Tuesday, 12 July 2016

2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

Research Australia is calling for your nominations for the 2016 Research Australia Awards, to celebrate and recognise the achievements of you, your colleagues, your collaborators – anyone who has made a difference in Australia’s health and medical research sector.

These Awards are an opportunity to shine a light on those who are working hard within our sector, who are making incredible discoveries and advancements, and who have tirelessly advocated and supported health and medical research.

Research Australia Award recipients can be individuals, teams or organisations that have dedicated themselves to improving outcomes for all Australians, be it through their own research, or through their support of research.

There are seven Research Australia Awards to be presented this year, including a new award in Data Innovation. 

The categories for the 2016 Research Australia Awards are:

  • Data Innovation in Health & Medical Research Award is presented to an individual or team that has developed the most innovative method of gathering, making available, processing or interpreting data in a way that advances health and medical research. Individuals and teams from all fields of health and medical research are eligible for nomination, not just those who specialise in the manipulation of data, and innovations that provide new methodologies for research or have increased the availability of data for research are encouraged.
  • Griffith University Discovery Award is for an early researcher (no more than five years post PhD) whose paper/patent/discovery has already demonstrated its importance or impact.
  • Advocacy Award recognises an Australian from the community, the media or a celebrity who has raised community awareness about the benefits of health and medical research.
  • Great Australian Philanthropy Award is to recognise and encourage personal philanthropic donations over a period of time by an individual or family to health and medical research.
  • Health Services Research Award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to health services research, provided leadership in health services research, undertaken research that has led to a significant improvement in healthcare, or championed the development of the health services research field.
  • Leadership in Corporate Giving Award recognises outstanding leadership by a corporation or business in giving to and supporting health and medical research. This is not necessarily about the actual amounts donated, rather it’s the relationship or partnership and commitment over time that is an important dimension of effective corporate giving.
  • Peter Wills Medal created in honour of the great leader whose work led to the inception of Research Australia, the Peter Wills Medal recognises an Australian who has made an outstanding contribution to building Australia's international reputation in the area of health and medical research, and fostering collaboration for better health.


Nominations are now open, and you can download the nomination form and begin nominating here. All nominations must be received by Wednesday 3 August 2016.

For all questions and enquiries about this year's Awards, please contact Damien Maurice at damien.maurice@researchaustralia.org or by phone on (02) 9295 8546.

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