Monday, 17 August 2015

TRF in the final stages of construction

Excitement is building with only a few months to go until the completion of our new $84m Translational Research Facility (TRF).

Builder Lend Lease is ahead of schedule in completing the state-of-the-art building, with all internal works almost finished and the building now at lock-up stage.

"The completion of the TRF will not only provide access to an impressive translational research asset for our clinical and scientific staff, it will also signal the start of a new era in translational research for Victoria," said MHTP Business Director Michael Wright.

The Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP) is the name that has been given to the entity linking the TRF and the three existing research buildings and partners.

"For the first time in Australia, a research precinct will be structured around clinical research themes," added Michael.

"This means that clinician researchers and scientific staff, regardless of their employing entity - Monash Health, Hudson Institute or Monash University - will be co-located within the Precinct as mixed groups with similar clinical and scientific interests."

“There’s been a lot of collaborative work occuring behind the scenes with all of our stakeholders, partners, Lend Lease and the consultant team to deliver a high-quality building, on time and on budget,” said Monash Health Director of Major Capital Projects and Planning, Sylvia Hadjiantoniou

“Buildings can be great enablers for the delivery of healthcare and research and the new TRF is going to herald a new chapter for Monash Health and its partners,” Sylvia said.

Read the latest MHTP updates here, including information about relocation.

Powerpoint slides presented by Steve B at the SCS staff meeting last Friday about the transition to the TRF are here.

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