Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Can you help our clinical embryology students? Sperm donors urgently needed this week!!

It is that time of the year again that our clinical embryology students (40 of them) are doing important training in semen analysis and we need you (or your partners) to help us out!  

The practicals are held on Tuesday 12th April, Wednesday  13th April, Thurs 14th April and Friday 15th April , so if you can help us with a sperm donation on any of those days that would be great. Some of you helped out last year, and if you can do so again that would be good, but new comers are welcome!   

Please email or ring Sally Catt (sally.catt@monash.edu or 0416821654 or wk  99024818 and she will deliver a coded pot (or 2) for you to take home, and will give more specific instructions then.  As we are on the 5th floor in the MMC, we can collect from TRF, MIMR/E block (your office, whatever).

For those on site, we do have access to an official semen collection room on the 3rd floor E Block.  If using this facility, there is a secretary or nurse available, and she can hand out appropriate DVDs and magazines, if required (yes there’s a comfy sofa and a tv!). The pot can be left in the room or returned to our office. You just need to indicate to the staff there whether you have left it or not.
Rewards? You can, if you ask, get an unofficial verbal/brief written assessment of the sperm prep (but, if you would rather not know, that’s fine too). I will be handing out a chocolate or a bottle of beer as a thank you and a way of replenishing stocks! (sorry, we are not allowed to pay). 

Please note this request is sent on behalf of Dr.Sally Catt to assist in the training of our embryologists. We understand that this is an unusual request but please take the time to read and consider it, as you will be providing a valuable service in training people who greatly assist infertile couples.  We really appreciate your help.

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