Monday, 22 June 2015

Invitation to Nominate - Australian Harkness Fellowships in Health Policy and Practice

The Commonwealth Fund is pleased to invite you to nominate a candidate for the 2016-17 Australian Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice. Established in 1925, the Harkness Fellowships were modeled after the Rhodes Scholarships and aim to produce the next generation of health policy leaders in participating countries.

Please complete and email the nomination information below to Robin Osborn, director of the Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice, at as soon as possible, and application materials will be emailed directly to your nominee.    The deadline for receipt of applications from Australia is 8 September 2015.

Candidate’s Name:
Candidate’s Job Title:

About the Fellowship
The Commonwealth Fund invites promising mid-career professionals—government policymakers, academic researchers, clinical leaders, hospital and insurance managers, and journalists—from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom—to apply for a unique opportunity to spend up to 12 months in the United States as a Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice.

Fellows are placed with mentors who are leading U.S. experts at organizations such as Harvard University, Stanford University, Kaiser Permanente, the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to study issues relevant to the Fund’s mission to support a high performing health care system ─ insurance coverage, access, and affordability; health care delivery system reforms (e.g. bundled payments, accountable care organizations, innovative approaches to care for high need/high cost patients); cost containment; and other critical issues on the health policy agenda in both the U.S. and their home countries. A peer-reviewed journal article or policy report for Health Ministers and other high-level policy audiences is the anticipated product of the fellowship. Harkness Fellows have published their findings in top-tier journals, including: BMJ, Health Affairs, New England Journal of Medicine, and the Medical Journal of Australia.

The Commonwealth Fund brings together the full class of Fellows throughout the year to participate in a series of high level policy briefings and leadership seminars with U.S. health care leaders. 

The Harkness Fellowship is widely regarded as the pinnacle international program for health system researchers and policy leaders, and for very good reason. The Commonwealth Fund’s standing allows Fellows direct and unparalleled access to leading U.S. health care experts within government, academia, and provider organisations. My time at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) led to a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine and allowed me to build a strong network of U.S. and international collaborators that continues to this day. The Harkness Fellowship has been, and will continue to be, instrumental in my career development, and the bonds made with other Fellows will be long-lasting.  
-Adam Elshaug (2010-11 Harkness Fellow), Associate Professor of Health Care Policy, Menzies Centre for Health Policy, The University of Sydney

Beginning with the 2016-17 class, each fellowship will provide up to U.S. $130,000 in support, which covers roundtrip airfare to the U.S., living allowance, project-related travel, travel to fellowship seminars, health insurance, and U.S. federal and state taxes. A family supplement (i.e. $60,000 for partner and two children up to age 18) is also provided to cover airfare, living allowance, and health insurance.

The deadline for receipt of applications from Australia is 8 September 2015.

Learn more about the Fellowship:

Please feel free to contact Robin Osborn at or Jane Hall (Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation, University of Technology, Sydney) at with any additional questions about eligibility, the project, or the application process.

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