Monday, 14 December 2015

ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) - EoI Process for LE17

Professor Ian Smith, Vice-Provost (Research and Research Infrastructure) has provided the following advice about the Expression of Interest (EoI) process for LE17:

The EoI for ARC LIEF grants has opened and in this context, we would like to both streamline the process for evaluating and endorsing the EoI's as well as trying to ensure requests for equipment align with the university/faculty strategic research priorities.

We would expect that the overall cash contribution from the university would total between 40% and 60% of the total request for funds and that this would likely comprise one third from the faculty, one third from the relevant School/Department and one third from Central. 

To secure this funding for Monash led bids, it is important that each funding group signs off on their commitment (thus confirming the strategic importance of the request) before any EoI can be lodged and importantly, before any potential partners are asked to support the application.

For non-led bids there needs to be signed approval by the lead Institution before sign off by the relevant School/Department and Faculty regardless of contributions.

The timelines:
Monday 14 December 2015
VicLIEF portal opens
Monday 8 February 2016
VcLIEF portal closes (open for 8 weeks)
Weds 17 February 2016
DVCR meeting 
Thurs 18 February 2016
RO’s notify outcomes
Thurs 18 February 2016*
RMS opens
Thurs 9 April 2016*
RMS closes
  *RMS dates indicative

Please find attached a helpsheet which outlines the LE17 EoI process and includes instructions on the use of the online EoI portal.

Please direct all queries about LE17 to Helen Partridge, Manager, ARC Team at MRO (

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