Friday, 23 January 2015

New MHTP website launched

Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) partners Monash University, MIMR-PHI Institute and Monash Health are proud to announce the launch of the new MHTP website

This new and improved site is aimed at explaining and promoting the MHTP while acting as a central site for all MHTP activity and directing visitors out to each of the partner websites where more detailed research and health information is available. 

The MHTP is one of the Institute's major draw cards for potential recruits, students and funding bodies and this website is a great promotional tool to use at conferences and meetings to demonstrate the significance and potential of this site.  Please visit:

Initial meeting with Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance - 3 March at 4pm

Dear Department of Medicine members,

The Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance (MGHA) is seeking to meet with clinicians and researchers at MMC/MHTP Clayton to discuss:

- 5 year vision of integration of genomics into clinical medicine, developing new intellectual property and clinical tests, linked to EHRs and clinicians, etc.

- A plan being developed for presentation to the State Government, as a response to an election promise of $25 million to develop a statewide Medical Genomics initiative.

You are invited to provide valuable input and attend this meeting scheduled for Tuesday 3 March 2015, 4 - 5pm in the Medicine Seminar Room, Level 5, Block E, MMC, Clayton.  Professor Kathryn North (Director Murdoch Children's Research Institute and Clara Gaff  (WEHI/MGHA) will be representing MGHA.

If you are attending please RSVP by Friday 27th February to

Monash Health Research Week Poster Competition - abstracts due 3 March

Monash Health Research Week
Tuesday 17th March – Thursday 19th March 

New Lecture Theatre 1 Monash Medical Centre Clayton

Research Week is an exciting opportunity to acknowledge the achievements and showcase the ground breaking research being conducted at Monash Health and its organisational partners in the Monash Health Translation Precinct.

Highlights of this week:
  • Official Opening of the new refurbished Lecture Theatre 1.
  • Launch of Research Report.
  • Research Lectures and Seminars.
  • Poster Presentations. Best in Theme Poster Award.
  • Best Young Basic and Clinical Researchers Competition.
Poster competition and Young Investigator Awards.
A key element of Research Week is the Poster display and Competition.  The poster competition this year includes awards for Early Career Investigators and also for Best Research.  Both are divided into Clinical and Basic Science Research sub categories.   Please refer to the guidelines and entry form for further information.
Please note that that the closing date for Poster Abstracts is  Tuesday 3rd March.
Everyone is welcome to attend any or all of the events during this exciting week.  Registration is not required. 
For further information, please contact the Research Support Services, email:

SCS Near-Miss Scheme 2015

SCS Researchers are reminded that an internal SCS Near-Miss Scheme has been developed for highly-ranked ARC Discovery and NHMRC Project grants that miss out on funding. 

To be eligible to apply for a SCS Near-Miss grant at the end of this year, your grant application must have initially been through an internal grant review process in early 2015, such as the joint SCS-MIMR-PHI Early Grant Application Review Process, which is currently underway. 

An additional review panel to assess clinical research-based grants is being established and further details will be distributed to researchers shortly.

Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Support Programs – CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

The Vice-Provost (Research), Professor Pauline Nestor, has announced that the Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) Support Programs are open for 2015. Nominations for the following central grants are due by 1 May 2015:
  • IDR Major Project Grants  - up to $250,000​ per project
  • IDR Seed Project Grants - up to $50,000​ per project
Program information, Guidelines and Nomination Forms can be accessed here. If you have any questions, please contact Kylie Reid (99029467;

IMPORTANT REMINDER: 2015 Project Grants Round - Minimum Data Requirements in RGMS

M​inimum data ​for the 2015 Project Grants Round must be entered  in RGMS by 5:00pm
​(​AEDT​)​ on 18 February 2015​, to allow the NHMRC to commence sourcing suitable assessors. Applications that fail to satisfy this requirement will not be accepted

Applicants are also reminded to complete the recommended fields below with correct information. Using placeholder text such as “text”, “synopsis” or “xx” etc. are not acceptable as minimum data.

NHMRC Project Grant Information Session - Slides and Information

Unfortunately the video recording of last week's NHMRC Project Grant session failed and no video or audio of the session is available.
However, the MRO has uploaded the slides of the presentation, tips on filling out the New Investigator form, example feedback from MRO, questions and answers that arose from the session and an assessors snapshot and summary snapshot of the RGMS application form highlighting the Minimum data requirements, common errors and requirements new to the 2015 application process on their website here.

All links are available at the bottom of the page under the heading 2015 MRO Project Grant Information Session.  The Medical and Health Sciences Team at MRO can be contacted for any assistance.

What does your snoring say about you?

Sleep expert Dr Sarah Biggs talks about snoring on ABC radio.

