Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Monash stroke researcher awarded prestigious Club Melbourne Fellowship

The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria and
Associate Professor Dominique Cadilhac
Associate Professor Dominique Cadilhac from the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) was awarded the highly regarded Club Melbourne Fellowship at a ceremony in Melbourne last week.

Presented by The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, the Fellowship gives Associate Professor Cadilhac access to the exclusive Club Melbourne Ambassador Program network as well as a $10,000 grant to support attendance at international conferences to enable new research opportunities. 

The prestigious Fellowship recognises excellence in research, innovation and leadership, and is designed to support high-quality Melbournian research projects and the next generation of potential Club Melbourne Ambassadors. This is the second time in the 12 years of the Club Melbourne initiative that this Fellowship has been offered. Club Melbourne is designed to harnesses the passion of Melbourne’s elite thinkers from diverse fields with a common goal to contribute to Victoria's economic growth and international reputation.

Head of the Translational Public Health and Evaluation Division, Stroke and Ageing Research at Monash University, Associate Professor Cadilhac is an expert in health services research related to stroke, particularly in the areas of economic evaluation and program evaluation.

With a clinical background in nursing, Associate Professor Cadilhac has over 130 journal publications and has contributed to eight practice guidelines. She is best known for establishing the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry and the Victorian Stroke Telemedicine Program and heads up these programs in a collaborative role with the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health.

Associate Professor Cadilhac said she is very proud to have been nominated by The Florey for this prestigious fellowship which will allow her to advance efforts to undertake high quality economic evaluations of interventions in the area of stroke and promote the use of data from clinical quality registries to improve care and patient outcomes.

“I was thrilled and overwhelmed by the tremendous feedback and the recognition of my efforts in advancing health services research and economic evaluation in stroke care,” Associate Professor Cadilhac said.

“As a Club Melbourne Fellow, I will be able to work directly with key opinion leaders in my field from different countries, enhancing my international collaborations” she said.

Monash Haematology research recognised at Lugano Biennial International Lymphoma Conference

Professor Stephen Opat
Research at Monash Haematology was recognised at the 14th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma held in Lugano, Switzerland last week, attended by more than 3000 international delegates.

The event is the premier scientific meeting for haematologists, oncologists, radiation oncologists, paediatricians, pathologists and leading researchers involved in the study and treatment of lymphoma.

Monash clinicians and researchers had four abstracts including three oral presentations and one poster.  A landmark chemotherapy-free study in follicular and aggressive B cell lymphoma was one of only three abstracts selected for presentation at the plenary session. The study examined the activity of Tazemetostat, a first-in-class, oral inhibitor of EZH2, an enzyme involved in reading of the DNA code.

“The long strands of DNA in the cells are tightly coiled around proteins called histones. However, DNA needs to be uncoiled to be read by the cell’s machinery. The EZH2 enzyme adds a mark to the histones which stops the DNA from uncoiling. The enzyme can be abnormally activated in several cancers including lymphoma, breast, prostate, melanoma, and bladder cancer. Tazemetostat can inhibit the EZH2 enzyme thus enabling the cells to read the DNA once more”, Professor Opat said.

Responses were seen in 92% of patients with relapsed follicular lymphoma and 29% with relapsed aggressive B cell lymphoma who had an abnormally activated EZH2. The Tazemetostat tablets were extremely well tolerated with few side effects.

Other presentations highlighted the clinical activity of ‘BGB-3111’, a next generation inhibitor of the Bruton Tyrosine Kinase enzyme in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia.

Haematology Research is conducting further studies with these agents in the Monash Health Translation Precinct Clinical Trial Facility.

SCS / Hudson 3MT finals Friday 30 June

Please register to attend the SCS/Hudson 3MT finals and support your fellow students who will be presenting next Friday 30th June.

Last year one of our own students went on to compete in both the Faculty Heat and the Monash Finals and won People's Choice.

Registration is essential for catering purposes on the following link by Thursday 29 June: https://my.monash.edu.au/news-and-events/bookings/mmcbs/view/207305/

Grant Review Panels (GRPs) for SGS 2018 - general

The Faculty Research Office is seeking researchers (including Early Career Researchers) and clinicians to serve on grant review panels (GRPs) for the SGS 2018 scheme between 29 September and 29 October, 2017. Review and assessment of applications will be conducted online at the SGS 2018 (FluidReview) website. If required, a face-to-face panel meeting is arranged by the Panel Chair between 30 October and 10 November 2017.

Since it is a condition of award that applicants agree to serve on future GRPs, we expect that awardees from earlier rounds will be well represented on the SGS 2018 panels. Panel member availability, role type, nominated grant category, School/Department, and areas of expertise are carefully considered in the final selection of panel members.

