Monday, 7 May 2018


Project title: A longitudinal Neuroimaging Study of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Phenotypes

We are seeking a group of healthy volunteers to participate in a MRI brain imaging research study in MND.

Why is the study being done? This is a MRI brain imaging project which aims to track brain changes using a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner and symptoms in participants with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) over one year compared to healthy participants.
What does it involve? If you consent to being involved in the study, as a healthy participant you will be assessed at one visit to check your general health status and suitability to have a MRI scan. If you meet this criteria, you will have 2 MRI brain scans (50 mins each scan) done on 2 separate occasions.

If you are interested in participating, you can contact the Principal Investigator -Dr Chua and her research team at Calvary Healthcare Bethlehem 9595 3355 or

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