Monday, 8 May 2017

Unearthing the basis of autoimmune disease

Professor Richard Kitching
Monash University researchers have discovered the mechanism that explains how key genetic risk factors cause or protect people from autoimmune disease such as kidney disease, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn’s disease.

Published last week in Nature, Monash researchers have answered the fundamental question: why, and how, does having different immune molecules change a person’s underlying genetic risk of developing an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune diseases affect over 1 million Australians and, in the Western world, are a leading cause of death in women under the age of 65. These diseases include type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and several types of kidney disease.

Monash University co-senior author, Professor Richard Kitching, explained that our immune system has evolved to fight infections and disease.

“Our immune system is able to protect us from foreign invaders, as it learns to recognise different infections over time,” Professor Kitching said.

“But, this sometimes goes wrong and our immune system recognises parts of our own body as being foreign. This leads to autoimmune disease.”

Professor Jamie Rossjohn, co-senior author, ARC Laureate Fellow and Chief Investigator on the ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging, said that autoimmune diseases occur when our immune system produces an aberrant response against our own cells, tissues and/or organs, resulting in
inflammation and damage.

“Certain immune molecules, called HLA molecules, are associated with an increased genetic risk to cause autoimmunity, whereas other HLA molecules can protect from disease,” Professor Rossjohn said.

Professor Kitching said their research provided the first mechanistic evidence of the basis of protective and disease causing HLA molecules in autoimmunity.

“Our research has given us a new understanding of why some people are at risk of disease, while others are protected,” Professor Kitching said.

“We have known that in autoimmune diseases there are T cells that make us susceptible to disease and T cells that protect us from disease. Now we know how this happens; it opens the field for new and more targeted treatments to specific diseases.

“In Goodpasture’s disease when the molecule DR15 is present it can select and instruct T cells to attack the body. If alone in our body these damaging cells can attack the body’s tissues, resulting in very ill patients.

“But when people also have the protective DR1 molecule present these T cells are held at bay and can be overturned,” Professor Kitching said.

This research is the first mechanistic evidence of what causes our immune system to go rogue and attack parts of our own body. It paves the way for further research and for new and novel treatments, as well as avenues that lead to personalised therapies.

“We have answered one of the biggest questions in autoimmune disease,” Professor Rossjohn said.

“There is evidence out there that this mechanism is relevant to other autoimmune diseases and it opens up new lines of research into how autoimmune disease occurs.”

“These particular protective immune cells are specific and are extremely powerful,” Kitching continued.

“So, if we can encourage them to develop in the body, or expand people’s cells outside the body and inject them back into those with disease, this could result in better and more targeted treatments for autoimmune diseases,” he said.

Watch a video explaining the video HERE.

Professor Elizabeth Hartland announced as new Director and CEO of Hudson

Professor Elizabeth Hartland
Professor Elizabeth Hartland will become the new Director and CEO of Hudson Institute of Medical Research, commencing August 2017.

With a long-standing interest in the pathogenesis of infections caused by E. coli and Legionella, Professor Hartland’s research focusses on mechanisms of bacterial colonisation and immune evasion.

Professor Hartland obtained her BSc (Hons) majoring in Microbiology and Biochemistry and subsequently her PhD in Microbiology from the University of Melbourne.  Until recently she was Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor Research Partnerships and External Relations, University of Melbourne. She has held a Royal Society/NHMRC Howard Florey Fellowship at Imperial College London, academic positions in the Department of Microbiology, Monash University and an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship at the University of Melbourne.

Her leadership positions at Melbourne University include Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Deputy Director Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.

Professor Hartland said she is very excited to be moving to the Hudson Institute and honoured to be joining as the Director.

“Part of the appeal of this move is the stellar reputation of the Hudson for discovery science and translational research, including in my own area of host response to infection,” Professor Hartland said.

“I think the opportunities for the Institute are immense through close partnerships with one of Australia’s largest healthcare networks, Monash Health, and Monash University, which is well recognised as one of Australia’s highest performing universities in medical research.”

“As part of the MHTP, the Hudson is a relatively new Institute with a mission to advance science through fundamental research and to translate that research into better treatments for important human diseases.”