5 week Mindfulness Program - lunch time sessions, starting Tuesday 3 February at MMC

Following on from last year's "Introduction to Mindfulness" session at MMC, Wellbeing at Monash is pleased to invite you to participate in a 5 Week Mindfulness Program, delivered by Dr Craig Hassed.
Mindfulness involves a series of simple meditative practices and cognitive strategies to help change unproductive thought and behaviour patterns. Mindfulness can also be described as an attitude to living and may enhance:
- stress management
- work and study performance
- contentment, peace of mind and balance
- relationships at home and work
- concentration and focus in the moment
- resilience
- physical and emotional health
Program dates:Tuesday February 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 3
Time: 1pm - 2pm
Venue: Surgery Seminar Room, Level 5, Block E, Monash Medical Centre Clayton
Cost: Free for Monash University staff

Biosafety Module 2 Training - (OGTR and Australian Quarantine Regulations) - On-site Training

Date: Tuesday 10th Feb 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Venue: MIMR L3 Board Room

To enroll for the course please email:,  by COB Friday 6 Feb 2015

Personnel who need to complete this course:

As per the Monash University OHS training matrix, the following personnel must complete this course every three years:

- Biosafety Officers
- Supervisors (whose staff undertake research in this area)
- Technical staff who undertake such research
- Postgrad and Honours students whose research involves gene technologies

Using your Monash Corporate Credit Card

Monash Corporate Credit Cards should only be used for University travel and entertainment expenses. If you wish to purchase any goods or services not related to travel or entertainment you should contact your local Procure to Payment team x24838 who can assist you with the entire purchasing process.

To help staff understand what they can and cannot use their credit card for while travelling, Finance has developed a printable wallet size guide and a quick reference guide to credit card spend.

These guides are a handy resource for understanding when and where you can use your credit card while travelling and how much you can spend.

For further information about using your credit card please contact your local Procure to Payment team or visit our Expense guidelines.

Monash Travel Management Companies (TMCs)

The quickest and easiest way to book travel for University business is through Monash’s Travel Management Companies (TMCs) Voyager and Campus Travel.  Both TMCs provide a dedicated Monash team of highly trained, experienced staff who are able to book and manage all your travel requirements.
To make a booking simply contact Voyager or Campus Travel via phone or email with your travel details and they will take care of the entire booking process.
The TMCs will also take care of the payment process for you - just remember to provide your Cost Centre and Fund when booking.  For further information please visit the Travel at Monash website.

Ring Road Interruption: High Voltage Cable Run

What is happening?

  • Final works installing High Voltage electricity supply cables to the new MHTP-TRF building are scheduled from next week.
  • During the works, the intersection of our service road adjacent to Blocks D, E and I will be closed to traffic.

How will the works impact me?

·         There will be No Thoroughfare through the site to or from Kanooka Grove during the works.
·         Access to the loading dock, E Block, P-Block car park and Area G Car Park will only be available from Clayton Road.
  • The Browns Road South Car Park Shuttle Bus will drop-off and pick-up on the service road between McCulloch House and P-block during the works.

MHRP East/West Bridge Link Works

Works to install the East/West Bridge link from the TRF into L3 of MHRP are about to kick into overdrive. Lend Lease have issued me with a program of details for the works to take place starting on the 28th January and concluding on the 23rd of March 2015.

As always we have envisaged a minimal interruption program, with works that involve drilling/coring to be done after hours/weekends and at times that do not impact on highly sensitive commercial operations.

The works will see the installation of two bridges:

1. An aerial bridge connecting the TRF on Level 4 to the MHRP building on Level 3 
2. Installation of a smaller bridge connecting the TRF and MHRP at ground level providing access to Kanooka Grove.

Below is a summary of key dates:

PULSAR project - GP training in Mental Health

Registered general practitioners are south-east Melbourne are invited to participate in Recovery Oriented Practice training.  

Please see here for details.

Monday, 19 January 2015

NHMRC Science to Art competition: now open

Image by 2013 award winner,
Dr Michael Lovelace
Do you have a passion for art?  You could be the next winner of the NHMRC Science to Art competition!!

Science to Art is held biennially and recognises outstanding examples of art that has arisen from research funded by NHMRC. The winner of the award receives a framed print of their image and acknowledgement by NHMRC.

Submissions close Friday 6 February.  Further details here.

Monash research saves lives and health costs

Prof Thanh Phan
In a landmark study, researchers from Monash University have shown the cost-effectiveness of nonadmission-based care for mini-stroke patients.

Adjunct Clinical Professor Thanh Phan and colleagues from the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) published their microcosting study in NeurologyClinical Practice, an official journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Stroke is the second single greatest killer and one of the leading causes of disability amongst
adults in Australia.

A mini-stroke, or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) happens when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted for a short period of time and is often a warning that a stroke may occur.

