Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Collaborative study gives hope to women suffering in silence

Dr Shayanti Mukherjee
New treatment for millions of women affected by a hidden condition, pelvic organ prolapse, is the focus of Dr Shayanti Mukherjee’s novel bioengineering project, thanks to a prestigious John Stocker Postdoctoral Fellowship.

The highly competitive Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) John Stocker Postdoctoral Fellowship was awarded to The Ritchie Centre’s Associate Professor Caroline Gargett, Dr Jerome Werkmeister, CSIRO Manufacturing, and Dr Anna Rosamilia from Monash Health to train Research Fellow Dr Mukherjee for her project "Bioengineering Novel Nanobiomaterial based Cellular Therapies for the Prevention of Childbirth Induced Pelvic Organ Prolapse". 

A debilitating but hidden condition affecting one in five women, Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) commences during pregnancy and childbirth and exacerbates with ageing and obesity.

“At present, millions of women worldwide suffer from POP with very limited treatment options,” said The Ritchie Centre’s Dr Mukherjee.

POP is associated with sexual, bladder, and bowel dysfunction, including incontinence that profoundly affect the quality of life and daily functioning of sufferers; in Australia, more than $200 million was spent on urinary incontinence in 2009.”

In the last decade, pelvic support using surgical meshes (primarily synthetic) has been heavily employed with reports of successful outcomes.

However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued Public Health Notifications in 2008 and 2011 due to significant and unacceptable mesh-related complications, leading to the withdrawal of several brands of surgical meshes from the market.

Dr Mukherjee said there are currently no clinical trials on cell-based therapies for POP incorporating surgical implants in or outside Australia.

“With the elderly population expected to double by 2030, POP is expected to become more prevalent without any reliable treatment options, representing a significant health and economic challenge for Australia and world-wide,” added Dr Mukherjee.

To address this major health challenge, Dr Mukherjee’s project will develop new biocompatible surgical constructs for the prevention and treatment of POP.

“Dr Mukherjee's project aims to develop new hydrogels based on self-assembling peptides for delivering mesenchymal stem cells to the vaginal walls or pelvic floor muscles to prevent women developing pelvic organ prolapse,” said Head, Endometrial Stem Cell Biology Laboratory Associate Professor Gargett.

“Until now, the use of extracellular matrix (ECM) mimicking nanobiomaterials has never been explored for POP,” said Dr Mukherjee.
“My project will also develop new viable secondary prophylaxis for postpartum women to prevent POP and long term surgical treatment options for women with POP.”
“Dr Mukherjee will accelerate the clinical translation of these materials and will drive the project through novel study design, experimentation, data analysis, student supervision, new surgical skill development, conference presentation in our new Monash Health Translational Precinct,” said Associate Professor Gargett.

“I will be able to bring together 3 different fields (stem cell biology, nanotechnology and clinical work in gynaecology) and develop a solution to POP, while receiving mentoring from experts in all three fields and contributing to the research excellence of The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University,” said Dr Mukherjee.

“POP is a hidden burden—women don't talk about it, they suffer in silence,” said Dr Mukherjee. “This fellowship signifies support and interest in Australia to improve women’s quality of life.”

The highly competitive SIEF Award provides a 3 year Fellowship for just six postdoctoral fellows each year across Australia covering all scientific disciplines. In 2015 there were 179 applicants. 

“The goal of the John Stocker Fellowship is to train highly competitive scientists within three years of postdoctoral experience to become independent researchers at the completion of the Fellowship,” added Associate Professor Gargett, who is also Postgraduate Co-ordinator, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash University.

“Dr Mukherjee’s Fellowship experience in The Ritchie Centre and CSIRO environments will provide her with an excellent foundation on which to launch her future career as a research leader in Australia.” 

This important project is a collaborative study involving researchers and clinicians from CSIRO, The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute, Monash Health and Monash University.

MHTP relocation update

The Management Advisory Committee will meet shortly to review the proposed refurbishments, enabling the planned relocations throughout MHTP.

At this stage, the planned relocations should proceed as agreed at the end of 2015, however the scope of works is yet to be finalised against the available budget.

