In his capacity as Minister for Medical Research, Deputy Premier, the Honourable Ben Carroll visited our labs and met with several leading scientists and clinician-scientists. Hosted by Professor Eric Morand, Dean Sub-Faculty of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Minister Carroll learned of our translational research and its subsequent clinical impact. He referred to us as a ‘mini-Stanford’ – which we are. We look forward to future visits where we can showcase more of our work.
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Monash Staff Zoom Start Of Year Checklist
Did you know that Monash has hosted over 2 Million meetings via Zoom last year? that's a lot of minutes, it also means there are many recordings.
To meet the university’s increased Zoom storage needs as usage of the platform grows, Monash will implement a 12-month retention limit for Staff Zoom recordings starting on Feb 5th, 2024. Consequently, Zoom recordings older than 12 months will be permanently removed.
What do you need to do?
Please transfer recordings older than 12 months to a suitable storage location before 5th February 2024.
Additionally, please be aware that in the future, all Zoom recordings older than 12 months will be subject to automatic deletion. We also urge you to delete any recordings from your profile that are no longer required. If you need to keep recordings, please refer to this guide for alternative digital storage options.
To review and take action on your Zoom recording, please log in to your Zoom account, and go to the Recordings page.
If you need extra help, please refer to the instructions on how to manage your Zoom recordings
If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via the IT Service Request Portal
Au Revoir Christine
Sadly, this week saw the departure of SCS School Manager, Dr Christine De Nardo, who next month moves to the Olivia Newton John Wellness & Research Centre as Chief Operating Officer.
In a very eventful 15 months in the role here Christine has worked with endless energy and positivity to improve all things SCS. Christine has excellent leadership skills, brilliant strategic skills and can run in heels. We will miss Christine enormously and know she will blitz at Olivia Newton John.