“I’m looking forward to helping Hudson researchers fulfil the potential and impact of their research through building the Institute’s profile and reputation globally as well as working to maximise research funding opportunities and translational partnerships,” Professor Hartland said.

Professor Hartland assumes the position from Professor Bryan Williams. Professor Williams has led the Institute since 2006, when he was appointed Director of Monash Institute of Medical Research (MIMR), and continued in this role through the merger process of MIMR with Prince Henry’s Institute, which resulted in the formation of Hudson Institute in 2014.

Neuroendocrine tumour patients in Melbourne’s South East to receive world-class care at MHTP

Associate Professor Strickland
Researchers and clinicians at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) are now offering world-class expertise and care for patients with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs).
NETs are growths that begin in neuroendocrine cells which are distributed widely throughout the body. There are many different types of NET and while relatively rare, more than 1800 Australians are diagnosed with NETs every year and over 10,000 Australians are currently living with these cancers.
Monash Health medical oncologist Associate Professor Andrew Strickland said that NETs can be quite indolent and slow growing, and patients live with them for many years.
“Real expertise is required to manage patients with these tumours, and until now we haven’t had either the expertise or the infrastructure,” he said.
“With the recent appointment of Professor Eva Segelov as Director of Oncology at Monash University and Monash Health, we now have one of Australia’s foremost experts on NETs here at Monash.”
For the first time, Monash Health has established a dedicated NET multidisciplinary meeting and clinic to care for the needs of the vast population in Melbourne’s South East.
“Our first meeting was very well attended with excellent support from surgery, gastroenterology, medical oncology, nuclear medicine and pathology as well as registrars and fellows. There was a presentation after the cases by Simone Leyden, CEO of the Unicorn Foundation about their patient support services and NET patient experiences, as well as their advocacy program.
“This clinic will require substantial support from the hospital and we are delighted that Monash Medical Centre has seen fit to support this endeavour,” said Associate Professor Strickland.
Associate Professor Strickland said there is an enormous need in the community. 
"We drain a huge population and up until now the only specialised clinic in Victoria has been at Peter Mac—and not even Peter Mac has a formal NET multidisciplinary team meeting.”
“The Peter Mac clinic is both geographically inconvenient and overloaded with work so our patients have had to wait long periods of time for appointments and treatment.”
Associate Professor Strickland said he expects to be able to see the patients and get started with treatment in a timely fashion.
We initially plan to open up 16 appointment slots per week but expect that the demand will grow rapidly and that the service will expand from there.”
The weekly NET meeting will be fully multidisciplinary.  Chaired by Professor Segelov, the meeting is attended by surgeons, nuclear medicine physicians, radiologists, pathologists, gastroenterologists and endocrinologists.

Vulnerable newborns benefit from latest equipment at MCH

Dr Malhotra at the new MCH
Some of the most vulnerable patients at the new Monash Children’s Hospital (MCH) are now benefitting from a state-of-the-art transport system, the first of its kind in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Australia.

Neonatologist at Monash Children’s Hospital Dr Atul Malhotra said that with the recent move to the new MCH, the transport system for sick babies was also upgraded, including an incubator, ventilator and humidifier system not in widespread use across the world.

“Our new transport incubator keeps the smallest, most vulnerable of infants warm when they’re first born,” said Dr Malhotra, who is also a Monash University researcher and senior lecturer.

“Our upgraded ventilator, which is generally used in transport of sick patients in ambulances, helicopters and airplanes between hospitals, together with a portable humidification device, gives us the capacity to perform sophisticated invasive or non-invasive ventilation right from the delivery room (birth suite or theatre).”

Thanks to this new equipment, vulnerable newborns at MCH receive the standard of care delivered in the NICU from the exact moment they are born and during transport to NICU.  This includes modes of ventilation previously not available during transport from the birth suite to the NICU. 

Dr Malhotra said that no other hospital in Australia currently has this equipment available for in-hospital transport of newborns.

Arvind Sehgal puts Monash research on the world map

Professor Arvind Sehgal
Professor Arvind Sehgal, Neonatalogist at Monash Newborn, Monash Children's Hospital has been invited to Chair and speak at the prestigious Annual Congress of the Pediatric Academic Societies in San Francisco later this month. 

