Monday, 29 October 2018


A fellowship scheme to facilitate the training of potential clinical academic specialist physicians within Monash Health has been established in collaboration with Monash University including the Department Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences (SCS), Monash University (MU) and School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (SPHPM) as well as Monash Health (MH) Division of Medicine.

The program involves supervised training of suitable candidates in three areas relevant to academic physicians:

  1.  Clinical/translational research via a higher degree, preferably PhD.

  1.  Advanced clinical training in internal medicine.

  1. Supervised clinical teaching experience.

Support Package
The total support package includes a Monash Health fellowship for the value of approximately $7,500 with a University support package based on which department the candidate is in and what teaching component is completed. For those in the SCS this is a total package of $21,500 per annum. For those in the SPHPM and includes the MH fellowship and additional support based on teaching and other activities.

The fellowship will be available annually for up to three years depending on satisfactory progress according to the candidate and supervisors’ progress reports. Preference will be given to candidates not engaged in significant remunerated clinical practice (e.g. hospital sessions, private practice).

The candidate must be a current or recently completed advanced trainee in any specialty of internal medicine with a Part 1 FRACP, FRACP or equivalent qualification.

  1. The fellowship training will be jointly supervised by Monash Health Division of Medicine and Monash University with either Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences or SPHPM.

  1.  Candidates must be nominated by their Head of Unit.

  1. The applicant will have a clinical supervisor, a MH appointee approved to supervise advanced trainees.

  1. The applicant will have a University supervisor, who is a member of the SCS Department of Medicine or SPHPM (full-time, part-time or adjunct appointee), qualified to supervise MU PhD programs.  There needs to be only one supervisor if the supervisor fulfils both University and Monash Health requirements.

  1. SCS’s recipients will undertake two hours per week of clinical undergraduate teaching within the SCS, assist with MBBS assessment (contributing to the existing EMQ bank and examining at the OSCE) and MCR assessment tutorials in each academic year of the fellowship. MBBS teaching options may also be available to those from SPHPM but are not guaranteed. Other teaching options will be available through SPHPM also.

  1. The recipient will undertake a clinical service component approved by the Selection Committee.  This will include a component in their nominated specialty and four weekends as the specialist fellow in General Medicine.

  1. The fellow will undertake an approved research program preferably towards the attainment of a PhD or other approved higher degree and should be enrolled in the Department of Medicine, SCS or the SPHPM at Monash University.

  1. The training should take place within Monash Health and the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences or SPHPM.

  1. Renewal of the fellowship will depend on a review of achievement evidenced by a written report on progress by the applicant supported by the supervisor and Head of Unit/Department.  This should be submitted by 31 January following each fellowship year.

Selection Process
A Selection Committee will assess the suitability of the candidate for a career as a clinical academic, based on clinical competence and academic potential using the following criteria and information:

·         Quality of the application
·         Reports by supervisor and Head of Unit/Department
·         Undergraduate and Postgraduate academic record, which may include:
o   Academic presentations
o   Research experience
o   Research qualifications
o   Academic publications
o   Awards
o   Teaching experience
o   Clinical/academic leadership.

Selection Committee
The Selection Committee will comprise:
·         Professor of Medicine, Monash University Department of Medicine
·         Another senior academic physician, Monash University Department of Medicine/Monash Health
·         Head, School of Clinical Sciences, Monash Health
·         Head of Medicine Program, Monash Health
·         Director of Undergraduate Medical Education, School of Clinical Sciences
·         A senior academic from SPHPM, Monash University

Please note, that even if you have a current Fellowship, you are required to reapply.  Please also note that hand-written applications are not acceptable.

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