email to or phone 990 29143.

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