Monday, 17 July 2017

Wellbeing programs for students, semester 2, 2017

All of our programs are free and can be booked via the health and wellbeing booking system



Upcoming dates

This online program is highly interactive and developed specifically for students. It aims to provide strategies for self care and make you aware of common mental health issues. You'll also learn about support services and programs within Monash and the wider community.

Approx. 1 hour

Anytime, enrol via moodle

Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help, either directly or indirectly. This half-day program helps you identify and work with these opportunities. SafeTALK stresses safety while challenging beliefs that inhibit open talk about suicide.

3.5 hour workshop

Clayton: Wed 5 July Clayton: Wed 30 Aug Caulfield: Tue 26 Sept

A workshop to equip you with resources to help someone developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis until professional help is available. 3 year accreditation.

2 day training

Clayton: Wed 5 & Thur 6 July Clayton: Tue 18th & Wed 19 July Caulfield: Mon 25 & Tues 26 Sept Clayton: Thurs 28 & Fri 29 Sept More to be advised
Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance (online) Over six weeks, explore what mindfulness is and how it
can be applied to reduced stress, improve wellbeing,
enhance communication and relationships and maximise productivity. It includes practical exercises, the research and brain science behind mindfulness, and discussion forum where learners from around the world can ask questions and have a conversation about what they're learning.

Two-hour commitment (minimum) each week over 6 weeks (delivered online).

To be advised

Reduce stress, and improve mental health, wellbeing and resilience using mindfulness. Consists of weekly formal mindfulness meditation practices, cognitive strategies and reflective activities designed to enhance both the professional and personal life of students.

6 x 60 minute weekly sessions

Clayton: Tues 15/8, 22/8, 29/8, 12/9, 19/9 and 26/9 (no session 5/9)

This experiential group program teaches you how to use mindfulness to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, overcome procrastination and max your academic performance.

5 x 60-minute weekly sessions

Clayton: Mon 14/8, 21/8, 28/8, 4/9, 11/9

Caulfield: Fri 18/8, 25/8, 1/9, 8/9, 15/9

Guided mindfulness meditation sessions. A great way to get started with mindfulness or to deepen your existing practice.

30 minute sessions

Caulfield: Wed 12:30 -1:00pm Clayton: Wed 1:15 1:45pm Parkville: Wed 1:15 1:45pm

Some stress is inevitable and is sometimes good for us, so this session focuses on healthy stress’ and how to ensure general wellbeing during peak periods.

1 hour

Caulfield: Wed 16 Aug

Clayton: Wed 23 Aug

Learn how to deal with pre-exam nerves to stay calm and focused during exams.

1 hour

Caulfield: Wed 4 Oct

Clayton: Wed 11 Oct

Other key dates

R U OK? Day Thursday 14 September

R U OK? Day is a national day of action dedicated to inspiring all Australians to ask family, friends and colleagues, ‘Are you ok?’ By regularly reaching out to one another and having open and honest conversations, we can all help build a more connected community and reduce our country’s high suicide rate.

Monash will be inviting student and staff groups to put on their own activities and get-togethers to mark the day. More info:

Mental Health Week – 8 14 October

Application for the 2018 Mental Health Champions leadership team will open.

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