Monday, 6 February 2017

MHTP welcomes new Director and Professor of Oncology

Professor Eva Segelov
The Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) welcomes Eva Segelov who commences this week as Director of Oncology at Monash Health and Professor of Oncology in the Department of Medicine, Monash University.

Professor Segelov comes from the University of New South Wales where she was a clinical academic and a senior staff specialist in medical oncology.  She previously worked at the Southwest Sydney Clinical School at Liverpool Hospital and St Vincent’s Clinical School at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.

While her clinical focus has been in the management of patients with breast, upper and lower gastrointestinal cancer and neuroendocrine tumours, Professor Segelov’s research interests are in clinical trials and associated translational research.  She has led multiple national and international trials.

“I am extremely excited to be taking on this new position at MHTP—the mission to lead the transformation of the Medical Oncology Department into a world-class patient-centered academic cancer centre through the links with Monash University was my motivation for moving cities,” said Professor Segelov.

“The MHTP enables research excellence in clinical trials and translational research as well as the opportunity to collaborate with world-renowned colleagues in state-of-the-art facilities.”

“I hope to provide leadership and nurturing to the excellent staff already at Monash Health and MHTP and to grow the clinical trials portfolio and the productivity from the associated research,” said Professor Segelov.

Professor Segelov plans to be a vocal advocate for patient-focussed oncology services and research across the precinct.

As well as serving as a Board member of the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group (AGITG) and Convenor of the AGITG Annual Scientific Meeting, Professor Segelov is the Gastrointestinal Chair for the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA).  She is also the co-Track Chair for GI Cancer at the ESMO Asia annual conference and the Co-Founder of The Commonwealth Neuroendocrine Tumour Collaboration (CommNETS), an international research organisation between Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

SCS researcher receives internationally competitive Young Investigator Award

Dr David Scott
Congratulations Dr David Scott from the Department of Medicine on the award of a prestigious American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) John Haddad Young Investigator Award.  Dr Scott will use the US$1600 award to attend the Advances in Mineral Metabolism (AIMM)/ASBMR Young Investigators' Meeting in Snowmass, Colorado, USA in April.

The John Haddad Award is the major young investigator award of the ASBMR; only ten are awarded annually and only one other Australian researcher has been a recipient in the past five years.

“The Young Investigators Meeting provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate our outstanding bone and muscle research team and facilities, including the bone imaging suite in the Clinical Trials Centre at the Monash Health Translation Precinct,” said Dr Scott.

“By highlighting our expertise and capabilities at the meeting, we expect to attract collaborations from international researchers.”

Dr Scott’s research focuses on sarcopenia, obesity and osteoporosis.

2017 Faculty Travel Grants

Poh Yi Gan and Kim O'Sullivan
Congratulations to the following SCS staff who have each received a $1000 Faculty Travel Grants for 2017:

1. Joshua Ooi
2. Maliha Alikhan
3. Poh Yi Gan
4. David Scott
5. Jim Harris
6. Kim O'Sullivan

The next round of travel grants will open in June 2017.  Please contact Jin for applications (

Monash neonatal consultant to present expert session

Associate Professor Arvind Sehgal
Associate Professor Arvind Sehgal, Neonatal consultant at Monash Newborn, Monash Children's Hospital has been invited to host a 'Meet the Expert' session at the  Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, in Canberra, 2-5 April 2017.

The session titled, 'Fetal Growth Restriction: Practical Aspects' will be jointly conducted by Associate Professor Sehgal, Professor Euan Wallace and Dr Ryan Hodges.

“We will cover practical considerations for obstetricians when to deliver an IUGR pregnancy based on RANZCOG guidelines, effects of antenatal interventions and lastly, the cardiovascular manifestations in the post natal period,” said Associate Professor Sehgal.

NHMRC Project Grants – MRO Compliance Check & Minimum Data Deadline [15 February 2017]

A reminder to NHMRC Project Grant applicants to please complete the minimum data for Project Grant applications in RGMS by 5:00pm (AEDT) on Wednesday 15 February 2017. Minimum data for Project Grants consists of the following:
  • General – Application Information: You must complete fields for Administering Institution, Application Title, Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Research (yes/no) and Synopsis.
  • A-RC: Research Classification (all sections).
  • B-GRPN: Grant Review Panel Nomination.