The information that we require from prospective panel members is listed below:

a)  The role in which you would classify your panel membership:
·  Researcher
·  Early Career Researcher
·  Clinician

b)  The category of panel on which you would like to serve:

Strategic Project Grant (SPG) - [Lab]
Strategic Project Grant (SPG) - [Non-Lab]
Early Career Development Grant (ECD) - [Lab]
Early Career Development Grant (ECD) - [Non-Lab]

c)    Areas of expertise
Please briefly outline (dot points only) your areas of research expertise and provide your School/Department. While every effort is made to match your review assignments with your area of expertise panel assignments are dependant on the pool of applications received. 

Please advise the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) of your availability and preferred grant category by no later than Friday 21 July 2017.  

Hudson Seminar Series - "Mitochondrial DNA, why bother?", 29th June

This week's Hudson Seminar will be held, Thursday 29th June at 12:00pm-1:00pm in Seminar rooms 1 & 2, Level 2, TRF Building.
The speaker will be Professor Jus St. John, Head of the Centre for Genetic Disease and Group Head Mitochondrial Genetics Group, Hudson Institute of Medical Research.

A light lunch and refreshments will follow the presentation. 
Jus St. John’s research focuses on understanding how mitochondrial DNA is transmitted and replicated. Using a variety of assisted reproductive technologies and embryonic and cancer stem cell models, he has described mitochondrial DNA replication events in oocytes, embryos and undifferentiated and differentiating cells and why they are important to developmental outcome. He has also shown how mitochondrial DNA copy number is regulated in a cell-specific manner by DNA methylation of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial DNA-specific polymerase; and how mtDNA haplotypes influence chromosomal gene expression patterns. He is using these outcomes to develop mini-pig models of autologous mitochondrial supplementation to enhance developmental outcomes and other assisted reproductive strategies to regulate the transmission of mitochondrial DNA from one generation to the next. He has published in The Lancet, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Cell Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Stem Cells, Cell Death and Differentiation, Journal of Cell Science, and Genetics. In 2013, he received the Society for Reproductive Biology’s Award for Excellence in Reproductive Biology Research.

PhD Final review milestone, Maciej Szarek, "Delineating the role of activin A targets in men's reproductive health", 3 July

All staff and students are invited to attend Maciej Szarek's PhD milestone review.

1pm, July 3rd, Hudson Boardroom.

Title:  Delineating the role of activin A targets in men's reproductive health 

Synopsis:  Reproductive health is an important aspect of men’s overall wellbeing, however, 1 in 20 men exhibit subfertility, which is associated with a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. A tightly regulated balance between somatic and paracrine signals mediates the appropriate timing of gonocyte maturation, of which members of the TGF-beta superfamily are substantially involved. Thus, my project investigates the hypothesis that a particular member of this superfamily, activin A, alters the level of chemokines (CXCL12, CCL17) and metalloproteinases (MMP2, MMP9) to mediate gonocyte cell fate choice, with aberrant production of these factors potentially contributing to testicular germ cell tumour development

Supervisors: Prof. Kate Loveland, A/Prof. Mark Hedger, Prof. Martin Bergmann
Panel Chair: Dr. Craig Harrison 

Independent assessors:  Dr. Patrick Western, Dr. Peter Stanton 

Monash Haematology Journal Club: “Catheter directed thrombolysis for DVT in the prevention of PTS”, 28 June

7.30am Breakfast & 7.45am Presentation
Monash Medical Centre, Level 2 - Lecture Theatre 3

“Catheter directed thrombolysis for DVT in the prevention of PTS”

Presenter: Dr Agnes Yuen  

MHTP Bioinformatics seminar: "Discover interferon (IFN) regulated genes using the INTERFEROME online database", Wed 28 June

Wed 28 June, 2pm-3pm - Hudson Institute Level 3 - Board Rooms

IFNs were identified as antiviral proteins more than 50 years ago and since then have been shown to regulate cell proliferation, survival, migration and specialised functions. Consequently they are involved in numerous homeostatic and pathological processes including infections, cancer, autoimmunity, inflammation and metabolic disorders. These cytokines are also used as therapeutics in diseases such as chronic viral infections, cancer and multiple sclerosis. IFNs potentially regulate the transcription of up to 2000 genes in an IFN subtype, dose, cell type and stimulus dependent manner. 

The Interferome database integrates information from high-throughput experiments to gain a detailed understanding of the various IFN activated pathways that regulate subsets of genes, with the aim to enhance our understanding of pathophysiological processes.

In this seminar Dr Ross Chapman, from the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, will introduce you to the Interferome online database and demonstrate analysis tools available on this application.

For more information or to join the bioinformatics affinity group please contact: roxane.legaie@monash.edu 

SCS ECR Mentor Program Applications EXTENDED to Friday 30 June 2017

Applications for the mentoring program are due this Friday.   We have many senior researchers that have volunteered to participate as mentors. 