Stay tuned for updates of the sequencing of relocations which should commence during the first quarter of 2016.

Dr. David Virshup, February 11th, “Upstream regulation of Wnt signaling: Science and Therapy”

February 11th, 11am-12pm, TRF seminar rooms 1 and 2

Dr David Virshup is the inaugural director of the Cancer and Stem Cell Biology program at the Duke-NUS medical school in Singapore and a Professor of Pediatrics at Duke University.

David has gained international recognition for his pioneering research at the intersection of developmental pathways and cancer genetics. A renowned pediatrician and researcher specializing in upstream regulators of the Wnt signaling pathway, his work has advanced our biological understanding of cancer, stem cells and developmental programs and importantly led to a new Wnt inhibitor currently in clinical trials.

His work is topical and should appeal to a broad audience interested in cancer, cell signaling, regeneration and development, and therapeutic development to name a few. 

Professor Jeffrey Gorman, Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre, 11 Feb

February 11, 2pm to 3pm, third floor board rooms, Hudson building

Title: Protein abundance-based and Proteoform-specific insights into interactions between human respiratory syncytial virus and the host cell reveal pervasive antagonism of multiple antiviral pathways by non-structural protein1.

Further information on Professor Gorman can be found at: http://www.aidrc.org.au/jeffrey-gorman

Dr Sun Hur from Boston Children's Hospital, 12 Feb, "Innate immune mechanism for viral dsRNA detection - stories on RIG–I–like receptors"

12 February, 11am - 12pm
Level 3 Boardrooms, Hudson Institute

A light lunch will follow the seminar. Please see the flyer attached for more information. 

If you or your group members would like to meet with Dr Hur and haven't already been in touch, please contact Dr Rebecca Smith.  

Better Sleep. Better Learning: A practical guide for teachers and school counsellors to improve sleep health in students, 5 March

Dr Sarah Biggs
Sleep education course for teachers - encourage your children's teachers to attend!

Sunday 5 March, Royal Automobile Club Victoria, 501 Bourke St, Melbourne

Speakers include Sarah Biggs, The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute and Gillian Nixon, Melbourne Children's Sleep Centre, Monash Children's Hospital

Flyer is attached here and link to website here

Hudson Translational Workshops - starting 18 February

Hudson Translational Workshops are back for 2016 on the third Thursday of each month. 

These workshops are important as we strive towards our strategic goal of growing and diversifying our funding sources by both seeking out and capitalising upon commercial opportunities.

The first workshop will take place on:

Thursday, February 18 at 9.30 am in the TRF Level 2 Seminar Room 3

Speakers will include:

Stephen Goodall, Commercialisation Adviser, Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation & Science will be presenting on the AusIndustry – Innovation Programmes and Accelerating Commercialisation initiatives.

Dr Robert Bischof from the Ritchie Centre will speak about Allergenix, an Australian-based contract research organisation specialising in sheep models of asthma, pulmonary inflammation and drug delivery.

Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference (17-19 Feb)- Not too late to register!

The 2016 Lorne Infection and Immunity conference organising committee invites you to register for the 6th annual conference.

Join Infection and Immunity Scientists from around Australia and overseas from three days of networking and science.

Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in being part of a great Australian science tradition.

We look forward to your participation at the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference.

View the program here 

Click here to secure your place

Monday, 8 February 2016

Biostatistics Consulting Platform

The Faculty is pleased to announce the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Biostatistics Consulting Platform (BCP) to support research across all schools and campuses of the faculty.

The primary aim of the BCP is to enhance the quality, efficiency and impact of faculty research through the provision of biostatistical advice, consultancy and collaboration at all stages of the research process, including concept development, grant application, study design, protocol development, planning, data collection, statistical analysis, reporting and publication.