The MRO will commence checking minimum data for Project Grants in RGMS from 9am Wednesday 8 February and will notify applicants once their application has been checked for minimum data.

Please submit your 'review ready' application for a compliance check by Wednesday 15 February by following the instructions in the  MRO Submission Process document 
attached HERE

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact

Monash Children's Hospital Walk Sunday March 5 2017

The Walk for Monash Children’s Hospital is taking place on Sunday, March 5 at Jells Park in Wheelers Hill.
With the long-awaited new Monash Children’s Hospital set to open in early 2017, Hudson Institute will be participating in the walk to support our precinct partners, as well as young patients and their families.
Our researchers including Dr Jason Cain’s group in the Centre for Cancer Research and Professor Rosemary Horne’s infant and child health group in the Ritchie Centre undertake amazing research with the help of clinical collaborations and links with Monash Children’s Hospital.
Choose from a 1km walk, 5km walk, 5km run, 10km walk or 10km run. This is a family friendly, non-competitive event for all ages!

There will be lots of activities on the day with an animal farm, Kid Zone, and FREE massages as well as fantastic food trucks and entertainment.

Please register HERE.

MHTP Bioinformatics community - upcoming seminars and workshops

The bioinformaticians at the MHTP (Hudson Institute, Monash Health and Monash University) are joining forces this year to provide support and training to the research community on this side of the highway.  

Upcoming events will include seminars, hands-on workshops and help sessions. 

To register your interest and help shape the bioinformatics community at the MHTP in 2017, please fill in this quick survey:

For more information and to join the bioinformatics team please contact:

Genomic and Epigenomic Profiles of Asian Digestive Tract Cancers, 8 February

Hudson Seminar series, Wednesday 8th February 12-1pm,
Level 3 Boardrooms, Hudson Institute

Presented by Professor Patrick Tan, Duke NUS Medical School, Singapore

Dr. Patrick Tan holds a joint appointment as Professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School and Deputy Executive Director of the Biomedical Research Council (Agency for Science, Technology, and Research). He directs PRISM, the SingHealth/DukeNUS Precision Medicine Institute. He received his B.A. (summa cum laude) from Harvard University and MD PhD degree from Stanford University, where he received the Charles Yanofsky prize for Most Outstanding
Graduate Thesis in Physics, Biology or Chemistry. Other honours include the President’s Scholarship, Loke Cheng Kim scholarship, Young Scientist Award (A-STAR), Singapore Youth Award (twice), Singhealth Investigator Excellence Award, Han-Mo Koo Memorial Lectureship (Van Andel Research Institute,
USA), Swee Liew Wadsworth Lectureship (NUS), Chen New Investigator Award from the Human Genome Organization (HUGO), President’s Science Award, and Japan Cancer Association International Award. He is an elected member of
the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), International Gastric Cancer Association (Board Member), and a member of the Bioethics Advisory Committee (BAC). He coleads the biliary tract cancer project of the International
Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC).

Tips on Writing Statistical Sections for Grants and Publications, 14 February

14 February at 1pm, seminar room 3, TRF Building.

Presented by Associate Professor Arul Earnest, Senior Biostatistician, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

Writing up the statistical sections for a grant proposal or manuscript can be a daunting task for some. These sections are usually scrutinized carefully by reviewers and make a huge difference on the outcome of the submission. Established international guidelines for the various epidemiological study designs will be used to demonstrate how sections within a manuscript or grant proposal can be written.
Arul’s research interest is in Bayesian spatio-temporal models and risk-adjustment models for clinical registry data. He has developed and applied these models on a number of clinical applications in Singapore and Australia. For more than 15 years, Arul has provided consultative and collaborative methodological input to clinicians and hospital administrators, resulting in more than 135 publications in a variety of peer-reviewed international medical journals, several grants and research awards. 

Masters Pre-submission seminar (Jessica Crawshaw), 9 February

All staff and students are invited to attend Jessica Crawshaw's Masters pre-submission seminar.

9 February at 2pm, Medicine Seminar Room, Block E, Level 5

Presentation Title  -  Laryngeal function at birth in preterm rabbit kittens 

Synopsis -  Non-invasive ventilation is a popular form of respiratory support in the delivery room. Unfortunately, non-invasive ventilation is associated with a very high, and unexplained failure rate in premature newborns. In this seminar I will present my findings on the negative implications of prolonged laryngeal closure on non-invasive ventilation in premature rabbit kittens at birth.

