Tuesday, 20 November 2018

SCS staff acknowledged in recent Monash University promotions

Associate Professor Megan Wallace

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) congratulates the following staff who received recent academic promotions at Monash University:

Associate Professor Megan Wallace
Associate Professor Wallace is the Director of Medical Student Research for the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences responsible for: convening the BMedSc(Hons) degree, overseeing the MBBS-PhD Pathway and developing and implementing a new 12 credit point Unit for ~500 medical students/year across Australia and Malaysia in the new MD degree.  As such she plays a key role in driving the vital intersection between teaching and research in the Faculty, training and mentoring junior clinician scientists, promoting evidence-based medicine, and increasing the base of research-active clinicians in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Associate Professor Wallace is also a senior lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health. In that role, she is developing a suite of short courses for health professionals and she convenes a 3rd year undergraduate unit on Fetal and Neonatal Development that has been ranked as Outstanding (SETU > 4.7) every year for the last five years. Her personal SETU scores place her in the top 5% of educators in the FMNHS.

She also leads the Lung Development research group in The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research. Her research seeks to determine the mechanisms that regulate normal and abnormal lung development around the time of birth, understanding the transition at birth and identifying resuscitation strategies that reduce lung injury at birth.  In the last 5 years, she has been a CI on >$2.7million from NHMRC, ARC, Industry and small grants and $2.5million worth of synchrotron beam time.

Associate Professor Greg Moore
Associate Professor Gregory Moore
Associate Professor Greg Moore is Head of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) at Monash Medical Centre and a senior research fellow in the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health.

He is a past Chair of the Australian Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Association and a Board member of Crohn's and Colitis Australia and Chair of the Medical and Scientific Committee of CCA, and was instrumental in conducting the National IBD Audit and creating the National Action Plan for IBD by CCA for the federal government.

Associate Professor Moore conducts multicentre and investigator initiated clinical trials, as well as translational research into amnion derived stem-like cells and novel biomarkers of fibrosis, from animal models to phase 1 trials. He is also an active undergraduate and post-graduate teacher and PhD supervisor.

Associate Professor Alberta Hoi
Associate Professor Alberta Hoi
Associate Professor Alberta Hoi is the Chair of the Australian Lupus Registry and Biobank, and is Head of the Monash Lupus Clinic. She is a Senior Research Fellow at Monash University, with longstanding clinical and research interests in the use of biomarkers in SLE for the early and accurate diagnosis and management of systemic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Associate Professor Hoi leads a number of investigator-initiated SLE studies and sponsored clinical trials. Her current research projects focus on the unmet needs of patients and explore biological correlates with clinical outcomes in SLE. Her works have highlighted the effects of Asian ethnicity and disease activity states on long term disease outcomes.  She also has a keen interest in patient outcomes, particularly ways to improve their quality of care. She seeks to study the causes and effects of cognitive dysfunction in SLE, and to develop patient-based assessment and management tools that can facilitate their quality of care.

Associate Professor Rebecca Lim
Associate Professor Rebecca Lim
Associate Professor Rebecca Lim leads a dynamic research group at The Ritchie Centre, and is a Chief Investigator on two current NHMRC project grants. She is also an investigator on three ongoing clinical trials at Monash Health, in neonatal lung injury, chronic liver disease and acute adult stroke.

The core research of Associate Professor Lim's laboratory is in the area of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Her research team is uncovering the regenerative potential of amnion derived stem-like cells while concurrently pursuing clinical translation of her findings. Associate Professor Lim’s team has taken their research from the discovery phase to clinical testing including developing protocols for cell manufacturing and clinical release, and commercialisation of cell-free regenerative medicine.

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