Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Meet our ECRs - Dr Lisa Ryan

Can you explain your research? And what results / outcomes do you hope to achieve in the long term?
Being Irish, I was brought up on tea and later on in life developed a love for coffee, chocolate and red wine.  I often joke that my research career developed out of trying to justify some of my dietary habits. My area of research predominantly focuses on the potential health beneficial effects of chemicals in plants known as polyphenols (found in all fruits and vegetables; also readily available in chocolate, tea/coffee and red wine). I am particularly interested in their ability to affect the blood glucose response and insulin sensitivity. I hope that this research will lead to the discovery of natural compounds that may be useful in protecting against the development of type 2 diabetes.  My research also includes examining the potential of these compounds as functional ingredients to aid in the development of novel functional foods.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I really wanted to be a lawyer however I followed the OJ Simpson trial religiously which completely put me off.

What do you enjoy doing outside work?
I love spending time with my family ‘discovering Australia’ as we are still relatively new here, playing hockey or running along the beach with my dog in toe. 

Something your work colleagues probably don’t know about you?
I hold a black belt in kickboxing…I tend to keep that information to myself until I need to mention it! 

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