Monday, 28 September 2015

LabArchives - Roll-out in 2016 for all NEW graduate students

What is LabArchives?
LabArchives is an electronic lab notebook (ELN). It is a secure, password-protected online software application that replaces the traditional paper notebook, and is used as a recording system for research data, meeting notes, and other relevant material.

How LabArchives will assist PhD supervisors in their role
Adoption of LabArchives will aid the supervisor in monitoring and directing PhD research. The student ELN is platform independent and viewable by web browsers and mobile devices. Results are accessible to both students and their supervisors anywhere in the world at any time. Moreover, LabArchives supports off-site co-supervision by enabling supervisors to access their student’s results and more effectively engage in the supervision process. LabArchives will also act as a repository of supervisory sessions, work plans, manuscripts and presentations.
The pilot program
A pilot program to trial the use of LabArchives has been undertaken in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS) in 2015. The pilot has been a great success and has generated much positive feedback from its users.

Roll-out in 2016
The Faculty will be rolling-out LabArchives from 2016 onwards. As part of this process, it is expected that all enrolling graduate students adopt the use of LabArchives from 2016 onwards. Current graduate students will be encouraged to use LabArchives, particularly if their lab migrates to its use over the course of their PhDs.

How will we support you in the roll-out?
We are currently in the process of appointing a full-time ELN Coordinator who will lead and facilitate the adoption of LabArchives and to support the roll-out within FMNHS during 2016. This process is being supported by e-Solutions and the Monash Library.

Training workshops will be provided at local School levels, so that there is a clear understanding of the platform and how it works. Although LabArchives is quite an intuitive product to use, supervisors will be offered training in the first half of 2016 to ensure that they have full access to their student’s research.

We understand this will be a change in process; however, our aim is to ensure that firstly our students are trained in processes they will encounter in the work place over the course of their careers. Secondly, LabArchives serves as a support for research integrity and data security.

We thank you in advance for your support of this initiative. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to Nellie in the first instance.

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