Professor Sehgal’s session, 'Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Cardiovascular journey from fetal life through to adolescence' will cover cardiac and vascular manifestations of intrauterine growth restriction across age groups and discuss public health importance and putative interventions.

“It is a matter of great prestige and honour to be invited to present to ‘the Society’”, Professor Sehgal said.

“My session will explore how the heart and the vessels adapt to intrauterine growth restriction. The presentations include opportunities for early detection and preventive therapies.”

“The session and the invitation to chair puts Monash Children's Hospital and Monash University on the world map of perinatal medicine,” he said.

Monash Medical Orchestra's Autumn Concert - Marches of Love, 14 May

As the summer months draw to a close, the Monash Medical Orchestra is pleased to present the annual autumn concert of 2017, Marches of Love. Featuring timeless classics such as Tchaikovsky's Marche Slave, and modern works such as the Superman soundtrack, this concert is sure to be a wonderful event to bring Mother's Day to a close. Tickets are priced at $20 ($15 for concession), and the details are as follows:

Marches of Love

Date: Sunday 14th May
Time: 5pm
Venue: James Tatoulis Auditorium, Methodist Ladies' College, Kew
Tickets: Here or at the door!

As always, family and friends are most welcome to attend! Tickets may also be purchased through our website,

If your contact details have changed, or if you do not want to receive further messages from the MMO, please email us at

Thank you for continuing to support the Monash Medical Orchestra. Your support makes a great difference to the lives of medical students, and provides them with musical and performance opportunities.

CID Weekly Seminar Series: Invited Speaker -Dr Lisa Lindqvist, 9 May

Tuesday 9 May, 2:00 - 1:00pm, Seminar Room 1, TRF Building

Dr Lisa Lindqvist
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
Walter and Eliza Hal Institute
Division of Cell Signalling and Cell Death

Sophisticated regulation of inflammatory signalling during cell death is critical to ensure a proper immune response. For instance during development, or when maintaining homeostatic cell number, an inflammatory response would be detrimental, while secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines are appropriate during infection. This seminar will focus on how 3 cell suicide pathways (pyroptosis, necroptosis, and mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis) differentially regulate pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion, with a special focus on the role autophagy plays in this process.

Lisa Lindqvist received her PhD in 2011 from McGill University in Canada characterising anti-neoplastic protein synthesis inhibitors. As Senior Postdoctoral Fellow position in the Cell Signalling and Cell Division at the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, her current research program is dedicated to the understanding of the interplay between cell suicide, autophagy, and inflammation pathways. Throughout her career, Dr Lindqvist has been supported by multiple prestigious federal scholarships and fellowships from NSERC, CIHR and the NHMRC. In 2011, she was named the CIHR Bisby Fellow, a distinction awarded to the highest ranked proposal in the annual National Canadian Institutes of Health Research Post-PhD fellowship competition.

Please contact to schedule a meeting with Lisa after the seminar.
A light lunch is served prior to the seminar at 11:45am in the seminar room foyer, level 2, TRF Building.

Further information, including the link to add the seminar series to your google calendar, is available from CID Weekly Seminar Series website []

"Talking High Content Analysis", MHTP technical seminar, 10 May

MMI-MHTP invites you to attend a special Technical Seminar on high content screening, using the Cellomics Arrayscan.

Seminar: "Talking High Content Analysis"
Presenter: Guillaume Morin, Field Application Scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Location: TRF Building, level 2. Seminar Room 1
Date: Wednesday 10th May 2017 at 11am-12pm

“High Content screening utilises automated microscopy, processing and analysis tools to gather quantitative data from cell populations. Join us to learn more about high content analysis, using the Cellomics ArrayScan at MMI-MHTP. Field Application Scientist, Guillaume Morin from Thermo Fisher Scientific will guide you through what the ArrayScan is capable of and how it can be applied to your research.”

A light lunch will be provided following the seminar.

Please see the attached flyers or contact MMI-MHTP for further information.

RSVP to Sarah ( today for catering purposes.

This seminar is sponsored, in part, by Thermo Fisher Scientific.  