All researchers with appointments in FMNHS are eligible for this support.  Adjunct faculty members are also eligible if they regularly include a Monash University affiliation in their publications.
The faculty is heavily subsidising the cost of providing the services of the platform. However, there is a residual user fee, amounting to $100/hour for 2016.  The faculty recommends schools consider the purchase of blocks of consulting time, for which the BCP will provide quarterly reports of consulting hours, activities and outputs. 
SCS researchers should register their interest by e-mailing their Head of Department and also the School Manager (Eugene.Fredericks@monash.edu), outlining their potential usage requirements (e.g. approx number of hours).
The Biostatistics Consulting Platform web page can also be viewed at:

We at the faculty are excited to finally have this platform in place and encourage all schools to embrace the enhancement to the faculty’s research endeavours that this platform offers.

Cancer Council Victoria Postdoctoral Fellowships - NOW OPEN

Cancer Council Victoria is an independent volunteer based charity, which was established in 1936. Our mission is to lead the fight against cancer. Our core business is cancer control. We conduct and support research as well as delivering state-wide support and prevention programs and advocating regulation and other interventions to reduce the physical and emotional burden of cancer. 

Cancer Council Victoria offers postdoctoral fellowships as a way of providing research assistance to Victorian PhD candidates at the time of thesis submission. There are two rounds each year. In applying, a strong case must be made to continue in the present research group for a further year


The fellowship is available to researchers who have recently submitted their PhD. To be eligible, applicants must have their thesis submitted or accepted as passed between 1 October 2015 and 31 March 2016

‘Submission of thesis’ is defined as having submitted a PhD thesis with the University Graduate Office and the thesis has proceeded to examination. Evidence showing that the thesis has been submitted and is under examination is acceptable to meet this eligibility criterion.

‘Accepted as passed’ is defined as having lodged a PhD thesis with the University Graduate Office, that the thesis has been examined and that a letter or other document is available indicating that the PhD has been accepted as passed. 

The next round of postdoctoral fellowships will be for PhDs submitted between 1 April and 30 September 2016. Applications will close in October 2016. 

The fellowship funding will be paid to the administering institution at the NHMRC Personnel Support Package (PSP) Level 3 rate of $73,661 pa. The PSP amount covers all salary and salary on-costs (eg payroll tax, workers compensation, leave loading, compulsory and contributory superannuation) as well as some minor operational support. 

The fellowship is for one year, commencing 1 July 2016.

Applications close at 4.30pm on Thursday 7 April 2016.

The application guidelines and advertising flyer are attached here. The application form is available at: http://www.cancervic.org.au/postdoctoral_research_fellowships 

If you have any questions, please contact: 
Ms Josie Italia 
Senior Research Grants Officer 
Cancer Council Victoria 
615 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE VIC 3004 
Tel: (03) 9514 6306 

GRANT ALERT: Betty Laidlaw MND Research Grant 2016-2018

This grant acknowledges the generosity of John and Betty Laidlaw who have contributed the funds for the project. Betty Laidlaw has been living in Melbourne with PLS for 35 years.

The Betty Laidlaw MND Research Grant will provide up to $350,000 per year for an innovative three-year research project that aims to translate laboratory findings to an effective treatment for MND in humans.

Objectives of the Betty Laidlaw MND Research Grant

· To establish an innovative translational research project that aims to facilitate development of a treatment for sporadic MND in humans.
· To work collaboratively with other MND research teams.
The MND Research Institute of Australia invites applications for this prestigious grant.
· Applicants are invited to submit a proposal for a three-year project.
· Proposals that have been previously submitted will not be considered without substantial additional supporting data.
· The project must be conducted predominantly in a recognised Australian Institution(s) which will agree to provide the required laboratory space and all indirect costs for the duration of the grant.
· The project must include participation of more than one team of researchers.
· Participation of teams from multiple Australian institutions will be considered favourably.
· Collaborative research approaches with international research teams will also be considered favourably.
· No funding will be provided for international collaborators who may participate in the project.
· The applicant must be the Chief Investigator (CIA) who will also have the lead role in directing the project.
Funding for the grant depends on continuing employment of all CIs for the duration of the grant.
· Other proposed sources of funding to support the project must be disclosed.
· The Betty Laidlaw MND Research Grant can commence as soon as it is awarded and must commence within six months of the time of notification of the award.
Applications close at  5.00pm EST on Monday 21 March 2016.  Late applications will not be considered.

