Monday, 31 August 2015

Copyright Law - Difficulties for Universities [Please respond by 2 September]

The Go8 office has been involved in making representations to the Government about anomalies and outdated provisions in copyright law which disadvantage universities in their teaching, research and community engagement activities.  Problems and hindrances potentially arise across a very broad range of universities’ activities in teaching, research, research collaboration, and storing and dissemination of materials (for research, teaching, community engagement and other purposes) in electronic form. 

They have advised that it would be really useful to have some concrete and specific examples of impediments to research activities, including international research collaboration, and research collaboration with industry due to restrictions imposed by copyright law. In particular, it would be great to have some examples of impediments to data mining and data sharing that have hindered Go8 universities’ research.

Monash University has been asked to provide a response to the Go8 office.  As such, we are requesting that you please provide comments and specific examples of impediments to research activities due to restrictions imposed by copyright law to by COB Wednesday 2 September, for inclusion in the University’s response.

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