Monday, 31 July 2017

PhD confirmation milestone Christie Bennett, "The possibility of changing the health of two generations overnight: Investigating the impact of sleep during pregnancy on gestational weight gain, glucose tolerance, and child birth weight", 15 August

All staff and students are invited to Christie Bennett's PhD confirmation milestone.

Tuesday 15 August, 9.15am, BASE facility, Level 1, 264 Ferntree Gully Road, Notting Hill 

Department: Nutrition, Dietetics and Food
Presentation title: The possibility of changing the health of two generations overnight: Investigating the impact of sleep during pregnancy on gestational weight gain, glucose tolerance, and child birth weight
Synopsis: Sleep is a strong and independent risk factor for obesity in both children and adults. However, despite sleep disturbances being commonly experienced in the pregnant population, the role of sleep and the relationship to weight and glucose tolerance is currently unknown. Therefore, by better understanding the role of sleep in pregnancy we may be able to influence the health of mothers and their babies. 
Supervisors: Prof. Helen Truby, Dr. Michelle Blumfield and Dr. Sean Cain 
Panel Chair: Dr. Padma Murthi
Independent assessors: Prof. Rosemary Horne and Assoc.Prof. Maxine Bonham 

Photo: Please see attached for headshot 

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