Thursday, 9 November 2023

Emerging Leaders meeting

The Sub-Fac of Clinical and Molecular Medicine held its second Emerging Leaders Meeting on 9 November.

Set up to provide professional support for members, the group comprises mid-career staff from several disciplines.

This month, Dr Kim Huynh, SCS Research Manager, gave a comprehensive update on funding, staffing, training, resources, and onsite IT access. Kim also provided Monash University statistics for recent grants and tenders. 

Karen Sims, SCS Communications Manager, spoke about the importance of having a social media presence, how to react to incoming media, and provided some handy tips on planning outgoing media.

Associate Professor Rachel Hill from the Department of Psychiatry spoke about her project stemming from a recent breakthrough in her laboratory that identified a new mutation in a gene called ARX in a patient with schizophrenia. Rachel is now working on the functional consequence of this mutation.

Facilitated by Associate Professor Jun Yang, the meeting is a pleasant way to catch up with colleagues and hear what they’re working on.

Photo: This woman is now 23. When she was six and in grade two, she persuaded her whole class to go to the school principal's office with her to report a librarian who was bullying a student. Now that's leadership!

End-of-year recruitment deadlines

From the recruitment team

We are pleased to share with you our end-of-year recruitment deadlines. You may notice that they are earlier than usual. We are delighted to share that we have support from HR leadership to set these dates so that we are not as rushed to get everything done as we usually are at this time of the year. This also recognises the tremendous work that has occurred throughout the year. There will be some flexibility for urgent requests which we will consider before progressing.

Important Recruitment dates for year-end:

  • Monday 27 November - Last day to submit advertised job cards in REX
  • Monday 4 December - Last day to submit non-advertised job cards in REX
  • Friday 8 December - Last day for job postings
  • Monday 11 December - Last day for recruitment to issue contracts

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

World Stroke Day 29 October

Stroke is the leading cause of disability worldwide and each year more than 12 million people have strokes. But there is hope. Up to 90 per cent of strokes are preventable and by addressing a small number of risk factors responsible for most strokes, the world can be #GreaterThan stroke. Professor Dominique Cadilhac, Co-director and Research Lead of the Stroke and Ageing Research Group, spoke with Peter Greco from Vision Australia about managing risk factors of stroke, many of which display almost immediate benefits – stopping smoking is one of them. The interview is here (November 4 edition, begins at minute 61).

Novel Pharmacological Approaches

Well done, Dr Connie Wong! Connie won a Future Leader Fellowship for her project, Identifying novel pharmacological approaches for limiting stroke-associated neuroinflammation and pneumonia. Connie said, “I express my most sincere thanks to the donors for the support of the Future Leaders Fellowship.” We have it on good authority that Connie is an excellent mentor to others in the cardiovascular community.”

Congrats and thank you, Connie.

Ruth Fantozzi completes (yet another) marathon!

The amazing Ruth Fantozzi ran her 15th Melbourne Marathon on 15 October. Executive Assistant to Peter Ebeling, Ruth has run many marathons, including in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Traralgon AND has run numerous Great Ocean Road ultra-marathons.

Congratulations Ruth! We are in awe of your endless abilities.

Ruth is sticking to half marathons from now on. Slacker.

Do I have to? Yes, it’s mandatory.

By Karen Sims

A friendly reminder for people who have not yet completed the mandatory Introduction to Cyber Security module, it is a condition of your terms of engagement.

The module covers:

  • Phishing emails 🎣
  • Malware ☣️
  • Login credentials 🔐
  • Protecting your devices 💻
  • Sharing files 🗂
  • Online safety 🌎

To complete the Introduction to Cyber Security module:

  1. Please click here
  2. Select Launch to start the ‘Introduction to Cyber Security’ module

Here’s a tip. I allocated some time to complete the module and promised myself a big salad* when finished. Worked a treat.

For any technical issues, please contact Access HR via

Here is the Mandatory Compliance Training Procedure.

*By salad I mean a block of chocolate, family size.