Monday, 6 June 2016

RACP grant helps Monash doctor save babies in India

Dr Atul Malhotra
A Royal Australasian College of Physicians’ (RACP) grant will enable expansion of a teaching and research program in neonatal resuscitation in India, potentially saving the lives of hundreds of babies.

Monash University researcher and Monash Children’s Hospital neonatologist Dr Atul Malhotra is the recipient of the 2016 RACP Eric Burnard Fellowship, allowing him to travel to rural Punjab to develop an educational program for health workers to recognise perinatal asphyxia (oxygen deprivation) and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).

A type of brain damage, HIE occurs when a newborn infant’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood.

“Birth asphyxia contributes to a significant proportion of deaths in the developing world—close to one million deaths per year worldwide,” said Dr Malhotra. 

“Neonatal resuscitation and the prompt recognition of an asphyxiated newborn is key to reducing neonatal mortality.”

Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2013-14, Dr Malhotra along with his co-researchers at Monash University led an Indian collaborative education program to develop neuroprotective therapies with local health leaders to decrease birth asphyxia-related brain injuries in neonates.

Dr Malhotra said the rural region in Punjab, India is the logical next step to extend their Indian program of neonatal neuroprotection.

“I have strong connections with the local host institution, the Community Medicine Department of PGI, Chandigarh,” said Dr Malhotra.

“I am very excited about starting the next chapter of our Indian education program when we travel to Punjab later this year.”

Associate Professor Michael Fahey, Head of Paediatric Neurology at Monash Children’s Hospital will assist Dr Malhotra in the roll out of the program. 

Associate Professor Michael Franco recognised for his contribution to research and medical education

Associate Professor Michael Franco
Congratulations Dr Michael Franco on his academic promotion to Associate Professor in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash University.

A full time member of senior medical staff at Monash Health since 2009, Associate Professor Franco has clinical roles in medical oncology and palliative medicine.  He is currently Deputy Head of Medical Oncology, part of the EMR Council and has worked extensively in undergraduate teaching at Monash University as well as Monash Health in prevocational and vocational education and training. 

“My promotion to Associate Professor feels like a validation of the work that I've done at Monash Health and Monash University, particularly in relation to teaching and mentoring health care professionals,” said Associate Professor Franco.

Associate Professor Franco’s research projects are in the field of cancer pain (assessing a monoclonal antibody against nerve growth factor for the treatment of pain from bone metastases) and looking at the novel use of methadone for treatment of cough.

“Whilst it's long been known that the opioid receptor is key, the NMDA receptor has recently been strongly implicated in the physiology of the cough reflex.”

“Methadone is unique as it blocks both of these receptors and thus may be a useful treatment for patients with troubling cough.”

Associate Professor Franco is also a representative on the Australian Lung Cancer Trials Group’s Specialist Advisory Committee.

Beyond his clinical research interests in the nexus of palliative medicine and oncology,
Associate Professor Franco is the Chair of Accreditation and a Board Member of the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria, as well as an advisor to the Australian Medical Council. 

“I've always been a firm believer that the best way to help as many patients as possible, is to advocate for, foster and provide excellence in teaching, encouragement and inspiration to others.”

World Environment Day Friday 10 June

Staff at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) are invited to participate in a number of events to celebrate World Environment Day this Friday 10 June.  

  • World Environment Day showcase in Lecture 1 on Friday 10th June from 12 - 3pm.
  •  Keep Cup sale in the foyer of Lecture Theatre 1, MMC on Friday 10 June 12-3pm.  Heavily discounted in a range of great colours; small and regular size at only $10.  Each time you use your Keep Cup you will prevent a paper cup from ending up as landfill, plus hospital cafes offer discounts for customers who bring their own cup. Pre-sale cups are also available at Zoukis cafe on Wednesday 8th from 10am. Select one for your office or home!  
  • Unwanted phone / iPad collection point.  There is a box located at SCS Reception (5th Floor of E Block) to drop off your old devices.  Old phones will be dismantled and their components recycled.   Don't leave them cluttering up your drawers at home, bring them in and give them a noble end.  Label with your name and contact phone number and you will go in the running for a $50.00 Bunnings gift voucher when the draw takes place on Friday 10th during the World Environment Day showcase in Lecture Theatre 1.
If you would like to arrange a pick up from your office, please email and someone will head over and collect your items for collection (if you are not in E Block).

CiiiD Tuesday seminar TODAY: Dr Keiko Kano and Dr Belinda Thomas

7 June at 1pm, Seminar room 1, TRF.

Dr Keiko Kano will present on Immune responses to Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) infections.