Supervisors  -  Prof. Stuart Hooper, Dr. Marcus Kitchen 

Secrets of Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Screening - Meet the Experts! 4 March

UK mathematicians and statisticians, Dave and Alan Wright, who have extensive research and expertise in screening for trisomies and interpretation of diagnostic reports, will be joined by well-known and respected local specialists in an event to be held in Melbourne.

This is a great opportunity for practitioners to share their clinical insights with the designers of prenatal screening programs and to discuss the future direction of antenatal screening programs.

Date: 4 March 2017
Venue: Monash Medical Centre, Clayton
ASUM DMU students: $150
RANZCOG trainees: $150
Members: $275
Non-members: $350
Mid-morning & afternoon tea and lunch provided
Registration closing: 27 February 2017

Anyone involved in pregnancy screening should attend this event – you’ll be disappointed if you miss it.

Melbourne Insider Trading – see the attached file for more information or click here to view the event page online.

Shared medical appointment course, 25 March

Please express your interest in attending a one day workshop on Saturday 25th March 2017 on how to deliver Shared Medical Appointments (SMAs).  

If we can generate sufficient interest, the workshop will be hosted at MCHRI and conducted in collaboration with the Australian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM).

Doctors, allied health practitioners, ancillary staff and researchers interested in new models of patient care will benefit from attending.  40 Category 1 points will be available for GPs and allied health CPD points should be available to most other practitioners.

The workshop price is expected to be $440 (inc gst) and includes one year of follow up which is especially relevant for those wishing to be registered as trained in the ASLM SMA protocol.

If you are interested, please email to .

More information below:

2017 Prizes & Awards Calendar (January to April)

Please refer HERE to the attached the Prizes & Awards Calendar for January to April 2017.  

A comprehensive list of world-wide prestigious prizes and awards eligible to Australian researchers is also available at Research Professional.

If you intend to apply for any of the listed prizes or awards, please contact Mind Your Way, an academic consultancy engaged on the Monash Prizes & Awards Strategy on behalf of the Office of the Vice-Provost (Research), Professor Pauline Nestor.  Mind Your Way provides a part-time service to assist researchers with their external prizes and awards applications, offering support with the editing and strategic pitch of submissions. Please liaise with Belinda Calderone ( to discuss your needs.

If, as part of the eligibility criteria, there are limits on numbers of applications that can be submitted by Monash, approval must be sought and obtained by the appropriate delegated individual.

Animal ethics update February 2017

1. Animal Ethics Information Sessions
2. Reminder 2016 Reporting due
3. On-Line Animal Ethics Applications – Ethics Review Manager, Infonetica 
4. Monitoring Sheets – New Templates – Sheep Health and Rodent Colitis 
5. ROPES – temporary access 
6. Web page – new address 
7. 2017 AEC Meeting dates 
8. MARP & MMC AEC Meetings 
9. Auditing / Record Keeping and Non-Compliance 
10. Animal Ethics Regulations, Guidelines, Codes, Training & Information

Available from

MS Research Australia - Online Grant Submission Portal

MS Research Australia has started to launch their online grant ​submission ​portal.The grant portal is hosted by Fluid ​Review ​and  tailored for MS Research Australia.

Existing FluidReview users​ in FMNHS will need to set up a new user ID and password specific to the lodgement of any grants to MS Research Australia.


MS Research Australia is delighted to announce that all 2017 grant applications should now be lodged through the online grant portal

The portal is only live for incubators at this point. Other application types are being uploaded progressively. Please refer to for availability timing status.

The grant lodgement system is similar to RGMS.
A​ high level summary:
  • Stage 1:  ​Chief Investigator (CI)  sets up an account which is user  ID​ and password unique to MS Research Australia​.​
  • Stage 2:  Grant O​ffice/r sets up an account which must occur prior to Stage 7 but is not a pre​-​requisite for Stage 3.
  • Stage 3:  CI enters their contact details and simple project details.
​A​n application number will be ​generated at this stage​.
  • Stage 4:  CI enters co-applicant details​.​
  • Stage 5:  CI uploads the research plan as a PDF.​
  • Stage 6​:​  CI uploads CV details​.​
  • Stage 7: CI  ​adds their ​Grant ​Of​fice to the application as a (recommended) member 
 (refer to attached document HERE for required MRO contact details)​.
  • Stage 8: ​​CI enters Grant Officer ​contact details for approval​.
  • Stage ​9​:  CI adds Grant Office as a read only member to the application. This sends through an email to the Grant Office alerting them to the presence of the application for review - pre-approval.
  • Stage 10: ​Grant Officer approves. An electronic copy of the application is available at this stage.​
  • Stage​11​: CI submits application​. An electronic copy of the application is available at this stage.​

Nominations sought for the APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education

The Australian Academy of Science (AAS) has released a call for applications from Australian based early career researchers for the APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education. For further information including eligibility requirements and how to apply please visit this page.

