Monday, 29 June 2015

Monash/Newcastle Enabling Fund Applications

A reminder that applications for 2015 Monash-Newcastle Enabling Funds are now open. The application form is attached here

Enabling Funding provides travel funds (airfare and accommodation expenses) to enable academics to explore potential collaborations (or further existing collaborations) between Monash University and Newcastle University. The awards are for a maximum of £2500 or AUS$5000 and any investigator within Monash or Newcastle Universities whose area of research is broadly within the Biomedical Sciences is eligible to apply. 

Enabling funding applications must:

  1. Enable linkage of at least one academic from BOTH Universities;
  2. Outline the purpose and objectives of the visit, including area of interest for collaboration or use of potential technology capabilities; and
  3. The proposal should be able to demonstrate how it supports and further develops the strategic aims of the Newcastle-Monash partnership.
Submit completed applications to AND Please use “Monash/Newcastle 2015 Enabling Fund Application” in the e-mail subject line. 

Note, this is a rolling application process but the first group of applications should be assessed near the end of June. Assessment will be carried out by the Monash and Newcastle Steering Committee. The decision to fund an enabling application will be made jointly by both Universities. Travel must be taken within a 6 month time frame from being awarded the enabling funding.

Please direct any questions to

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