Proposals using 12 pt font size  in Word or PDF format (do not scan) are to be forwarded to Janet Nash, Executive Director Research at  research@mndaust.asn.au

Applications will be assessed by overseas reviewers according to:
· strength of the research plan  (50%)
· relevance of the project to the objectives of the scheme  (25%)
· background of the team applicants  (25%)
Final decisions will be made by the MNDRIA Research Committee no later than 30 June 2016.

Continuity of funding will be dependent on a satisfactory comprehensive scientific progress report from CIA and an itemised financial report at the end of each year.

A full scientific report is required at the end of the funding period.

The Betty Laidlaw MND Research Grant and MNDRIA must be acknowledged in all publications arising from this grant.

For more  information and application details, please visit the MND Australia website or phone (02) 9816 5322.

National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation (NFMRI) - 2016 Funding Opportunities

The following funding opportunities are currently available with the NFMRI in 2016:

1. 2016 Annual Grant Round
focus: all diseases/conditions, with a preference for applications that fall within portfolios 2 & 3, open nationally
more information about this grant round can be found here
closes: 6pm AEST on Friday, 22 April 2016
EOI form can be found here
Completed EOI forms should be submitted via this link

2. Dr John Dixon Hughes Medal for Medical Research Innovation
Nominations for a researcher under the age of 45 for outstanding contribution towards the development and advancement of a biomedical innovation related to the nature, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and incidence of disease and other health problems that have a significant impact on the health of humans. The medal will be awarded with a prize of $50,000 in the form of a grant.  
closes: 6pm AEST on Friday, 22 April 2016
Information about the award and the nomination process can be found here
Completed nominations should be submitted via this link

3. Emerging Infectious Diseases Grant Round
A total of $400,000 is available to support one or more research projects, over up to three years, investigating emerging zoonotic infectious diseases in the form of a joint research grant provided by the NFMRI and Biosecurity and Food Safety NSW

focus: emerging zoonotic infectious diseases, with a preference for applications that fall within portfolios 2 & 3, open nationally but research must be of benefit to NSW.   More information about this grant round can be found here
closes: 6pm AEST on Friday, 26 February 2016
Infectious diseases EOI form can be found here
Completed EOI forms should be submitted via this link

​For further information, please contact:​

Nancy Ranner (nee Piche)
Grants, Communications and Engagement Coordinator
National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation
E: npiche@nfmri.org.au
​0​413 922 370

MRO UPDATE - Discovery Indigenous 2017 (IN17) - NOW OPEN IN RMS

Applications for ARC Discovery Indigenous 2017 are now open in RMS and close 5pm on Thursday 31 March 2016.

1. Please visit the Discovery Indigenous page on the ARC website to download the Funding Rules, Instructions to Applicants and Frequently Asked Questions.

2. Please start your proposal in RMS as soon as possible so we know that you intend to apply.

3. The MRO intranet page for Discovery Indigenous will be updated shortly with templates to assist you with completing your application and the Certification form.

4. Please direct any questions that you have to the ARC Pre-award team at mro-arc@monash.edu
Key Dates
IN 2017
MRO close date
ARC close date
Funding Rules 10 Sept 2016
Open in RMS 3 Feb 2016
Proposal closing date
24 March 2016
5pm 31 March 2016
Request Not to Assess
10 March 2016
5pm 17 March 2016
Rejoinder Process
June 2016
June 2016

Oct/Nov 2016

ARC DECRA 2017 - Now Open in RMS

Applications for ARC DECRA 2017 are now open in RMS and close 5pm on Tuesday 22 March 2016.

2. Please start your proposal in RMS as soon as possible so we know that you intend to apply.

3. The MRO intranet page for DECRA (http://intranet.monash.edu.au/researchadmin/arc/arc-decra.html) will be updated shortly with Templates to assist you with completing your application and the Certification form.