The ASPIRE Prize is an annual award, valued at $25,000 USD (approximately $32,000 – $34,000 AUD), which recognises young scientists from APEC economies who have demonstrated a commitment to both excellence in scientific research, as evidenced by scholarly publication, and cooperation with scientists from other APEC member economies. 
Each year the APEC host economy is asked to provide a theme to guide nominations for the ASPIRE Prize to be awarded in their host year. For its host year of 2017, Vietnam has selected New Materials Technologies as the ASPIRE nominating theme. This interdisciplinary theme focuses on how new and advanced materials are used to drive scientific innovation.

Each member economy, through its representative on the APEC Policy Partnership for Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI), is invited to nominate one young scientist under the age of 40 to be considered for the 2017 ASPIRE Prize. Nominees should demonstrate excellence in scientific research and cooperation with scientists from other APEC member economies in fields such as:
  • materials and biomaterials science
  • polymer chemistry
  • chemical and mechanical engineering
  • solid-state physics
  • nanotechnology
  • new technologies based on novel materials
  • novel materials and technologies for healthcare
  • environmental protection
  • energy
  • novel material processing for mineral waste materials
  • other relevant fields.
A limit of two applications per eligible institution appliesTherefore, the Monash Research Office (MRO) will convene a Selection Panel to shortlist two proposals that will be submitted by the University.
Applications close on Monday 20 February 2017. The application form will be available from the AAS website and is attached here.
Please complete and submit the following documents by 9am Friday 10th February:
1. Application form
2. Proof of Australian citizenship/permanent residency
3. The candidate's CV
4. One letter of recommendation (see website for notes on referees)
5. Photo of the nominee

Due to the need for a selection panel, only complete applications will be considered.
These documents need to be submitted to MRO via PURE.
Key dates:

Full applications due to MRO: 9am, 10 February 2017
Applicants notified of selection outcome: 17 February 2017
Applications submitted to funder by MRO: 9am, 20 February 2017

Important information about the scheme
Applications are open to eligible Australian based early career researchers, specifically:
·  applicants under the age of 40 as at 31 December 2017
·  applicants must be Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents who are citizens of an APEC member economy, living in Australia at the time of submission of the application.

For any enquiries, please contact

Major research announcement: new cancer research funding opportunity from NBCF and Movember

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) and the Movember Foundation are offering up to two translational research grants with a total value of $2.5 million to Australian researchers whose research projects target breast, prostate and ovarian cancer.

Applications close 31 March.  More details HERE.

NHMRC Science to Art Award 2017

2015 winner - "In search of memory"
The NHMRC Science to Art Award will recognise outstanding examples of the art that has arisen from research funded by NHMRC.
Imaging is now a core technology in medical research. These images are not only scientifically important they can also be aesthetically powerful.
The winner of this biennial Award will receive a framed print of their image and acknowledgement by NHMRC.

Entries close 3 March.  Further information HERE.

ECRs - Upcoming Grants Workshop

At Graduate Education, we have been finalising the professional development programme for ECRs. We will make some more formal announcements about developments shortly, but thought you would like to know about the first workshop running in February while many of you have your attention turned towards grant applications:

Nailing Grants, Papers, Prizes and Awards: How to write yourself to success
Presented by Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt
Tuesday 21 February 2017
9.30am to 4.30pm
Caulfield campus
Register here to ensure your place and to assist with catering plans.

This popular workshop deals with pressing questions for all ECRs such as
- How successful have you been in ‘selling’ your ideas?
- Are you winning the grants you apply for?
- Are your papers being published?

If you want help with your grant application, consider having it workshopped...

