Monday, 30 November 2015

Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) - CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Please find attached an opportunity to apply to be part of a project entitled Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE).

This call for proposals is a joint call between Ecole Polytechnique Federal of Lausanne (EPFL) as coordinator, and the partnering polar institutes (Australia/ France/ Norway/ Russia/ South Africa/ UK) under the patronage of Mr Frederik Paulsen.

The call will be open between 23 November 2015 and 31 January 2016. 

The goal of the ACE Project is to offer to international teams of distinguished scientists an outstanding and unique opportunity to study the marine and terrestrial environment of the sub-Antarctic ecosystem, based on the following components: 
· A round trip of Antarctica in a single expedition (see Annex 1 Travel plan) of a 3-month duration. Project teams can participate in the whole expedition or only in one or two of the scheduled legs. Please see the Travel plan set out in Annex 1 (“Travel plan”), which shows the anticipated route along with a tentative time line for the three-month expedition, including proposed timing for island landings and cruising timelines between the islands. It should be noted that this map is purely provisional and will be adjusted, within the time frame, as required in light of the selected scientific projects.
· A polar vessel proposed by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of St Petersburg will be made available for the Project, offering research labs and other facilities such as helicopters and other means of transport (see Annex 2 - Vessel description and research facilities). 
· A high level International Panel composed of distinguished scientific experts from polar institutions located in ACE partner countries including South Africa, Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and the Russian Federation, with participation by external experts, will be established. The Panel will play a strategic role in selecting the scientific projects that will participate in the ACE project;

Two kinds of projects are expected: 1) Projects which are going to use the vessel and the research platform without any requested funding; and 2) Projects which require additional funding. For the latter, funding will be provided by a sponsor with anticipated grant levels of up to 200 thousand Euros per project. 
Research projects should address scientific questions related to either the sub-Antarctic islands or the Antarctic Ocean (or the linkages between them). The important science questions relating to these areas are already outlined in the strategic plans of many Antarctic institutes and the SCAR Horizon Scan document, and are readily available to the scientific community. Particular areas of interest within these topics include:
  • Understanding the physics, chemistry and biology of the Antarctic ocean;
  • Biology, biodiversity and the impact of climate change on the sub-Antarctic islands;
  • Geosciences of the islands;
  • Health and remote medicine in extreme environments.
The ACE project seeks to enhance international relations and collaboration amongst countries as well as to promote the interest of a new generation of young explorers in polar research. Therefore, we expect research projects submitted to the Panel to be open to any country or institution. Applicants should pay attention to the strict conditions and rules allowed by countries to conduct research projects in the islands and their environs. Annex 3 provides an overview of the key elements applicable to research projects seeking access to the islands and their environs. Applicants are requested to confirm that their project will comply with the rules presented in the annex and to read the complete Island Management Plan if necessary.
For further information please contact

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