Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Mobile Early Voting - Victorian State Election

The following information in regards to early voting at MMC.
What is happening?

·         The Victorian Electoral Commission will be at Monash Medical Centre from Tuesday to Thursday, November 25-27, 2014, to operate an Early Voting Service for the State Election being held on Saturday November 29, 2014.

Who can vote at this Early Voting Service?

·         Patients, staff, visitors or carers may use this service to cast an early vote where they may experience difficulty attending a voting centre on Saturday November 29.

Where will the voting take place?

·         The Early Voting team will be based in the area outside Lecture Theatre 2 each day from 9:30am – 12:30pm and 1pm – 4pm.
·         The early voting team will visit patients on-ward where they are unable to travel to the Early Voting Service.

Will my vote remain secret?

·         The mobile voting team will make every effort to make sure that votes are cast in secret.  They understand that some electors may need help to complete their vote.  Electors should feel free to ask for assistance if this is the case.

What will happen when the elector votes?

·         Before issuing ballot papers, the mobile voting team member will:
o   Ask the elector their name and address;
o   Look their details up on the roll;
o   Confirm their electoral District and Region;
o   Mark their name on the roll to indicate that they have voted; and
o   Issue them with two ballot papers for them to complete – one for the Legislative Assembly (Lower House) District and one for the Legislative Council (Upper House) Region
·         If the elector is on the state roll, their vote may be placed directly in the ballot box.  If their name cannot be found on the state roll they may need to complete an envelope to vote.  Where this is the case, the voting team will need to verify the electors identity.
·         The voting team will carry folders containing copies of how-to-vote cards that electors may refer to if required.

How do I get more information?

Further information may be obtained from your Site Management team
·         Telephone:         03 959 44727      
·         Email:   MMCSiteManagement@monashhealth.org

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