Monday, 11 May 2015

Risk management training

As outlined at previous School meetings, by the end of 2015, the Head of School is required to sign-off on the SCS OHS Plan and submit to Faculty. One element of this plan requires all Risk Assessments and SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to be updated, which must only be done once every three years. There are currently approximately 80s Risk Assessments to be updated in total across the School. The University policy identifies Research and Lab Group Heads with the responsibility of ensuring that all Risk Assessments for their areas are current.

To assist with this process of updating the Risk Assessments, an OHS training course - 'Risk Management' - has been booked for Wednesday 10th June (10:00 am - 2:00 pm). It will be held in the Medicine Seminar Room. A maximum of 20 people can attend this course, so please contact me by e-mail to register. Dale will also be actively recruiting for this course!

The 'Risk Management' training course only needs to be completed every three years, and is mandatory for the following personnel: Safety Officers, Academic Research Supervisors, Senior Managers, Biosafety Officers, Radiation Safety Officers, and other Project Officers. It is also recommended that Technical Staff complete the course where relevant to their workplace. Please refer to the Monash University training matrix for full OHS training requirements:

On a related point: All staff and students are required to complete the mandatory 'Online Monash Safety Induction Program'. The SCS had the poorest completion rate for this course in the Faculty in 2014, and we must address and rectify for this year. The course only takes 30 mins and can be accessed here:

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