4. Updates will also be sent to the DECRA mailing list.

5. The MRO Research Development Team can assist with application preparation, structure and content. They can be contacted at mro.researchdevelopment@monash.edu and are offering a strategic review service for applications submitted in RMS between 23 February and 1 March on a first-come-first-served basis. Please flag your desire for a strategic review by emailing the Research Development Team.

6. Please direct any questions that you have to the ARC Pre-award team at mro-arc@monash.edu

DE17 closing dates

DE 2017
MRO close date
ARC close date
Funding Rules    10 Sept 2015

Open in RMS      03 Feb 2016

Strategic Statement
    1 March 2016
Request Not To Assess
    1 March 2016
     8 March 2016
Proposal closing date
    1 March 2016
     5pm 22 March 2016
Rejoinder Process

     June 2016

     Oct/Nov 2016

Grant Round for China, Japan and Korea has officially opened

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is pleased to announce that the grant round for China, Japan and Republic of Korea has officially opened. Applications will close on 4 April 2016.

The grant rounds seeks to encourage overseas projects and engagement by individuals and organisations interested in enhancing Australia’s bilateral relationship with China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Australia-China Council (ACC) - https://dfat.smartygrants.com.au/ACC2016-17
About: The ACC supports projects across China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Australia, the grants are designed to provide seed funding to Australian organisations and individuals for proposals around education, economic diplomacy, arts and culture.

Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) - https://dfat.smartygrants.com.au/AJF2016-17
About: AJF grants are designed to provide seed funding to Australian and Japanese organisations and individuals for projects and programs that will deliver medium to longer term outcomes for the Australia-Japan partnership.  The AJF’s priority areas are: Communications, Information and Advocacy; Economics and Trade; Education and Science; Reconstruction (assisting communities of the Tohoku region to recover from the devastation of the 2011 earthquake/tsunami); Security and Regional/International Relations; and Society and Culture.  As 2016 is the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of the AJF, the AJF will seek successful proposals for badging as 40th Anniversary projects in 2016.
The Australia-Japan Publication Award is also open - https://dfat.smartygrants.com.au/AJFPublicationAward2016-17

 Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) - https://dfat.smartygrants.com.au/AKF2016-17
About: Projects and programs supported by the AKF help promote people-to-people engagement between Australia and Republic of Korea focusing on 4 priority areas, including trade diplomacy and geopolitics, technological and scientific innovation, building cultural understanding, and reciprocal Australian and Korean studies. The AKF welcomes multi-year grant applications to maximize impact.

Please see the attached flyer or visit the DFAT website for more information on open grant rounds - https://dfat.smartygrants.com.au/

ECF and CDF Applicants: Initiate applications in RGMS now

Just a quick reminder that applications for NHMRC Early Career and Career Development fellowships (ECFs and CDFs) are now open!

Please note that the closing dates for these are earlier than previous years:

MRO Close Date
NHMRC Close Date
Feb 17
Feb 24
Feb 24
Mar 9

Please see the MRO intranet site for submission and support details: http://intranet.monash.edu.au/researchadmin/index.php 

Research Development for NHMRC CDFs - Updated support documents given scheme changes

Research Development support for Monash's NHMRC CDF applicants.
As many of you know, MRO offers research development support for CDF applicants via the Incubator Program. Please be reminded that our strategic review period for CDFs opens 11 Feb 2016. Strategic reviews are available to all CDF applicants who submit drafts by 25 Feb 2016. Instructions to submit drafts for review are available on our cdf intranet page and appended at the bottom of this email for those of you without access to the Monash intranet.

Thanks to those of you who have sent us a review request already. We are currently working on Early Career Fellowship applications, due earlier than CDFs. We will transition to CDF applications as soon as we can.

CDF Scheme Changes:
The CDF scheme is now open in RGMS. Please initiate an application if you haven't already so that MRO can track your application. Please also review the new NHMRC documents.

There have been significant changes to the scheme, including new scoring criteria. A full list of changes is available from the Medical and Health Sciences team's CDF page. If you have trouble accessing this information, please contact mhs@monash.edu.
I have attached an updated CDF guidance document and an offlineapplication form with strategy tips. These documents are also available on the intranet.

