Monday, 8 February 2016

Biostatistics Consulting Platform

The Faculty is pleased to announce the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Biostatistics Consulting Platform (BCP) to support research across all schools and campuses of the faculty.

The primary aim of the BCP is to enhance the quality, efficiency and impact of faculty research through the provision of biostatistical advice, consultancy and collaboration at all stages of the research process, including concept development, grant application, study design, protocol development, planning, data collection, statistical analysis, reporting and publication.

All researchers with appointments in FMNHS are eligible for this support.  Adjunct faculty members are also eligible if they regularly include a Monash University affiliation in their publications.
The faculty is heavily subsidising the cost of providing the services of the platform. However, there is a residual user fee, amounting to $100/hour for 2016.  The faculty recommends schools consider the purchase of blocks of consulting time, for which the BCP will provide quarterly reports of consulting hours, activities and outputs. 
SCS researchers should register their interest by e-mailing their Head of Department and also the School Manager (, outlining their potential usage requirements (e.g. approx number of hours).
The Biostatistics Consulting Platform web page can also be viewed at:

We at the faculty are excited to finally have this platform in place and encourage all schools to embrace the enhancement to the faculty’s research endeavours that this platform offers.

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