Dr Belinda Thomas will present on TGF-beta mediated innate immune suppression during lung infections.

The session will be chaired by Dr Ashley Mansell 

Grand Round Presentation - Oncology 8 June

Unit: Oncology       
Topic: “Paradigm shift in management of Renal Cell Carcinoma”
Date: Wednesday 8 June 2016
Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Venue: Main Lecture Theatre, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton.

Hudson Closing Seminar: “Targeting the TGF- superfamily in human disease – a retrospective view”, 8 June

Wednesday 8 June, 3-4pm, Level 3 Boardrooms A&B, Hudson Institute

Presented by Associate Professor Craig Harrison, Head, Growth Factor Signalling Group, Centre for Endocrinology and Metabolism
Hudson Institute of Medical Research

Associate Professor Craig Harrison moved to PHI in 1999 as a postdoctoral fellow with David Robertson. In 2001 with the support of a NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship he moved to the Salk Institute in La Jolla to work with the late Wylie Vale. He returned to PHI in 2004 where he established his own group working on the TGF- family of ligands and their receptors. His work on structure–function relationships in ligand-binding and the development of novel antagonists has received wide recognition. Craig has been an enthusiastic contributor to the life of the Institute through service on a number of committees.
Craig has accepted a Senior Lecturer position in the Physiology Department at Monash University. Craig’s team including Kelly Walton will go with him to Physiology.

This lecture will be followed by CEM Mixer: "Farewell to the Growth Factor Signalling Group"
4pm in the De Kretser Concourse

Hudson seminar: “Epilepsy genetics: the key to precision medicine”, 9 June

Presented  by Laureate Professor Ingrid Scheffer, Thursday 9 June, 12-1pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre

Laureate Professor Ingrid Scheffer is a physician-scientist whose work as a paediatric neurologist and epileptologist has led the field of epilepsy genetics over 25 years, in collaboration with Professor Samuel Berkovic and molecular geneticists. This resulted in identification of the first epilepsy gene and many more genes subsequently. Professor Scheffer has described many novel epilepsy syndromes and refines genotype–phenotype correlation. Her major interests are in the genetics of the epilepsies, epilepsy syndromology and translational research. She has research projects in genetics of speech disorders, autism and intellectual disability. She led the first major reclassification of the epilepsies in two decades as Chair of the International League Against Epilepsy Commission for Classification and Terminology. Awards include American Epilepsy Society Clinical Research Recognition Award, 2013 GSK Award for Research Excellence, ILAE Ambassador for Epilepsy Award, 2013 Emil Becker Prize for child neurology and Asia-Pacific L’OrĂ©al-UNESCO Women in Science Laureate for 2012. She is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and Vice-President of Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. She was co-recipient of 2014 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science and received the Order of Australia in 2014.

The Ritchie Centre presents "Advances in Regenerative Medicine Approaches for Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Illnesses" 10 June

Special seminar: The Ritchie Centre
Friday 10 June, 11am-12pm, Seminar Room 1, TRF

Presented by Professor Daniel Weiss
Professor of Medicine, University of Vermont, USA

Dan Weiss is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Vermont, specialising in Pulmonary Medicine.

Professor Weiss convenes the biannual Vermont
Lung Stem Cell Meeting which gathers the world's leaders in regenerative medicine for lung diseases to discuss the most recent advances in the field. He holds multiple leadership roles including those at the Vermont Lung Centre and Professor Weiss also chairs the Pulmonary Committee of the International Society for Cellular Therapies (ISCT). His main research interests include respiratory medicine, lung bioengineering and cell-based therapies for lung diseases.

Automated Genotyping Presentation, 20 June

Come and learn about the future of automated genotyping with the Transnetyx “Time Machine!”
Eliminate human error. The new TAGCenter never has a bad day, oversleeps, or suffers from hangovers. We ensure accuracy, reliability, and repeatability, sample after sample.
Morning Tea will be served!

Monday, June 20,  10:00-11:00am
TRF Building, MMC, Level 2, Seminar Room 2
Speaker: Martine Smale

The Ramesh Nagappan Acute Care Medicine Course, 22-23 September

A mixture of lectures and case-based workshops, held at Box Hill TAFE, Elgar Rd, Box Hill.

See flyer here with details and registration.

