Monday, 20 June 2016

Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016

On 30 October 2016, or on an earlier proclaimed date, the Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016 (Cth) will come into full effect.  The amendment Act will provide a legislative framework for the cultivation, manufacture and use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. 
Specifically, the Bill would:-

(a) ensure that any therapeutic product, including medicinal cannabis, meets Australia's strict international obligations safe-guarding its production, manufacture and distribution for medical and scientific purposes only;
(b) establish a licensing scheme for the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal and related scientific purposes;
(c) update existing manufacturing provisions to mirror the cannabis licence provisions;
(d) confer decision-making powers on the relevant Secretary so that an internal review provision, undertaken by the relevant Minister, can be facilitated; and
(e) make other and related amendments.

Dr Simon Barrett, Manager, Research Ethics & Compliance has indicated that your areas may be involved, (or could be involved in the future) in research relating to the manufacture/trial of use of cannabis for medical purposes.

The Risk and Compliance Unit would be interested to discuss your involvement in such research and determine how this Amendment to the Narcotic Drugs Act applies to your area, if at all.

Kevin Sweeney and/or Tina Valentine would be happy to catch up by phone or meet at a time convenient with you.  Alternately, if there is no research currently being conducted which is impacted by the Amendment Act, nor is it likely in the future, please respond accordingly by email to

For further information, please contact Tina Valentine, Risk and Compliance Adviser, Risk and Compliance Unit by email to or phone (03) 990 56847.

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