Monday, 21 March 2016

PRIZES & AWARDS BULLETIN: A new Prime Minister’s Prize; Fresh Science and $50,000 stem cell prizes extended

Fresh Science - deadline extended to 30 March

Still thinking about nominating? We're giving you the Easter break to complete your nominations - get it in by Wednesday, 30 March.

Fresh Science is a national competition that selects researchers with research results, an invention, or a discovery, trains them how to find and tell the story of their science, and helps them share their findings with the media and the public.

We’re looking for:
  • early-career researchers (from honours students to no more than five years’ post-PhD)
  • with a discovery that has had little or no media coverage
  • and with some ability to present their ideas in everyday English (something we can build on).
Nominate now at It’s (relatively) pain-free.

Or, come and share a beer with this year’s Fresh Scientists and hear about their discoveries. We’re bringing Fresh Science to pubs in Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Sydney. Details at

Fresh Science South Australia is supported by the South Australian Museum, Flinders University, the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia.

Fresh Science Western Australia is supported by the Western Australian Museum, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, the University of Western Australia and The University of Notre Dame.

Fresh Science Victoria is supported by Museum Victoria, Swinburne University and CSIRO.

Fresh Science New South Wales is supported by the University of New South Wales and the Australian Museum.

Fresh Science Queensland is presented by eConnect and supported by the University of Queensland.

Now in its 19th year, Fresh Science has trained over 300 scientists to share their science, and generated hundreds of news stories via TV, print, radio and online. You can read past Fresh Scientists’ stories online at

Prizes, prizes, prizes

$50,000 prizes for early-career stem cell researchers

The deadline for applications for the Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research has been extended until Wednesday 30 March 2016.

The $50,000 prizes are open to mid-career researchers who are five to 10 years past their PhD or MD (research-based) and working in stem cell research in Australia. Applicants could be working in medicine or agriculture, government or a university, or anything in between.

To apply online, and for a full list of criteria and conditions, head to the National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia’s website:
Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science

Australia’s most prestigious and highly regarded awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, research-based innovation and excellence in science teaching.

This year there’s a new prize for early career researchers – the $50,000 Prize for New Innovators.

Nominations close on 28 April 2016. More information
BioMelbourne Network’s Women in Leadership Awards

Celebrating outstanding women in biotech, medical tech and health innovation, the BioMelbourne Network Awards recognise strong leaders and innovators serving as role models and mentors in the Melbourne biomedical community.

Applications close 31 March. More at

Calling Tall Poppies

The Young Tall Poppy Science Awards recognise excellent up-and-coming researchers, alongside a proven ability and passion to engage the wider community with science.

Run by the Australian Institute for Policy & Science, these awards are often a stepping stone to other science awards.

Nominations close 11 April. More at:
L’Oréal For Women in Science Fellowships

The Fellowships recognise outstanding early-career, female scientists and assist them in consolidating their careers and rising to leadership positions in science. We’re not currently assisting with the Fellowships this year.

Nominations for the four $25,000 Fellowships close 12 April.

Visit for more.
Academy of Science Awards recognising science leaders

The Academy’s honorific awards are open to scientists of all levels of experience across physical and biological science. They’re also offering funds for research, conferences funding, and travel.

The closing date for the award nominations is 30 April and the closing date to apply for research, conference, and travel support is 15 June.

For details see
Australia’s most comprehensive science prizes – the Eureka Prizes

The $160,000 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, recognise research, science communication and journalism, leadership, and students.

This year there are two new prizes: innovation in medical research and innovation in citizen science.

Nominations close 6 May. More at

Media training workshop for scientists

Conveying the complexity of your research, your life’s work, into a 30-second grab for the media can be hard. The solution is to shape the essence of your science into a story.

Join Science in Public for their one day media training workshop and get some help.

Two experienced science communicators will work with you to find the story in your research. Over the years we’ve helped Monash launch the world’s first printed jet engine, revealed the loss of half the coral on the Great Barrier Reef, helped CERN announce the Higgs boson, and revealed the link between CSIRO’s Wi-Fi patent and Aussie astronomy.

We will help you find the right words to explain your research in a way that works for the media, as well as for government, industry and other stakeholders.

Working journalists from television, print and radio will join us over the course of the day to explain what makes news for them. And you’ll get the chance to practice being interviewed in front of a camera and on tape.

The day’s insights and training will help you feel more comfortable in dealing with journalists when media opportunities arise.

Upcoming courses:
  • Sydney: Tuesday 12 April, Business Events Sydney, 100 William Street
  • Melbourne: Tuesday 19 April, Royal Society of Victoria, 8 La Trobe Street
  • Sydney: Wednesday 4 May
  • Melbourne: Thursday 12 May and Tuesday 21 June
  • Adelaide: date TBC
Courses run 8.30am to 5pm. Cost is $800+GST and includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea, with lattes on demand.

Read more about the media training workshop online.

Science in Public – planning, mentoring, communicating
Contact me to find out more about our services to train, mentor, plan and deliver media and communication strategies for science.  We offer:

Communication plans, mentoring and training
We can review your stakeholders, messages and tools and help you and your communication team refine your plans. We offer this service for individual announcements or for a whole program or institute.

Media releases, launches, and campaigns
We can help you develop an outreach program, from a simple media release through to a launch, a summit, a conference, or a film.

Publications and copy-writing
From a tweet to a newsletter; from a brochure to a Nature supplement, we can write compelling and accurate science-driven copy which captures the essence of your story and purpose.

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