If you have a researcher in mind that you would like as your mentor we can specifically contact that person.

Please read through the attached booklet (HERE) and complete the sections on pages 16 - 18 of the booklet:
'For Mentees' and 'Initiation Questionnaire'

Return application forms to aimee.dordevic@monash.edu OR xin.du@monash.edu

If you have previously participated in the mentor program we would really appreciate your feedback (5 - 10 minutes maximum), please use the following link:   

The Jack Brockhoff Foundation Medical Grants - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI)

The Jack Brockhoff Foundation invites applications for its Early Career Research Grants. Grants are worth up to AUD $70,000 each per year for one or two years. Applicants must have been engaged in full-time research for less than three years since completing their PhD.

These grants support Victorian research in health and well-being by helping to establish the careers of young scientists. They enable early-career researchers to demonstrate their scientific originality and their capacity to complete, with relative independence, a discrete study for publication in the scientific literature.

As Monash may only submit a maximum of two applications across the University (including from our affiliates), there will be an expression of interest (EOI), review, and ranking process for applications.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI using the attached template HERE and submit it to the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) by no later than 5:00PM (AEDT) on Monday 3 July 2017.

Applicants will be notified whether they have been selected to proceed to full application on or soon after 17 July 2017.

Final applications are due to the Jack Brockhoff Foundation by 5pm Wednesday 31 July 2017.

Further information on this scheme can be found at the following link and in Research Professional.

ECR event - lunch with Prof. Rosemary Horne, 12 July

Prof Rosemary Horne
Professor Rosemary Horne is a Deputy Director of the Ritchie Centre and the SCS Career Officer. She offers personalised advice on CV planning, grant and fellowship writing and other career advice. 

Come to the lunch to meet her and find out what she may offer. Lunch will follow a brief talk by Prof Horne, who will be there to have a chat.

Time: Wednesday 12th of July, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Place: Level 7, TRF, breakout area

Lunch is provided!

Places are limited, please book using the link below:

Safety alert at MMC

Last week a staff member was robbed while walking along Wright Street to the carpark.  The incident took place at 4pm.

What do I need to look for?
·         Staff who walk in streets immediately surrounding MMC should be aware of their surroundings and be alert for suspicious people or vehicles in the area.
·         Where staff are concerned about a suspicious person or vehicle they should contact the Police directly on 000.

What about safety?

We take this opportunity to provide some personal safety strategies
·         Be alert for suspicious people or vehicles as you walk in the streets
·         Avoid talking on your mobile phone whilst in public
·         Avoid providing personal information to strangers
·         Always walk confidently and with purpose
·         Walk in groups where possible
·         Carry your car keys in your hand for quick access to your vehicle, without fumbling in your bag.
·         Use the Monash Health Shuttle bus to travel between MMC and the Browns Road South staff car park from outside E Block between 3:10pm and 7:55pm and 6:25am – 9:15am weekdays.
·         In an Emergency contact the Police directly (telephone 000)
·         Contact MMC Security (959 42139) at any time if you require assistance on Monash Health Properties
·         Remove Employee identification when you leave your workplace (eg: name badge, ID/Access card)
There are also strategies to consider inside our workplace
·         Be alert for suspicious people in the workplace
·         Secure personal belongings at all times
·         Avoid leaving money or valuables unattended
·         Avoid giving personal details or business information to strangers
·         Report any suspicious persons or incidents to MMC Security (959 42139)

How do I get more information or report a concern?

·         For Emergency assistance outside Monash Medical Centre please contact the Police on emergency number 000.
·         For assistance within Monash Medical Centre grounds please contact MMC Security on 959 42139.
·         For Emergency assistance within Monash Medical Centre or Monash Children’s Hospital please call the internal emergency number 999 and state your emergency.

For general enquiries regarding Monash medical Centre or Monash Children’s Hospital please contact Site Management
·         Telephone:         959 44727      

·         Email:                 MMCSiteManagement@monashhealth.org

Scientists hope new take on old method will boost the chances of pancreatic cancer patients

Brendan Jenkins and Daniel Croagh reported in The World Today.  Listen to story HERE.


Dominique Cadilhac reported on 2SER.  Listen to story HERE.

Pharmacokinetic modelling of modified acetylcysteine infusion regimens used in the treatment of paracetamol poisoning

Anselm Wong, Andis Graudins et al. published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Read article here.

Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia as a First Manifestation of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

Rupert Hinds et al. published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition.

Read article here.

Impact of online toxicology training on health professionals

Anselm Wong et al. published in Clinical Toxicology.

Read article here.

Survival in Out-of-hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation of Non-Traumatic Brain Pathologies

Gabriel Blecher et al. published in Prehospital Emergency Care.

Read article here.