PhD Scholar Opportunities - Department of Psychiatry

Expressions of Interest are sought from outstanding candidates to undertake PhD studies in the Department of Psychiatry at Monash University in the field of epidemiology.
The Project is a longitudinal population study of child development to identify risk and protective factors for mental health and other outcomes.
The PhD research will be based on a large cohort of NSW children (~87,000), currently aged 12 years, for whom there is cross-sectional survey data obtained at ages 5 and 11, and linked administrative data from several government agencies for both the children and their parents spanning the period from each child's birth to age 11. Further information see NSW Child Development Study and CDS record linkage study

myResearch: Tool for use – Business Transition Activity Plan template

Professional staff involved with grant applications and other administrative processes are encouraged to attend myResearch training sessions.  A series of hands-on training sessions will be offered.

Please see attached document for details of the myResearch Business Transition Activity Plan.

Request for researchers to provide ORCID and Scopus IDs by 14 June

In July we will implement a new research management system, Pure, which will search for the research outputs of our Monash researchers in Scopus. This is part of the myResearch project.

In order to improve the accuracy of the initial harvest of research outputs from Scopus, we would like to collect as many Scopus Author IDs and ORCID IDs as we can.

This will improve the experience for researchers, as it will present you with a more accurate list of research outputs for review and claiming authorship.

What do we need from researchers?

We need your first name, surname, email address, Scopus Author ID and/or ORCID ID.

We also need your department/ school and faculty if you are not emailing us from your Monash address.

What is the deadline?
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Where do I send this information?
Please send to

What is ORCID?
ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. The NHMRC  and the ARC encourage all researchers applying for funding to have an ORCID identifier.

How can I register for an ORCID ID?
·        Register for an ORCID using your Monash University email account.
·        Registration takes 30 seconds.
Where can I find my Scopus Author ID?
·        Authors are automatically assigned an author identifier in Scopus.
·        Your publications are linked automatically to your Scopus Author ID
·        To find your Author ID, login to Scopus, use author search to find your profile and Scopus Author ID.

What is a Scopus Author ID?
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Your ID distinguishes you from other authors.

What if I have more than one Scopus profile and ID?
You may request that multiple profiles be merged. Scopus will merge the author profiles in four weeks or less.
·        Go to:
·        Conduct an Author Search.
·        Select the author entries to merge by clicking the box to the left of each name. (Click the 'Details' link, if available, for more information on an author, including the Author ID.)
·        Review document
·        Review Profile
·        Submit request

What will the University do with this information?
The myResearch project team will add this information  to your record in Pure so that it can be used in the harvest of your research outputs from Scopus.

What if I don’t have these IDs?
We will still be able to harvest your research outputs. Using IDs reduces the possibility that the search will find outputs belonging to someone with the same name as you.

Where can I get more information?
See myResearch for more information, or send your questions to

ARC Information Sessions - Tuesday 7 June 2016

Professor Marian Simms, ARC Executive Director for Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences is visiting Monash University and will deliver two presentations for staff.

ARC Information Session: College of Experts
7/6/16, 11:30-12:30, S9, 16 Rainforest Walk, Clayton Campus

Why and when should you consider nominating for the ARC's College of Experts?  What's in it for you?  If you are considering nominating for the 2017 College of Experts (nominations due 22 July 2016), or if you are simply curious about how the College of Experts works and what they do, please come to this session.  Prof Marcello Rosa, Deputy Head of Physiology and who is currently serving his second term on the college will be sharing his experiences also.
Click here to register.

ARC Information Session: Rejoinders
7/6/16, 2:30pm-3:30pm, S3, 16 Rainforest Walk, Claytom Campus

The rejoinder process for the ARC major rounds will open this month.  Please join us for advice and guidance on the do's and don'ts when responding to your assessor comments, and why your rejoinder is an important addition to your ​p​roposal in the peer review process.

Click here to register.
Queries should be directed to the MRO ARC Team (

$80,000 GSK Award for excellence in medical research

GSK are looking for leaders in medical research who are working to improve human health, to award their annual $80,000 grant.

This award recognises outstanding achievements in medical research and facilitates career development.

Last year’s winners Jim McCluskey and Jamie Rossjohn discovered how vitamin B provides an early warning to our gut’s immune cells.

Other past recipients include Chris Goodnow, Ingrid Scheffer and David Craik.

Nominations close Monday 4 July.

Two $50,000 prizes for science and innovation

Leadership, determination and creativity by two Victorian researchers will be rewarded with a $50,000 Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation – one in the life sciences and one in the physical sciences.

Scientists and researchers who have made, or have the potential to make, a significant scientific discovery or technological innovation are eligible for the prize.

Potential to produce a commercial outcome or other substantial benefit to the community will be highly regarded.