“TIA requires urgent treatment,” said Professor Phan. “A recent analysis of TIA care in the United States indicated 70 per cent of patients were admitted for 2-6 days with average hospitalisation charges of $17,000 USD per patient.”

Monash University research uncovers potential of new clinical trial for lymphoma patients

Dr Jake Shortt
Researchers at Monash University have shown a novel anti-lymphoma therapy is remarkably effective against one of the most aggressive B-cell lymphomas.

Published in the prestigious journal Leukemia and led by Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre’s Dr Gareth Gregory, the research is part of an ongoing collaboration with Monash University’s School of Clinical Sciences(SCS).

According to Cancer Council Australia, lymphomas are the most common form of haematological or blood cancer in Australia, and the sixth most common form of cancer overall.  

The incidence of lymphomas has more than doubled over the past 20 years and is continuing to rise, for no known reason.

“Certain B-cell lymphomas carry a cancer causing gene called ‘Myc’, said research collaborator Dr Jake Shortt, co-senior author and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health.

SCS researcher recognised by the American Stroke Association

A/Prof Cadilhac
Novel research evaluating rural stroke services has earned School of Clinical Sciences’ (SCS) Associate Professor Dominique Cadilhac 1st prize in the prestigious 2014 Stroke Progress and Innovation Award.

The highly competitive prize is awarded to research that presents a new approach, new methodology, new interpretation of existing data, or new data with far-reaching implications. 

Associate Professor Cadilhac’s award winning paper, “Evaluation of Rural Stroke Services: Does Implementation of Coordinators and Pathways Improve Care in Rural Hospitals?” examined the quality of care for stroke patients in rural hospitals.

How decision making and personality may be related to weight

Monash University researchers are investigating how people’s decision making ability and personality may be related to how much they weigh.
Associate Professor Antonio Verdejo-GarciaSchool of Psychological Sciences, said previous research had shown there might be a connection between weight - specifically the fat around the organs in the body - and cognitive processes, such as decision making.
The researchers are looking for overweight young adults from Melbourne between 18 and 24 to take part in the study.
“We are looking for people in this age group as they are beginning to independently make food choices and develop lifelong eating habits,” Associate Professor Verdejo-Garcia said.

NHMRC Early Career Fellowship (ECF) Workshop

You are invited to an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship (ECF) Workshop aimed at assisting intending applicants to decide whether to apply for a ECF this year or in future years. It will also improve your chance of success. 
ECF Incubator nominees are particularly invited, but all are welcome.
ECF Workshop
Date: Wednesday 21 January 2015

Time: 2:00 - 3:30pm
Venue: Theatre S12, 16 Rainforest Walk (previously Building 25)
Speakers: Professor Jennifer Wilkinson-Berka, Dr Michelle Dunstone and Professor Matthew Gillespie

Video-link - The Alfred (Boardroom 1, Level 6 Alfred Centre); Parkville Campus (The Egg Video Conference Room Bldg 404, Room 5.35)

A recording will be made available to those who are unable to attend.

REMINDER: 2015 Project Grants Round - New Investigator and Cancer Australia Young Investigator Eligibility

The New Investigator (NI) initiative aims to support researchers who are yet to receive significant research funding through a competitive grants process. NHMRC seeks to ensure that the success rate for NI applicants is approximately the same as that for standard Project Grant applications.

Any Chief Investigator (CI) who wishes to apply as a New Investigator must seek confirmation of their eligibility to apply in this category by
5:00PM (AEDT) on Wednesday ​21 January 2015. The early application and notification process is intended to allow the applicant(s) time to adjust the CI team if they do not meet the eligibility criteria. The mandatory New Investigator form can be found here.

Funding Opportunity for Joint Program Committee Medical Simulation and Information Sciences Research Program

Department of Defense (DoD) Defense Health Program (DHP) Defense Medical Research and Development Program (DMRDP) Joint Program Committee 1 (JPC-1) Medical Simulation and Information Sciences Research Program (MSIS) Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15)

On behalf of the Defense Health Agency, Research, Development, and Acquisition (DHA RDA) Directorate, the JPC-1/MSIS intends to release an FY15 Joint En Route Care Training Initiative Program Announcement.  The JPC-1/MSIS operates in partnership with the DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).  CDMRP is the execution management for this Program Announcement and will provide management support for subsequent awards.
The JPC-1/MSIS is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop applications.  The FY15 DMRDP JPC-1/MSIS Joint En Route Care Training Initiative Award Program Announcement and General Application Instructions are anticipated to be posted on the ( and the CDMRP eReceipt ( websites in February 2015. 


Cut-off for consideration in the current round of JDRF Travel Grants is approaching.Applications must be submitted by 11.59pm, February 1, 2015.
JDRF provides grants of up to $2,000 for domestic travel, and up to $4,000 for international travel to early stage scientists, and allied health/nursing professionals. The awards are designed to provide funding for travel to research institutions or scientific meetings, for the purpose of furthering the recipient’s expertise in type 1 diabetes research or management.

