Monday, 16 April 2018

eSolutions printer update

What do I do if my job stops printing abruptly because the device has run out of paper ?
Considering one of the key features of our new print environment in "Confidentiality" we do not recommend you walk away from your job when it hasn't completed printing, instead you can cancel the current job and then address the paper issues.
To delete a current job, please follow these three simple steps:
Step 1: Select Use Copier
Step 2: Press Status Monitor/Cancel button
Step 3: Select the job/s you wish to cancel and press Yes to confirm cancellation of the job/s

Note: You will have to release the job from your machine once again after selecting the remainder of the pages that need to be printed.
Can I print using a non-Monash device?
Yes, you will be able to print from a non-Monash device. Please refer to the instructions below:

Instructions for Mac
Instructions for Windows
Instructions for Linux

Can I print using my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, you will also be able to print from your smartphone or tablet via PaperCut Web Print. Please refer to Instructions for Web Printing.

Can a colleague (e.g. admin or executive assistant) collect print on someone's behalf?

Yes, delegate access can be set up by request on the new print service. Any requests for delegate access must be submitted via the Service Desk.

Is there a limit to the size for scanned documents?

No, but there is a limit of 20MB that applies to emails. If you are working with large documents, save them to Google Drive and send a link to the file.

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