For queries about our Research Development Support (aka Incubator Program), please contact mro.researchdevelopment@monash.edu or call me on 990 53085 with queries.

Incubator Strategic Review Requirements

CDF applicants will receive priority strategic review through the MRO Research Development Team between 11 February 2016 and 25 February 2016.
Applications will normally be reviewed on a first come, first served basis, with Schools and Faculties welcome to request particular attention to applications from candidates with strong alignment to their research strategy.
To receive a strategic review, please complete the request form available online (link) and attach:
  • A complete application including RGMS application summary sections and grant proposal in .doc or .docx
  •  The offline form (right) is available for this purpose, but not required. It contains updated tips for the completion of the application
  • Assessor Snapshot PDF and a grant proposal PDF as uploaded into RGMS. It is our preference to review word documents.
As well as:

  • A draft of your Supervision and Mentoring Template
  • A draft of your Employer Letter of Support (if applicable)
  • A draft of your Industry Letter of Support (if applicable)

Changes to research block grants announced in the National Innovation and Science Agenda

On 7 December 2015 the Australian Government released the National Innovation and Science Agenda. The Agenda will ensure that high quality research drives innovation that saves lives, answers social and environmental imperatives, improves economic productivity and growth, and creates the jobs of the future.

The Agenda includes a measure introducing new arrangements for the Research Block Grants, commencing in 2017. The new measure is in response to the Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements led by Dr Ian Watt AO.

More information about the Agenda is available at innovation.gov.au. The Research Block Grant fact sheet is attached for your information.

The Government has committed to consult with universities and other stakeholders on new programme guidelines in 2016.

If you have any questions regarding the consultation process or new arrangements, please contact Dr Terry Bowditch on 02 6240 7519 or email RBGrants@education.gov.au.

Funding Opportunity - CRC and CRC-Project Applications - NOW OPEN

The CRC programme is now open!

Information for Applicants is now available from the business.gov.au website.   The CRC Programme will be holding Webinars on the 23 and 24 February 2016 about the CRC and CRC Projects selection rounds – click here to register.

The CRC Association have released a news feature, including notification that potential applicants can book 20-minute meetings with the Department at The Business of Innovation 2016.

Following a review of the Cooperative Research Centre Programme, there have been some changes, notably the addition of CRC Projects, or CRC-Ps for short.  CRC-Ps will open for applications on Monday 1st February, as will the new CRC selection round.  Until Monday, the instructions for submission are not known, and so for now  the Programme Guidelines are attached here.

MRO would like to offer proposal development support to applicants intending to apply.  Applicants interested in this service should contact Luke McAvaney on 59790 orluke.mcavaney@monash.edu.  MRO can also offer compliance and eligibility reviews through the ARC Team.  Please contact Helen Partridge on 59895 or helen.partridge@monash.edu

Key Points:

· Short-term, industry-identified and industry-led collaborative research projects with industry focused education and training activities such as internships and secondments between industry and Research Organisations
· CRC-Ps need to be submitted by the Lead Participant which must be an Industry Entity
· CRC-Ps must have at least two Australian Industry Entities (of which at least one SME) and a Research Organisation
· Max $3m per CRC-P
· Up to 3 years in duration
· Must have matching funding (cash & in-kind contributions from participants = CRC funding request)
· Applications for CRC-Ps will close 17 March 2016.  
· Final outcomes expected by June 2016

· Medium to long term industry-led collaborative research to solve industry-identified problems, together with an industry-focused education and training program, and strategies which build the R&D  capacity within SMEs and deployment of research outputs and encouragement of take-up by industry
· CRCs must have at least one Australian Industry Entity and one Australian Research Organisation
· There is no specified limit to funding available for a CRC
· Up to 10 years in duration
· Must have matching funding (cash & in-kind contributions from participants = CRC funding request)
· Applications for CRCs will close 31 March 2016
· outcomes of stage one of the assessment process expected by June 2016