If you would like to have a sample of your writing workshopped on the day, please send your 1-pager (the intro page to a grant or article) to the facilitator at: by COB Tuesday, 14 February 2017. Texts submitted after this date will not be considered. By submitting a sample text, you agree to have your text workshopped openly with the group on the day (feedback will be constructive and respectful). Only Word documents will be accepted (no pdfs or other file formats). Please indicate clearly which grant scheme your submission falls under (e.g., ARC Discovery Project), to allow for more tailored feedback on the day.

Places for this workshop are limited and Lisa will like to share her expertise with as many participants as possible, so register at your earliest convenience:

If you are new to Monash don't miss the ECR Welcome by the Vice-Provost (Graduate Education) on 10 March: 2017 Register here

The 2017 ECR Professional Development Programme is attached HERE. You can register for workshops now.

School/Department Seminar Program - Opportunities to present for Early Career Researchers

A critical part of our role in the Faculty Research Office is to support and encourage our Early Career Researchers.  As part of this, the Faculty offers up to eight Early Career Publication Prize Awards each year.

To further encourage the recognition and career development of our Early Career Researchers the Faculty Research Office would like to encourage you to invite an Early Career Researcher from a different School or Department in the Faculty to present in your regular seminar program.  We would then ask you to invite one of the Publication Prize nominees to speak in this slot about their recent publication and ongoing work.

It is proposed that the scheme would work in the following way;
1) Faculty Research Office (FRO) calls for nominations for the ECR Publication Prize (May)
2) Nominations close (early June)
3) Details of nominees who have indicated they would like to speak will be forwarded to seminar program organisers (yourselves) for consideration
4) Seminar program organisers notify the FRO of up to 5 preferred speakers and the "reserved" seminar time slot
5) The FRO will contact the preferred speakers in order of preference to determine availability

We believe that this will not only encourage recognition and career development of our Early Career Researchers, but may lead to fruitful discussions or collaborations for their work in the future.

Please let Tania Wilmann (  know if you are willing to participate.

ECR Activities and Initiatives in 2017

The BIG event for 2017 will be the ECR Symposium to be held on Monday 30th October.  Mark this date in your diaries!  A Save the Date flyer will be sent shortly.

There have also been some exciting updates to the MNHS ECR Gateway webpage over the summer.  Please see below. 

ECR Activities and Initiatives in 2017

ECR Symposium - Monday 30th October
2017 will once again see the return of the MNHS ECR Symposium.  Planning has already commenced for a full day of Professional Development talks and Networking opportunities with ECR's throughout the Faculty.
A 'Save the Date' flyer will be circulated soon.

Information and Resources for New ECR's
It has been brought to our attention that new ECR's often just "bumble" their way through when learning about what support the Faculty and University can offer them.  To address this we have created new online presentations specifically designed for new ECR's (but which may also be useful to current staff).

The four modules are;
Welcome to the Faculty (general introductory information)
How to Apply for Grants
Ethics Information - Do I need ethics and how do I get it?
All you need to know about HDR students.
These are all available on the ECR Gateway site.

Online Professional Development Activities
Whilst we endeavour to run face-to-face Professional Development activities that are accessible and relevant to all ECR's in our Faculty there are times when this is just not possible or you are unable to attend.

We now have a range of Online Professional Development Activities from external providers available on the ECR Gateway website which can be undertaken in your own time.

Don't forget there are recordings of many of the Professional Development sessions that are run by the Faculty Research Office.  The University also offers many Professional Development sessions throughout the year which can be viewed here.

Graduate student welcome lunch, 3 March

The Monash Postgraduate Association (MPA) is hosting a Postgraduate Welcome Lunch at Monash Medical Centre:

Friday, 3 March, 12.00 pm to 1.30pm

Please register here for catering purposes:

Food & Dairy Industry Partnerships are offering PhD scholarships

The food and dairy sector is a significant contributor to the social and economic prosperity of the Australasia region. The Australian dairy industry alone annually contributes almost $3 billion in export earnings.

This Graduate Research Industry Partnership (GRIP) will produce a new generation of PhD-qualified scientists and engineers for the dairy and food industry. Being involved in these industry partnerships will provide you with specialised industry experience, mentoring, internships and interdisciplinary skills in Engineering, Science, Medicine, and Information Technology.

Our goal is to establish Monash University as the premier R&D partner for the dairy and food industry in Australia; and to offer our Graduate Researchers a unique opportunity to collaborate with industry while completing a significant research project.

More information HERE.  Applications closing soon.

