Monday, 12 March 2018

ARC LIEF (LE19) RNTAs due to MRO

Attn LE19 Lead CIs:

If you wish to submit a 'Request Not to Assess' for your ARC Proposal, please note that RNTAs must be received by the MRO <> ASAP. 
Note that only one RNTA can be submitted per proposal.

Where to find the RNTA form?
The RNTA form (.xlsx) can be downloaded from here

Who to Include/Exclude?
You do not need to list individuals who will be excluded in virtue of the ARC's Conflict of Interest policy. In particular: 
  • Individuals who have or have had a contractual or employment arrangement with a university, or any organisation that is named in the Proposal; or, 
  • Individuals who have published with, held research funding with, or has been in a supervisory relationship with an individual named in the Proposal; or,
  • Individuals who own shares in, or exercises control in a company or other organisation named in the Proposal, or in which he/she has direct involvement.

If you list someone on the ARC College of Experts, you will need to provide a justification. In which case, please note:
  • The statement should detail how the relationship/situation constitutes a valid reason the named individual should not assess the proposal. Some examples include previous and current professional relationships and partnerships, personal relationships, and instances where a material interest exists.
  • Your justification statement must take the form of a letter, which will need to be signed by Pauline Nestor (Monash DVCR). The MRO has a letter template available for this purpose, available upon request.
No justification is required for an RNTA which lists three or fewer individuals (and no one on the ARC's College of Experts). 

Only in very extraordinary circumstances can you list more than three individuals on your RNTA, and doing so would required a justification letter covering all named individuals. 

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