Monday, 8 May 2017

NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships 2018 - applications close Friday 2 June 2017

NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships support the training of outstanding Australian health and medical graduates early in their career to help them become original, independent and internationally competitive researchers. The scholarship supports students for either PhD or Masters by Research.  Applications are now open for scholarships commencing in 2018.

In addition to the specific criteria that could apply to a NHMRC scholarship as per the NHMRC’s scheme-specific funding rules, you must also:
·         Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen, holding a Special Category Visa – you can apply if you have sought but haven’t received permanent residence or a Special Category Visa, and provide evidence of your status before the start of your award (if successful); and
·         Be enrolled, or intend to enrol, in a PhD or Masters by Research; and
·         Have made prior arrangement with the Head of Academic Unit in which you propose to study.

Reasons you may be ineligible for a NHMRC scholarship include:
·         You are in the final year of an Honours degree
·         You are already receiving an RTP stipend (formerly APA) or equivalent Australian Government-funded scholarship
·         You have completed more than 24 months of your PhD enrolment as at 1 January in the first year of funding

Applicants must read the instructions on the NHMRC website, and apply through NHMRC’s Research Grants Management System (RGMS) but MUST do so in consultation with their proposed/current Monash supervisor and Head of academic unit.

Before submitting an application, individuals most follow a number of important steps:
1.       Prepare your application with the help of your supervisor
2.       Organise  for your supervisor to complete the referee report and upload in RGMS by the closing date
3.       Arrange for your supervisor and Head of Academic Unit to sign the University Certification Form
4.       Submit the completed to University Certification Form to Monash Graduate Education ( by the closing date

Please ensure that you upload the reverse side of all of your academic transcripts as this lists the grading schema and provides a description of the scores, marks or ratings achieved.

Applications close at Monash University on Friday 2 June 2017.

Please note this earlier internal closing date (NHMRC closes 7 June) to allow Monash time to review your application and ensure that it is complete with all required documentation.

Further information

For more information, please contact the Admissions Team at Monash Graduate Education ( or 990 51538. The information above is also available on the MGE website.

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