Tuesday, 14 April 2015

2015 Ride for Research - most successful event yet!

MIMR-PHI's major annual fundraising event the 'Ride for Research (R4R)', was held last month and this year's event was the most successful yet. The current tally sits at almost $34,000 for the purchase of an xCELLigence System for the Institute, an outstanding result in the event's 10th year. 

The success of the event has only been possible thanks to the efforts of the riding team, volunteers, donors, and sponsors BankVic, VicSuper, Davies Collison Cave and Zouki. A very special thanks also goes to Andrew McCallum who, with wife Pat, was instrumental (as always) to the planning and coordination of the event, and CRH's Peter Stanton and his wife Elspeth who were in the support crew for the entire R4R event. 

The R4R Team gave up countless weekends for practice rides and, this year, the bulk of the funds were raised were by the riders themselves through our new fundraising platform. On behalf of everyone at the Institute, we thank the R4R Team for their outstanding fundraising and grueling cycling efforts over the last few months. Having such a dedicated group of supporters is a testament to the importance of MIMR-PHI's research.

We appreciate all the support we have received from MIMR-PHI staff and students during the event. The 2015 R4R received a record number of donations from staff which has been a very important show of support for the riding team and for the Institute.

If you would like to contribute to the event you can still do so in the following ways:
  • Volunteer for MIMR-PHI's fundraising Bunnings BBQ on Sat 2 May at the South Oakleigh Bunnings
  • 'Like' or 'share' the MIMR-PHI event posts on our Facebook and Twitter
  • Make a donation towards the event or a rider at: http://mimr-phi.gofundraise.com.au/ 
To view the R4R pictures visit:

If you are interested in fundraising for the Institute or have any fundraising suggestions, please email development.office@mimr-phi.org

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