Staff OHS training

OHS training opportunity details:

Date: 23 February 2017
  • 10.00am-1.00pm: Student Project Safety (Risk Management) - compulsory for students (once only)
  • 2.00pm-4.00pm: Biosafety level 1 (Microbiologicals) - for clinical and lab researchers
  • 4.00pm-5.30pm: Biosafety level 2 (OGTR / AQIS)
Venue: TRF building seminar reoom 1, Monash Medical Centre

Registration and further information is hereStudents - please register via your student authcate account (not a staff account). Places are limited so please register as soon as possible.

Is my OHS training up to date? 
You can check your training portfolio in ESS via My Monash Training Qualifications. 

What training do I need to do?
Please refer to the OHS training guide or email

It's phishing season

Carrying on from our security focus over the past two weeks, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of phishing attempts directed at the education sector.  Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.  They are often sophisticated and look genuine.
Recent examples have had subject lines like "You have received a secure message" or "Matt has a secure message waiting for you".  The content then has various legitimate logos and words inviting you to collect your document via link.  To the trained eye there is something not quite right about them.
You can learn how to spot phishing email messages by reading the eSolutions intranet page at
Often these phishing attempts result in the delivery of Ransomware onto your computer.  This is malicious software that infects your computer and then encrypts your local data and data on shared rives where there is access. It then directs you to a web site extorting you for money in order to supply the decryption key.
If you suspect you may have been infected with any type of malware DO NOTHING other than contact the Service Desk immediately by phone.  We will marshal our Security & Risk team alongside our Service Centre staff to rectify the situation.
Self-Service Password Reset
One of the simplest things you can do to help protect yourself is to register yourself for our Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) service.  This will enable you to change your password yourself using your mobile phone to receive a confirmation token.

You can register for SSPR at

Risk and Resource Allocation in the Environment

Jo Enticott's contribution towards the 2016 Think Tank at the Australian Academy of Science HERE.

Analysis of vertebral augmentation practice patterns update - podcast presented by Ronil Chandra.

In this farewell podcast of the JNIS Editor-in-Chief, Robert Tarr talks vertebral augmentation practice with Associate Editor Joshua Hirsch and Ronil Chandra.    Listen to podcast HERE.

Dr J A Hirsch, from the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, and Dr R V Chandra, from the Interventional Neuroradiology Service, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, are the leading authors of the study "Analysis of vertebral augmentation practice patterns: A 2016 update", published in the December 2016 print edition of JNIS.

Read the full article here:

Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis: randomised controlled trial

Frances Shawyer et al. published in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

Read article here.

Surveillance of life-long antibiotics: a review of antibiotic prescribing practices in an Australian Healthcare Network.

Ian Woolley et al. published in Annals of Clinical Microbiology and  Antimicrobials

Read article here.

Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Coronary-Artery Surgery

Julian Smith et al. published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Read article here.

PCSK9 Monoclonal Antibodies in 2016: Current Status and Future Challenges

Arthur Nasis et al. published in Heart, Lung and Circulation.

Read article here.

Vasopressin in perioperative management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a case report

Arvind Sehgal et al. published in Annals of Pediatric Surgery.

Read article here.

The Birth of JBMR Plus

Peter Ebeling published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

Read article here.

Integrase-resistant HIV in an antiretroviral-naive patient in Australia

Nastaran Rafiei, Tony Korman et al. published in AIDS.

Read article here.

Bacteroides pyogenes causing serious human wound infection from animal bites

Jillian Lau, Tony Korman et al. published in Anaerobe.

Read article here.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy delays depressive relapse across demographic subgroups

Graham Meadows, Frances Shawyer published in Evidence-Based Mental Health.

Read article here.

Quality of Care for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Mind the Knowledge Gap.

Vera Golder et al. published in the Journal of Rheumatology.

Read article here.

Australia Day 2016: alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments.

Diana Egerton-Warburton et al. published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Read article here.

Influenza epidemiology in patients admitted to sentinel Australian hospitals in 2015: the Influenza Complications Alert Network

Tony Korman et al. published in Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report.

Read article here.

Maternal Asian ethnicity and obstetric intrapartum intervention: a retrospective cohort study

Miranda Davies-Tuck et al. published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.

Read article here.

Optimizing bone health in cerebral palsy across the lifespan

Anne Trinh et al. published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.

Read article here.