We look forward to seeing you there.

Invitation: Journal Club, “Future of Medical Research” Wednesday 10 May

All interested staff and students are invited to the Journal Club.

7.30am Breakfast & 7.45 Presentation
Monash Medical Centre, Level 2 - Lecture Theatre 3

Presenter: Professor Doug Hilton

Prof. Doug Hilton is the 6th Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Head of the Department of Medical Biology in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne, and the immediate past President of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI). He is best known for his discoveries in the area of cytokine signalling, his advocacy for health & medical research and gender, and for gender equity in science. The Hilton lab aims to understand which of the 30,000 genes are important in the production and function of blood cells, and how this information can be used to better prevent, diagnose and treat blood cell diseases such as leukaemia, arthritis and asthma. Prof. Hilton has been awarded numerous prizes for his research into how blood cells communicate and has led major collaborations with industry to translate his discoveries from the bench to the bedside. He is an inventor of more than 20 patent families, most of which have been licensed, and is a co-founder of the biotechnology company MuriGen. He is an Officer of the Order of Australia, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, of Technological Sciences and Engineering, and of Health and Medical Sciences.

Hudson Seminar Series - Professor Richard Boyd, Thurs 11th May

This week's Hudson Seminar will be held, Thursday 11th May 2017 at 12.00pm-1.00pm in Seminar rooms 1 & 2, Level 2, TRF Building.
The speaker will be Professor Richard Boyd, Chief Scientific Officer, Cartherics Pty Ltd; Honorary Fellow, Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Adjunct Professor, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Monash University.

He will be presenting "Next generation cellular immunotherapy: steering the CAR-T's to the clinic"

A light lunch and refreshments will follow the presentation. 


A one day workshop on Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) will be conducted on Saturday, 13th May 2017 (9:30 am to 4 pm) at MMC Seminar room 6, in collaboration with the Australian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM).  

Become an ASLM Registered SMA Practitioner or Facilitator by attending the Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs) workshop and follow-up assessment on Saturday 13th May 2017, 9.30am-4pm.

Traditionally, medical consultations have been carried out in a 1:1 situation; an ‘expert’ (doctor) consulting with one patient. This has served us well, and still does with injuries and infectious diseases. But the rise in chronic diseases with the modernisation of society has dramatically altered the clinical landscape.

Also known as ‘Group Visits’ or ‘Group Medical Appointments’ in the US, an SMA is, “A series of consecutive individual medical consultations in a supportive group setting where all can listen, interact, and learn.” As such an SMA is a both an individual consultation and a group education session.

The minimal ‘team’ for an SMA is a doctor and a trained facilitator. In an SMA, the doctor carries out his/her doctoring, but with other patients watching.  The facilitator introduces the group, writes records and questions on a board, assists the doctor with information, controls the group dynamics, and in some cases, writes the medical records.

Doctors, allied health practitioners, ancillary staff and researchers interested in new models of patient care will benefit from attending.  40 Category 1 points will be available for GPs and allied health CPD points should be available to most other practitioners.

Those interested please register on the following website

The cost to attend is $385 for non-members and $330 for members

The workshop will be held at Monash Medical Centre, Seminar room 6, and conducted in collaboration with the Australian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM). The workshop is especially relevant for those wishing to be registered as trained in the ASLM SMA protocol.

If you have any queries, please email to 

Watch a video of an SMA in action at

PhD mid-candidature review, James Ong: "Optimising inflammasome inhibitors to treat pandemic influenza", 23 May

All staff and students are invited to James Ong's PhD mid-candidature review.

1-2pm, 23 May, Seminar room 1, TRF

Synopsis: Influenza is associated with activation of a protein complex called the inflammasome. We are using reporter mice to identify cells that exhibit inflammasome activation during influenza. This presentation will present the characterisation results of one such reporter mouse.

Supervisors: Associate Professor Ashley Mansell & Dr Michelle Tate

Panel Chair: Dr Morag Young

Assessors: Dr James Harris & Dr Stavros Selemidis

ATTENTION ACADEMIC STAFF - Academic promotion round is open

Further to the announcement in the Monash Insider, the 2017 Academic Promotion round is now open.

