Tuesday, 27 June 2017

MHTP Bioinformatics seminar: "Discover interferon (IFN) regulated genes using the INTERFEROME online database", Wed 28 June

Wed 28 June, 2pm-3pm - Hudson Institute Level 3 - Board Rooms

IFNs were identified as antiviral proteins more than 50 years ago and since then have been shown to regulate cell proliferation, survival, migration and specialised functions. Consequently they are involved in numerous homeostatic and pathological processes including infections, cancer, autoimmunity, inflammation and metabolic disorders. These cytokines are also used as therapeutics in diseases such as chronic viral infections, cancer and multiple sclerosis. IFNs potentially regulate the transcription of up to 2000 genes in an IFN subtype, dose, cell type and stimulus dependent manner. 

The Interferome database integrates information from high-throughput experiments to gain a detailed understanding of the various IFN activated pathways that regulate subsets of genes, with the aim to enhance our understanding of pathophysiological processes.

In this seminar Dr Ross Chapman, from the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, will introduce you to the Interferome online database and demonstrate analysis tools available on this application.

For more information or to join the bioinformatics affinity group please contact: roxane.legaie@monash.edu 

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