· final outcomes for CRCs expected at the end of 2016

CID update – Week beginning 8 February 2016

Hudson Institute Special Seminar
Friday 12 February, 11am-12pm, Level 3 Boardrooms, Hudson Institute
Dr Sun Hur from Boston Children's Hospital presents "Innate immune mechanism for viral dsRNA detection - stories on RIG–I–like receptors".  http://www.idi.harvard.edu/investigators_research/investigator/hur_lab/
A print out of Dr Hur’s profile and selected publications is available on the CID Noticeboard

CID Weekly Seminar Series
There will be no seminar on Tuesday 9 February (this seminar has been cancelled and was replaced with the Special Seminar held on Thursday 4 February)

The next CID seminar will be held on Tuesday 16 February

Role of monocytes in acute glomerulonephritis presented by Dr Michaela Finsterbusch, Erwin Schrōdinger Fellow, CID

Since 2014, Michaela is part Prof. Michael Hickey’s group at CID, Monash University, where she studies immune-modulatory mechanisms of leukocytes in experimental glomerulonephritis. In 2015, Michaela has been awarded an Erwin Schroedinger Fellowship. Michaela graduated from the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna in 2009 with a Master’s degree in Biomedicine/Analytics. From 2009-2013 she joined Prof. Nourshargh’s group at the William Harvey Research Institute in London to do her PhD, focussing on immune and vascular functions in experimental models of inflammation. After completing, Michaela stayed in London to work in Prof. Amrita Ahluwalia’s lab at the William Harvey Research Institute on the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1), before moving to Melbourne. 

Interesting issues in hepatology: coffee & concurrent diseases  presented by Dr Alex Hodge, SCS Early Career Practitioner Fellow, CID

Dr Hodge graduated from Simon Fraser University in Biology (Vancouver, Canada) and worked as a molecular biologist at Stem Cell Technologies.  After moving to Australia he graduated with honours in medicine from the University of Sydney and then trained in internal medicine at Westmead and Concord hospitals in Sydney.  Alex completed his Gastroenterology specialist training between Canberra and Melbourne at The Alfred hospital.  In early 2015 he completed a PhD at Monash University under the supervision of Professor William Sievert, focusing on stem cell therapy for liver cirrhosis and lifestyle modification for fatty liver (NAFLD).  Alex is a consultant at Monash Health where he attends gastroenterology and hepatology clinics, performs endoscopy and Fibroscan (liver fibrosis imaging.  He was awarded the inaugural Monash University’s School of Clinical Sciences’ Early Career Practitioner Fellowship in 2015 to continue his research in the field of fibrosis and fatty liver disease.  

CID Website
The CID website has been updated to a new format.  Andrea will be updating the content over the next few months.  Research Groups will be requested to review and update their pages over the next few months.  All feedback on the CID website is welcome.  Please contact Dr Andrea Johannessen, CID Strategic Development Officer – 857 22861 or andrea.johannessen@monash.edu or Room 20, Level 5 Block E.  

CID Noticeboard
A CID noticeboard has been set up in the corridor opposite Richard Kitching’s office.  Please refer to the notice board for information such as upcoming seminars.
You are welcome to add notices and posters relevant to staff and students in the Centre.

Research Officer

A position is available for a research officer in the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research.
The Hudson Institute of Medical Research is a not-for-profit, independent medical research institute located at Monash Medical Centre in Clayton, Victoria. The Institute employs almost 300 research staff, 30 administration/support staff and hosts over 100 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The position:
We are looking for an enthusiastic researcher with experience in the examination of host-pathogen interactions in vitro and in vivo. The research project primarily focuses on the examination of immune responses to the bacterial pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

The preferred candidate will have the following
1.     A PhD in immunology or microbiology
2.     Expertise in the examination of host-pathogen interactions is essential and a strong background in immunology is required
3.     Expertise in various microbiology, immunology and molecular techniques, including but not limited to: primary cell culture, transfection assays, ELISA, qRT-PCR and flow cytometry
4.     Demonstrated record of professional achievement in the relevant discipline area
5.     Demonstrated skills in written and verbal communication
6.     An ability to work independently and in a team environment

For enquires and submission of application, email Dr Maria Kaparakis-Liaskos

Applications close: 4th March 2016