If you are applying for promotion, please ensure you allow sufficient time for your performance supervisor and Head of Unit to complete their sections of the Case for Promotion form by the due date of Friday, 23 June 2017.

You are strongly encouraged to make an appointment to meet with the relevant Deputy Dean of Education or Research to discuss your application prior to submission.

It is recommended that you e-mail your completed application to your Head of Unit/School/Department by Friday, 2 June 2017.  

Please only upload your final application into the Academic Promotion system once all supporting documentation and your performance supervisor’s approval has been obtained. Your completed application, including all required documents attached, must be uploaded via the “apply now” icon on the Academic Promotion website by no later than 5.00pm on Friday, 23rd June.

2017 Joint Science-Medicine Interdisciplinary Research Seed Funding Scheme - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

Applications for the 2017 Joint Science-Medicine Interdisciplinary Research Seed Funding Scheme are now open.  Please note the closing date for applications is 5pm Tuesday 4 July 2017 via email to  Late applications will not be accepted. 

Copies of the guidelines are HERE and application form is HERE for easy reference.

The research interests of all registered attendees from yesterday's Science-Medicine Affinity Workshop are attached, and the slide presentation is available at

For queries about this scheme, please contact the Faculty of Science Research Office (

NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships 2018 - applications close Friday 2 June 2017

NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships support the training of outstanding Australian health and medical graduates early in their career to help them become original, independent and internationally competitive researchers. The scholarship supports students for either PhD or Masters by Research.  Applications are now open for scholarships commencing in 2018.

In addition to the specific criteria that could apply to a NHMRC scholarship as per the NHMRC’s scheme-specific funding rules, you must also:
·         Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen, holding a Special Category Visa – you can apply if you have sought but haven’t received permanent residence or a Special Category Visa, and provide evidence of your status before the start of your award (if successful); and
·         Be enrolled, or intend to enrol, in a PhD or Masters by Research; and
·         Have made prior arrangement with the Head of Academic Unit in which you propose to study.

Reasons you may be ineligible for a NHMRC scholarship include:
·         You are in the final year of an Honours degree
·         You are already receiving an RTP stipend (formerly APA) or equivalent Australian Government-funded scholarship
·         You have completed more than 24 months of your PhD enrolment as at 1 January in the first year of funding

Applicants must read the instructions on the NHMRC website, and apply through NHMRC’s Research Grants Management System (RGMS) but MUST do so in consultation with their proposed/current Monash supervisor and Head of academic unit.

Before submitting an application, individuals most follow a number of important steps:
1.       Prepare your application with the help of your supervisor
2.       Organise  for your supervisor to complete the referee report and upload in RGMS by the closing date
3.       Arrange for your supervisor and Head of Academic Unit to sign the University Certification Form
4.       Submit the completed to University Certification Form to Monash Graduate Education ( by the closing date

Please ensure that you upload the reverse side of all of your academic transcripts as this lists the grading schema and provides a description of the scores, marks or ratings achieved.

Applications close at Monash University on Friday 2 June 2017.

Please note this earlier internal closing date (NHMRC closes 7 June) to allow Monash time to review your application and ensure that it is complete with all required documentation.

Further information

For more information, please contact the Admissions Team at Monash Graduate Education ( or 990 51538. The information above is also available on the MGE website.

Call for Nomination: Academic Promotion Committee Elected Member

This is a call for nominations for a vacancy on the Faculty Associate Professor Academic Promotion Committee. 

There is a vacancy on the Faculty Associate Professor Promotion Committee for an elected member with an appointment at Level D (eg. Associate Professor).

Membership is for a 3 year term from 2017. The Committee is scheduled to meet on Monday 18th September 2017 (all day at this stage).

Please note the following membership requirements
Nominees must be:
⁻          employed as academic or research-only staff at a 0.4 fraction or above;
⁻          able to serve a three year term;
⁻          the same level or higher than the level the candidates are applying for 
⁻          available on the meeting date specified above
⁻          from a discipline and rank enabling committee membership to include a spread of representation across academic disciplines and ranks
⁻          able to spend approximately 1 - 2 days reviewing the academic promotion applications approximately two weeks prior to the Committee meeting.

