Monday, 30 May 2016

Update from Counselling and Mental Health Programs

New Employee Assistance Provider

After quite a few years we have changed our EAP provider to Davidson Trahaire Corpsych and therefore we have a new phone number 1300 360 364.  Please discard any old business cards or safety and wellbeing cards.  I can replace them if you let me know you need some. 
Some perks of being with the new provider are;
·         24/7 phone service available
·         Students and staff are able to get counselling off campus (6 sessions free)
·         Access to more workshops and seminars (at a cost)
·         The DTC GreatLife App available for download 

Student Mental Health Champions

A team of students comprising of all faculties, various modes of study, and across campuses (Clayton, Caulfield and Parkville) have been chosen to join our leadership initiative.  These students are passionate about reducing the stigma of mental illness and improving student engagement about these topics.  They meet on monthly basis and coordinate initiatives.  Here are some of their wins so far;
·         The ‘Smile for mental health’ comedy night during Summerfest (260 tickets sold)
·         Speaking engagement at MRS - Howitt Hall (150+ residents)
·         Peer led study skills workshop in concert with Yulendji Indigenous Engagement Unit
·         Partnerships formed - with MUBS (Berwick) and MONSU (Peninsula); upcoming speaking engagements planned
·         Participated in videos and provided feedback for our new ‘Changing Minds’ online course
·         A social media campaign for SWOTVAC – see the Monash Uni facebook page this week
Minto Felix will continue to lead this awesome bunch until the end of the year.

The launch of our 1 hour moodle course ‘Changing Minds’

‘Changing Minds’ is an online course targeting students.  The aim is to develop their understanding of mental illness and the importance of recognising signs and symptoms in order to offer help / direct someone to seek help and the Counselling Services that are available at Monash University.  Although this has only been a soft launch we have already had approximately 70 students complete it.  It’s hoped that this acts as a bit of a tasters and inspires them to do more face-to-face courses like MHFA.  Feel free to check it out and provide feedback

Upcoming staff courses

Upcoming dates
Understanding Mental Health seminar (Previously called Mental Health Awareness)
Designed to help you recognise distress in others as well as the support services available within the University and wider community.
A 3 hour seminar
For staff and student groups on request
A workshop to equip you with resources to help someone developing a mental health problem or in a mental health crisis until professional help is available
2 day training
Clayton: 28 & 29 June
Caulfield: 11 & 12 July
Clayton: 23 & 24 November
Internationally recognised certificate provided
Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help, either directly or indirectly. This half-day program helps you identify and work with these opportunities. SafeTALK stresses safety while challenging beliefs that inhibit open talk about suicide.
3.5 hour workshop
Caulfield: 7 July
Parkville: 16 September
Clayton:  27 September
Caulfield: 27 September
Internationally recognised certificate provided
Using a combination of presentations, discussion and practical exercises to promote emotional health and relaxation.
4 x 90 minutes sessions
Clayton: September 23, October 7, 14 and 21
Reduce stress, and improve mental health, wellbeing and resilience using mindfulness. Consists of weekly formal mindfulness meditation practices, cognitive strategies and reflective activities designed to enhance both the professional and personal life of staff and students.
6 x 60 minute sessions
Clayton: Aug 12, 19, 26, Sep 2, 9, 23
A comprehensive lifestyle program underpinned by enabling strategies such as mindfulness, enhancing motivation, goal setting and behaviour change. This practical course enables participants to apply the ESSENCE model to personal and professional life including setting and working towards healthy lifestyle goals.
6 x 60 minute sessions
Clayton: Oct 6, 13, 20, Nov 3, 10, 17
Aimed at people who have completed basic mindfulness training, have a regular personal practice of mindfulness, and wish to enhance skills to teach it in various educational and professional settings. Topics include: introducing mindfulness as a concept, teaching mindfulness meditation, mindful inquiry and debriefing, and working with groups
4 x 90 minutes sessions
Clayton: September 23, October 7, 14 and 21
This introductory workshop is broken into two parts:
Part 1 is an introduction including the background to mindfulness.
Part 2 focuses on practically implementing mindfulness-based strategies in personal and professional life.
Half day
Wellington Rd: 30 August

Includes Part 1 and Part 2 for staff with the addition of Part 3, which explores how supervisors can incorporate mindfulness into teamwork and workplace culture.
Those wishing to deepen the understanding of mindfulness and the ability to apply it should look at doing one of the 5 or 6 week courses offered.
Half day
Wellington Rd: 29 November
Guided mindfulness meditation sessions. A great way to get started with mindfulness or to deepen your existing practice.
30 minute sessions 
Students and staff

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