Wednesday, 18 February 2015

OHS AROUND THE GLOBE Sharing OHS best practice

Chuah Chong Boon and
Professor Sek Chow visit
from Monash Malaysia
In the latter half of 2014, Professor Sek Chow and Chuah Chong Boon, from the Monash Malaysia School of Sciences visited the Clayton campus on an exciting fact finding mission to identify what constitutes a good OHS management system and positive safety culture.
The visit was supported by their Head of School, Professor David Young and the Monash Malaysia OHS Manager, Mr Pram Kumar Nair.
The Monash Malaysia campus is located in Bandar Sunway, Malaysia, approximately 20 kilometres from Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysia School of Sciences runs the Bachelor of Science, BSc. Medical Bioscience, BSc. Food Science and Technology and Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science teaching programs. The School has recently occupied new state of the art research and teaching laboratories and thought it an opportune time to review their OHS practices.

Professor Chow and Mr. Chong Boon met with personnel from the OH&S unit,  safety personnel in the School's  of Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Earth, Atmosphere & Environment and staff in a number of other service divisions to discuss common activities and how inherent hazards and risks are effectively managed.
It was quickly identified that everyone shared the same daily challenges in relation to managing OHS risk and often innovative solutions to improve OHS performance had been developed. These ideas were shared enthusiastically and openly.
Both colleagues returned to Malaysia with examples of induction programs, risk assessments and other various OHS templates with a renewed enthusiasm to incorporate learning's and best practice into their own safety management system. Thank you to all those whom assisted our visiting affiliates on their fact finding mission.
Food for thought - Have you sought guidance on OHS best practice from within your Faculty or Division? Do you consult with your local OHS Consultant for guidance? Do you share innovative ideas with your peers?

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