Monday, 6 June 2016

Request for researchers to provide ORCID and Scopus IDs by 14 June

In July we will implement a new research management system, Pure, which will search for the research outputs of our Monash researchers in Scopus. This is part of the myResearch project.

In order to improve the accuracy of the initial harvest of research outputs from Scopus, we would like to collect as many Scopus Author IDs and ORCID IDs as we can.

This will improve the experience for researchers, as it will present you with a more accurate list of research outputs for review and claiming authorship.

What do we need from researchers?

We need your first name, surname, email address, Scopus Author ID and/or ORCID ID.

We also need your department/ school and faculty if you are not emailing us from your Monash address.

What is the deadline?
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Where do I send this information?
Please send to

What is ORCID?
ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. The NHMRC  and the ARC encourage all researchers applying for funding to have an ORCID identifier.

How can I register for an ORCID ID?
·        Register for an ORCID using your Monash University email account.
·        Registration takes 30 seconds.
Where can I find my Scopus Author ID?
·        Authors are automatically assigned an author identifier in Scopus.
·        Your publications are linked automatically to your Scopus Author ID
·        To find your Author ID, login to Scopus, use author search to find your profile and Scopus Author ID.

What is a Scopus Author ID?
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Your ID distinguishes you from other authors.

What if I have more than one Scopus profile and ID?
You may request that multiple profiles be merged. Scopus will merge the author profiles in four weeks or less.
·        Go to:
·        Conduct an Author Search.
·        Select the author entries to merge by clicking the box to the left of each name. (Click the 'Details' link, if available, for more information on an author, including the Author ID.)
·        Review document
·        Review Profile
·        Submit request

What will the University do with this information?
The myResearch project team will add this information  to your record in Pure so that it can be used in the harvest of your research outputs from Scopus.

What if I don’t have these IDs?
We will still be able to harvest your research outputs. Using IDs reduces the possibility that the search will find outputs belonging to someone with the same name as you.

Where can I get more information?
See myResearch for more information, or send your questions to

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