Monday, 28 November 2016

CID Weekly Seminar: Tuesday 6 December, "Unravelling how NF-kB signalling controls Treg development and function"

12:00 - 1:00pm, Tuesday 6 December Seminar Room 1, Level 2, TRF Building, MHTP

Prof Steven Gerondakis
Professorial Fellow, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University

We have previously reported that the NF-kB pathway controls Treg development in the thymus by promoting thymocyte commitment to this lineage and controlling the subsequent induction of Foxp3 in Treg precursors. However, the mechanisms by which NF-kB controls these steps are remain unclear. The post-developmental roles of NF-kB in Tregs also remain unclear. Here I will describe recently published data outlining the role of RelA in peripheral Treg function and revisit how we think c-Rel is controlling Treg development.
Prof Steve Gerondakis did his PhD at the WEHI characterising c-myc translocations in murine plasmacytomas (1980-18084), then undertook a post-doctoral stint in the lab of JM Bishop at UCSF (1984-1987) studying avian oncogenic viral induction of leukaemia. In 1988, he returned to WEHI to establish an independent lab during which time he developed his interest in NF-kB signalling. From 2008-2011, he held a professorial position at the Burnet Institute; from 2012-2014, he was a Professorial fellow at Monash Centre for Blood Diseases and currently is a Professorial fellow in the Monash Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology where he continues his work on the diverse roles of theNF-kB pathway in immune development and inflammation.

Please contact Andrea Johannessen ( to schedule a meeting with Steve after the seminar.
A light lunch is served prior to the seminar at 11:45am in the seminar room foyer, level 2, TRF Building.

Further information, including the link to add the seminar series to your google calendar, is available from CID Weekly Seminar Series website []

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