Monday, 27 November 2017

Monash University Household Food Security Research Forum, 7 December

2pm- 4pm, Thursday 7th December
16 Rainforest Walk / S1 Science Lecture Theatres Monash University, Clayton Campus

Monash University Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food invites you to a FREE BASE Seminar Series Special Event :
“Raising the profile of food insecurity in Australia:  Using evidence based decision support systems and

the voices of food insecurity”

Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Unfortunately, legal and moral obligations to guarantee the human right to adequate food in Australia are not been fulfilled and household food insecurity remains a significant issue throughout our country.

How can we effectively raise the profile of household  food insecurity as an issue in Australia?
How can we influence decision-makers to take action?
Our international speakers will describe:
(1) how the power of maths can help us in our mission to achieve food security in Australia and
(2) how we can support people with a lived experience of food insecurity to have their voices heard loud and clear.
This seminar will showcase two international examples of tools which could effectively raise the profile of Household Food Insecurity in Australia:
1. Bayesian Modelling: Creating an Evidence Based Decision Support System on Food Security in Victoria Dr Martine Barons, University of Warwick, UK
2. The Voices of Food Insecurity: Witnesses to Hunger is a research and advocacy project partnering with mothers and caregivers of young children who have experienced hunger and poverty Professor Mariana Chilton, Drexel University, USA

​Afternoon tea will be provided. REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL - please register HERE by the 1st December.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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