Two categories of Travel Grants are available:

Update for DECRA 2016

1. Eligibility Exemption Requests for DECRA 2016 are now open in RMS and will close on 28 January 2015
  • Instructions for submitting an eligibility exemption request can be downloaded here.
2. DECRA 2016 information session will be held Friday 30 January.MRO is pleased to announce that Prof Marian Simms, ARC Executive Director for Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences will visit Monash on Friday 30 January to present an information session on the DECRA16 scheme.

ECF Incubator Workshop

This workshop will assist intending applicants decide whether to apply for a ECF this year or in future years. It will also improve your chance of success.

Time: 14:00-15:30, Wednesday 21 January 2015
Venue: Theatre S12, 16 Rainforest Walk (previously building 25)
Speakers: Professor Jennifer Wilkinson-Berka, Dr Michelle Dunstone and Professor Matthew Gillespie

Video-link - The Alfred (Boardroom 1, Level 6 Alfred Centre); Parkville Campus (The Egg Video Conference Room Bldg 404, Room 5.35)

A recording will be made available to those who are unable to attend.

Information Sessions for ARC and NHMRC Funding Opportunities

ARC Discovery Projects for Funding Commencing in 2016
We will be presenting:
·  An overview of the scheme and changes to the rules from last year 
·  Changes to the application process in RMS 2.0
·  Guidance on writing the Project Description (Part C) and Budget Justification (Part E) for this scheme and how to make your proposal competitive
Date: Thursday 22 January 2015
Time: 9.30 – 11.00am
Location: S12, Building 25, Clayton Campus
Speakers: Prof Philip Marriott (School of Chemistry and ARC College of Experts), Kim Cornish (School of Psychological Sciences and ARC College of Experts), Assunta Pelosi (ARC Pre-Award Team, Monash Research Office)

As places are limited, please register here to attend.
If you are unable to attend, the session will be recorded for later viewing.

Public Consultation on Elements of the NHMRC Project Grants scheme

The NHMRC CEO Professor Warwick Anderson AM is currently seeking feedback on elements of how the agency administers the Project Grants scheme, namely the process to determine grants deemed Not For Further Consideration (NFFC) and Applicant Response steps; and the duration of Project Grants funding support.

The NHMRC has requested individual submissions rather than organisational ones, therefore could you please disseminate this information to all your researchers. The closing date for submissions is 3:00PM (AEDT) on Tuesday 24 February 2015.

All submissions must be made through the online public consultation portal available at


Research Assistant

A position is available for a research assistant to work in the Hertzog laboratory of the Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases, MIMR-PHI (affiliated with the Department of Molecular and Translational Sciences, Monash University) ) . The broad area of the project is to characterize the role of a novel interferon, called IFN epsilon, in regulating the mucosal innate immune response to infections and other diseases. In particular this project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will address aspects of hormonal regulation of gene expression, primary human cell culture, immune based assays of protein expression, various assays of gene expression and some studies in animal models. We are looking for an enthusiastic and inquisitive scientist with the ability to work as part of a team and independently as required, with experience in most of the aforementioned techniques.

Enquiries and applications with a cover letter, c.v. and academic transcript should be sent to:

Get fit! Pilates - commencing February

After popular demand, pilates will be back for 2015! Participants found huge benefits with improvements in strength, posture and balance with the convenience of being on site.   
Classes will be held at lunchtime in the MIMR-PHI Board rooms.

Places are limited so please secure your place with a $50 deposit to Amy Gifford (Level 1, MIMR-PHI Building) by Friday 23rd January.  Please also indicate your preference of day.   Look forward to seeing you on the mats!

PhD Student Welcome 2015 function - Thursday 29th January

On behalf of Prof Kate Loveland, Head of Postgraduate Studies for the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, all new and currently enrolled PhD students are invited to a morning tea.

Brief presentations by Kate Loveland and by Jess Van Gent from the Monash Postgraduate Association will commence at 10:30 am, followed by morning tea.

Come to the de Kretser Concourse, Level 3 "Bridge" of the MIMR-PHI Institute, 27 - 31 Wright Street, Clayton VIC 3168. 

For students that do not have access to the MIMR-PHI Institute please sign in at Reception located on the ground level.
We look forward to meeting you there and have no doubt you will enjoy meeting with your fellow PhD students!Please RSVP your attendance HERE by 4 pm Friday 23rd January.

Lupus freezer to be locked

The freezer (Assett EQ00035871) opposite the door in room 5-SS27 will be locked from COB Wednesday 21st January. Please could all samples that are not part of the Lupus Biobank be removed before then.  Thank you!