Monday 30 May 2016

myResearch Showcase 10 am Thursday 7 July - Invitation

The next phase of myResearch will go live on 12 July 2016 with the launch of the new system, Pure and the release of application forms for human ethics in Infonetica Ethics Review Manager (ERM).

We would like to invite you to a myResearch showcase on 7 July, 10-11.30am, Seminar Room 1, MHTP Translational Research Facility.

This showcase is open to researchers, Heads of School/ Departments and professional staff.

We will provide a demonstration of the new systems Pure and ERM to show the following features:

·        Overview of the system dashboards and features
·        Lodging a coversheet for a grant application
·        Approval/ rejection of the application by a Head of School/ Dept
·        Researcher profile
      ·   Research outputs: importing, claiming and using ORCID
·        Submitting an ethics application
·        Receiving ethics committee feedback

Opportunity will be available for Q&A.

To attend this Showcase, please register here. Once registered, the event can be entered into your Google calendar via the link in the confirmation email.

Here is a short video that provides an overview of the new myResearch portal that the University is developing.:

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