Nominations are to be received no later than 5pm Wednesday 10th May 2017, scanned and emailed to Academic Promotion Co-ordinator - Ms Amanda Melder, via

If more nominations are received than vacancies available, an election will be held. Additional nominees may serve as alternate members.

For information on the role and membership of the committees, please refer to the Academic Promotion Committees Level C-E procedure here.

Are you in the 2nd of your PhD? Are you interested in finding out more about careers in industry?

Invitation for Expressions Of Interest: IMNIS – MedTech-Pharma Mentoring program 2017

 This year graduate research students have been offered the opportunity to take part in the IMNIS (Industry Mentoring Network In STEM) MedTech-Pharma Program. Supported by the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering (ATSE), IMNIS aims to tackle the disconnect between academia and industry. To read more about the IMNIS program please go to:

The Expression of Interest form is HERE, which provides further information on the program, which will begin with a launch event in June 2017. Students must be willing to commit to the 12 month program, which includes the time to meet your mentor (1 hour per month for 12 months) and attend IMNIS networking events. If you are interested in participating as a mentee in the program please fill out the attached Expression Of Interest form and return to A/Prof Priscilla Johanesen ( by 5pm of the 10/5/2017. 

Of the EOIs received fifteen Monash graduate research students will be chosen to take part in the IMNIS program in 2017.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Priscilla. 

Secondment opportunity Graduate Research Manager – Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

An exciting secondment opportunity is available and now open for applications; Graduate Research Manager for the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.  The role is full-time, HEW 9 for a fixed term of 9 months starting 1 June 2017.  Job description including detailed position description is available online.  This is a fantastic opportunity to work with the largest Faculty at Monash supported by an excellent team of staff.

The current Graduate Research Manager, Dr Jennifer Scott, will be taking a combination of annual and long service leave from July 2017 to February 2018. The 9-month secondment allows for a one month handover at each end.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Dr Steven Kovacevic (, 990 52909), Director, Research and Graduate Research in the Faculty of MNHS.

Applications close Monday 15 May 2017 at 11.55pm AEST.

Please note that applications will only be accepted from current Monash staff with a continuing appointment, fixed-term staff who have been employed continuously for a minimum of six months and casual staff who have been working for a continuous period of six months with an average 0.5 or higher FTE.

Position Vacant - Clinical Research Nurse

The position will complete an ongoing clinical trial at Casey Hospital, Berwick, comparing newborn heart rate and oxygen saturations in the first 30 minutes after birth, in women that receive early or delayed oxytocin administration during delayed cord clamping.
This role, will require someone who is personable (high patient contact role), highly organised (management of study database) and a willingness to learn and work in a dynamic and research focused environment.
Your main responsibilities will be:
·         Identification of suitable candidates from antenatal clinic lists
·         Recruitment of women from these lists and those presenting in the early stages of labour, to obtain written, informed consent prior to delivery
·         Randomisation of patients
·         Placement of pulse oximetry on the newborn immediately after delivery and recording of data for up to 30 minutes.
If you are a Registered Nurse Division I or II, neonatal nurse or midwife and a current practicing certificate with excellent communication and organizational skills we welcome your application.
Travel to associated hospitals is required so a valid Victorian driver’s licence is essential

​Closing date: Sunday 21 May @ 5pm

Researchers Have Finally Uncovered a Key Mechanism Behind Devastating Autoimmune Diseases

Richard Kitching's research "why our cells turn against us" published HERE in Science Alert.

Follistatin and the Breast Implant Capsule

Peter Temple-Smith et al. published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 

Read article here.

Telestroke-the promise and the challenge. Part one: growth and current practice

Ronil Chandra et al. published in the Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery.

Read article here.

Risk prediction of hepatotoxicity in paracetamol poisoning

Anselm Wong, Andis Graudins published in Clinical Toxicology.

Read article here.

Intrauterine Growth Restriction Alters the Postnatal Development of the Rat Cerebellum

Annie McDougall et al. published in Developmental Neuroscience.

Read article here.

Serum phosphorus levels and fracture following renal transplantation

Jasna Aleksova et al. published in Clinical Endocrinology.

Read article here.