Monday, 20 June 2016

Research Assistant - Human T lymphocyte / CAR-T cells: Cartherics Pty Ltd

Cartherics is seeking a Research Assistant to help assist with the technology (primarily tissue culture and flow cytometry) underpinning  its very active research program in Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) -T based immunotherapies. CAR-T cells have rapidly evolved as a revolution in anti-cancer treatments.

Cartherics has two fundamental T cell based platforms. The first is to expand in tissue culture conditions, sufficient numbers of human blood T cells having a T cell receptor (TCR) specific for a particular cancer antigen. Their function will be initially tested by in vitro cell cytotoxicity assays. These will then be infused into patients bearing that cancer, in a Phase I trial to demonstrate both safety and also any potential anti-cancer efficacy. If successful these cells can then be genetically engineered to express additional CAR’s encompassing antibodies to other cancer antigens to enhance their killing efficacy. The second platform is to use induced pluripotential stem cells (iPSC) to embed a TCR specificity. These T-iPSC will then be transfected with specific CAR’s encoded within viral vectors, and induced to differentiate into cytotoxic T cells.

A central part of these projects is the tissue culture maintenance of cell lines, assistance in induction of T cell differentiation and cellular analysis by flow cytometry. The successful applicant will thus have a strong background in immunology related tissue culture and phenotypic and functional characterisation of different cell types – preferably human T cells. They will have a passion for the highest standards of laboratory practice and maintenance and enjoy working in a very active team of Post Doctoral Fellows and research technicians.

The appointee will have an appropriate undergraduate or post graduate degree and experience as a research assistant.
Company Description
Cartherics Pty Ltd is an exciting new Melbourne-based start-up biotechnology company, developing the next generation immune therapeutic approach to treat cancer. The Company’s objective is to identify and expand T cells with their own cancer recognizing T Cell Receptors (TCRs), then use sophisticated molecular engineering to empower these cells with additional cancer-specific recognition and activation molecules (CAR-T). Cartherics will use stem cell technology to exponentially expand these “cancer smart” killer cells. The laboratories will be located within the stunning new facilities of the Monash Health Translation Precinct.

Send application with C.V including potential referees to:
Professor Richard Boyd
Chief Scientific Officer,
Cartherics, Pty Ltd.
Telephone inquiries +61 419 317 533

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