Nominations are open until Thursday 23 June.

Australian Antarctic Science Programme - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Australian Antarctic Science Programme invites applications for research and monitoring projects, including for Australian Antarctic science grants, commencing in 2016-17 and 2017-18. Researchers with projects requiring major logistical support in 2018-19 should also apply now.

The Australian Antarctic Science Grant Programme offers funding for:
  • Research projects
  • Co-funded post-doctoral fellowships, and
  • The RJL Hawke post-doctoral fellowship
The application guidelines and further information are available at information for scientists.

Applications close at 5:00pm (AEST) Tuesday 12 July 2016.

For queries about the scheme, please contact

Australian Centre for HIV and Hepatitis Virology Research Grants - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST

Over the past nine years ACH2 has supported translational research in the areas of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and more recently hepatitis B virus (HBV).   In 2016-2017, ACH2 will continue to support translational research into these three viruses. 

ACH2 is seeking expressions of interest (EoI) in applied research from qualified scientists to fund research projects aimed at:

i) developing vaccine candidates, antiviral drug strategies, novel diagnostics and prognostics for HIV, HBV, HCV or hepatitis B/C/HIV co-infection;

ii) molecular tools for tracking epidemics caused by these organisms; and

iii) new tests for supporting vaccine and antiviral trials.  Basic research grants are not sought. Grants based on the specimens obtained from the Immunovirology Research Network collected from clinical trials or cohort studies of patients with HIV, HBV or HCV are also encouraged.

These grants are intended to complement and translate basic research in the virology and immunology of HIV, HBV and HCV usually initially funded by other granting bodies.

Funding is available from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 for grants up to $100,000.

One EoI per chief investigator (CI)-A will be considered.

Eligibility:  CIs must be equivalent to NHMRC PSP 4, usually with independent funding.

ACH 2 grants will be awarded to the administering organization through which the CIA submits their application. All awards will be governed by a participant agreement (between the participant organization and The Westmead Institute for Medical Research representing ACH2). All administering organisations awarded a grant will be required to enter such an agreement.

​Expressions of Interest (EoI) close at 5:00pm (AEDT) on Wednesday 29 June 2016.​

A pamphlet explaining the details and eligibility criteria of this funding is
​attached here and also ​available at​.  Advertisement also attached here.

Please direct queries about the scheme to Denise Brown (

Essex International Visiting Fellowships - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Essex International Visiting Fellowships are prestigious, competitive awards for high performing, established academics and researchers. This flagship University programme, provides support for outstanding researchers to undertake a period of research at the University of Essex, that is of major importance in its field and of significant benefit to Essex's research.

The programme provides a platform to:
·         work with Essex academics on a research project or publication
·         champion Essex as a centre of scholarly excellence at an international level
·         raise the profile of the multi-disciplinary research community at Essex
·         enrich the research and training environment for early career postgraduate and postdoctoral scholars at Essex

Programme components
The Essex International Visiting Fellowship programme has two components:
·         Short-stay International Visiting Fellow – to enable scholars to spend a maximum of two weeks at Essex
·         Extended-stay International Visiting Fellow – to enable scholars to spend up to ten months at Essex
Applications are open for Short-stay International Visiting Fellows for visits starting September 2016. Applications for Extended-stay International Visiting Fellows open in 2017.

William Harvey International Translational Research Academy (WHRI-ACADEMY) - CALL FOR REVIEWERS

The 5th Call for Proposals for post-doctoral researchers of the EU-funded William Harvey International Translational Research Academy (WHRI-ACADEMY) is now open.  Currently, ​they​  are inviting applications with a view to setting up a list of experts who will assist us in the evaluation of the applications.
For further details please contact Xavier Sandin (  

Altered Cardiovascular Function At Birth In Growth Restricted Preterm Lambs

Graeme Polglase et al. published in Pediatric Research.

Read article here.

ASK1: a new therapeutic target for kidney disease.

Greg Tesch et al. published in the American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology.

Read article here.

Walk them or no leg to stand on! Diagnostic delay of neurologic conditions in young children

John Cheek et al. published in Emergency Medicine Australasia.

Read article here.

Assessing Receptivity of the Human Endometrium to Improve Outcomes of Fertility Treatment

Lois Salamonsen, Beverley Vollenhoven et al. published in Uterine Endometrial Function.

Read chapter here.

The Role of Anger in the Relationship Between Internalising Symptoms and Aggression in Adolescents

Glenn Melvin et al. published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies.

Read article here.